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Yep, problem is people like my mum just won’t read snopes or similar (I did send her that link this morning). Got this in reply.

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On the plus side she’s maybe not so far gone in that she doesn’t even know to say MSM yet.


Why always about the msm? Is there no other way information can enter our brain except by way of media? What happened to education and learning? Presumably your mum put a value on you attending school?
She’s always been like this (aliens homeopathy all that) but right now it feels critical, because acting on these ideas about the virus is imminently dangerous.

What would "acting on these ideas" mean in her case? If it's a bioweapon the self-isolation advice etc. would still apply, wouldn't it?
What would "acting on these ideas" mean in her case? If it's a bioweapon the self-isolation advice etc. would still apply, wouldn't it?
The two actionable things in today’s video were do not wear masks (they ‘activate’ the virus) and don’t take the vaccine which will be fake and could kill you. A previous one advocated mass gatherings of the ones who know the Truth but she didn’t send me that one.
Why always about the msm? Is there no other way information can enter our brain except by way of media? What happened to education and learning? Presumably your mum put a value on you attending school?
I think some of this is internet illiteracy, not knowing how to evaluate sources etc, some of that due to just age.
The two actionable things in today’s video were do not wear masks (they ‘activate’ the virus) and don’t take the vaccine which will be fake and could kill you. A previous one advocated mass gatherings of the ones who know the Truth but she didn’t send me that one.

I've seen very few masks about and a vaccine is a while off, so I guess you have some time to work on her.
I've seen very few masks about and a vaccine is a while off, so I guess you have some time to work on her.
Yep. And I don’t know how committed she is to the content of these videos anyhow. Reckon if masks were mandated she’d probably wear one rather than stay home.
Some of my freaked out reaction to it all today was just exasperation not really fear, but the people pushing this stuff to sell books and clicks I do hate them.
Yep. And I don’t know how committed she is to the content of these videos anyhow. Reckon if masks were mandated she’d probably wear one rather than stay home.
Some of my freaked out reaction to it all today was just exasperation not really fear, but the people pushing this stuff to sell books and clicks I do hate them.

Yeah, it's always hard to tell the degree to which they believe their own shit, too.
Here's an extensive debunking of that "Plandemic" pseudo-documentary that keeps getting passed around:

Personally, I think there could very well be a failure of the education system within many Western English-speaking countries, where this kind of bullshit seems to be distressingly commonplace. Flat-Earthers, ant-vaxxers, creationists, they all outright say that we just get told things by the education system, that "what we're told" isn't the truth. How the fuck did so many people go through compulsory education without picking up how it is that we know such things, and not just that we do know them? No doubt some of the people who say such things are simply lying, especially the people with YouTube channels and Patreon accounts who steal a living off this kind of crap. But that begs the question of how these grifters are able to amass enough followers to live so comfortably.

I think the fault with the education system is because it is focused on learning rote facts and passing tests. Instead of actually teaching kids how we know what we know, and not just that we know it. I think I got taught about the scientific method like once in secondary school? It certainly feels like I've only really learned how science works outside of school.

Like, if flat earthers truly understood the scientific process, and if they were honest, then they would be forced to admit that they don't have a consistent and falsifiable physical model. Instead what we get are a bunch of cargo cultists who appropriate the language of science without knowing what the hell it actually stands for.
NoXion i think you're right, maybe especially now when there is this endless amount of 'information' which people can easily feel just swamped by, then spurious claims to superior knowledge, like this dodgy Dr in the video, will be grasped by people like my mum who knows that she has never learnt how to sift truth from lies and wont even try to do it for herself. Learning how to evaluate sources & judge claims against other info would be the most useful thing you could teach at schools but I don't know if it's happening at all and certainly wasn't in her generation. The closest i got was probably history where you can easily understand what unreliable / biased narration is etc.
NoXion i think you're right, maybe especially now when there is this endless amount of 'information' which people can easily feel just swamped by, then spurious claims to superior knowledge, like this dodgy Dr in the video, will be grasped by people like my mum who knows that she has never learnt how to sift truth from lies and wont even try to do it for herself.

I think a big part of it is that a lot of people have no idea how to properly evaluate a source of information. It's like they just picked up this crappy heuristic in which anything "mainstream" = bad and then cherry pick the rest.
yep. And there's benefits to believing this stuff - membership of an in-group who all reinforce each other whilst being ridiculed by outsiders, feeling powerful for knowing The Truth, all that. It is massively damaging to relationships, same as a cult membership or being a trump supporter, splits families.
NoXion bimble you may be right - but in my opinion this idea of menacing corporates up to no good - and the idea of pure knowledge being propagated by uncorrupted souls in the know is well ingrained in internet social media. - a trope in fact.

I used to take a passing amateur interest in computer operating systems - and always wanted to have a Linux PC., There was always acres of print in hobby magazines extolling Linux - quite often vilifying Microsoft with the catchphrase FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). Programming and IT generated these ideas back in the 1980s.

How did it work out then, 25 years later?

I would have though that of all the IT companies the one which has managed complete domination in the exploitation stakes is Apple Mac. They buy their hardware cheap from China. The software is always under their total control - to the point where if there is a crash you may have to prove to Apple that you bought the device before they will re-activate it. And they are making an absolute killing and were buying back their shares furiously to avoid corporate taxes.

Microsoft seems intermediate to me - it's software is most generally accepted and cheaper but they always get you by rendering it obsolete and "unsupported" within 5 or so years.

Linux I still really like the look of - but in terms of support seems to require a brain like Einstein.
Bill Gates etc..

I reckon most of the tittle tattle on Facebook etc - and even more so Russia Today (RT) is some sort of exercise in guilt by association. Even a phrase like "The New World Order" (ie Obama, Hilary Clinton and the WHO) is simply an incantation of doom.

If you care to watch David Icke's 45 minute interview, recently controversial, that's pretty much all he does. He just keeps linking together catch phrases designed to push the hot buttons of his devotees.

Sadly this may actually be the human condition. For many years I was a non-atheist attender of the Conway Hall. I found so,me of their lectures very off in that they couldn't resist having vindictive swipes at organised religion. On the other hand I learned more about heresy and alternative ways of looking at things at Conway Hall than I ever did from a C of E vicar.

Anju my reply to your intriguing passport photo thingy was intended as a crossword puzzle construction based on this process shown in a recent BBC Horizon programme. Horizon was discussing how CRISPR could be used to cure genetic diseases - or be abused.

Note: Chinese scientists seems to be well ahead when it comes to CRISPR - a couple of them got reprimanded. See this learned journal report of genetically edited babies!
Experiments that led to the first gene-edited babies: the ethical failings and the urgent need for better governance

Sorry, missed your reply. Guess this is another thing to add to my should learn more about list.
Stupid people are signing a stupid 'Stop Vaccines Becoming Mandatory In The UK' petition because they're too stupid to learn that UK law specifically states that vaccines are NOT compulsory.

(I can't be arsed to link to the change.org petition) which is essentially a fuckwit's register.

There's no mandatory vaccine law in UK
First, we've looked at a widely shared video posted on YouTube that claims changes introduced in UK law give the government the power to enforce vaccinations as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

Under current UK law, however, this is not the case - vaccines are not compulsory.

This legislation gives the government powers to prevent, control or mitigate the spread of an infection or contamination.

However, it explicitly states that regulations cannot require a person to undertake medical treatment, including vaccination.

The Coronavirus Act introduced in March 2020 extended this prohibition to Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The current legislation "makes explicitly clear that the power to make such regulations does not include mandatory treatment or vaccination", says Louise Hooper, a barrister at Garden Court Chambers in London.

Had a doorstep chat with my next door neighbor on Friday and he has decided there's something "not right' about coronavirus as he doesn't know anyone who has had it and neither does anyone he works with. Saturday I was sat in our garden and could hear him going on about that plandemic video and now this evening they've got a visitor telling him and his housemates that most TV news is staged, YouTube are taking down videos by doctors and scientists to hide the truth and there's a group of about a thousand people who control the world, why are we listening to Bill Gates about healthcare and not the doctors (presumably the YouTube ones). They also all seem to agree that the deaths are fake/ just the normal number and that it's a communist plot .It's insane and incoherent, an illuminati-communist conspiracy to control people for no intelligible purpose.

Probably spoken to him 10 times over the last couple of months and always got the impression that he hasn't really taken much notice of the situation up to now. It's a very quick conversion and from our doorstep chat it sounds like it was just one video, plandemic which I've seen posted on Facebook but not watched, which managed to convince him everything else he'd seen and read over the last couple of months is fake.

Scary to think how many people will increasingly be looking for explanations of our current shitty situation as it drags on and the government continue to fuck up.
I’ve read a couple of synopses of that film & a couple of articles going through what’s wrong with it / why it’s so persuasive / how to debunk it etc.

This piece is definitely the most useful of them all; it’s aimed at people who are bemused at seeing their previously sensible friends share it, and has a well organised list of links to follow up.

Yes, we need a policy of containment for as long as possible to try to limit the spread :D
Seriously though- I have a friend who is deeply troubled by the news that there is Deep State and 5g will fry us all! This is an intelligent and rational person and I don’t believe what these evil b****ards are doing to them!!
Seriously though- I have a friend who is deeply troubled by the news that there is Deep State and 5g will fry us all! This is an intelligent and rational person and I don’t believe what these evil b****ards are doing to them!!
My last FB update:
The disappointment you feel when someone you thought was cool starts raving about how Plandemic reveals the 'truth'...
Here's a very short video that IMO raises just enough points that should get any reasonable person to question the claims made in Plandemic.

This place is great sometimes :) . Here we now have a proper collection of resources to respond to that plandemic video which is the one that got my mum.
Have been able to get through to her now, and one of the things that helped was assuring her that she absolutely does have the intelligence & ability to judge for herself what to trust but she has to pay proper attention when listening to things like the claims in that video and not just let it wash over her.
I lost my patience with these cunts before this story, but what a fucking cunt.
I found the article a bit dubious. Like 77 arson attacks on phone masts since 30th March???
180 cases of staff working on mobile masts suffering abuse????

I appreciate I am probably heaping up a massive backlash here - but to me all this reportage is verging on "The Crucible" territory. I say verging because The Crucible, as an attack on McCarthyism did actually have a plot where the religious fantasists of Salem were using mass hysteria to get hold of their (now executed) neighbours property.

In the case of coronavirus and 5g it's as if the perpetrators of the fantasy on Youtube and Facebook - and now Wired - are relieving their angst by causing social breakdown.

I would like to know what fact checking Wired do. Can they really verify 77 arson attacks and 180 cases of abuse?
I found the article a bit dubious. Like 77 arson attacks on phone masts since 30th March???
180 cases of staff working on mobile masts suffering abuse????

I appreciate I am probably heaping up a massive backlash here - but to me all this reportage is verging on "The Crucible" territory. I say verging because The Crucible, as an attack on McCarthyism did actually have a plot where the religious fantasists of Salem were using mass hysteria to get hold of their (now executed) neighbours property.

In the case of coronavirus and 5g it's as if the perpetrators of the fantasy on Youtube and Facebook - and now Wired - are relieving their angst by causing social breakdown.

I would like to know what fact checking Wired do. Can they really verify 77 arson attacks and 180 cases of abuse?

These are the kind of people who would continually harass grieving parents who lost their children in a mass shooting (cf: Sandy Hook). Even if we consider such incidents as mostly "suspected" rather than confirmed, I'm not sure what other plausible motives there could be for an uptick in attempts to burn down comms towers and for attacking telecoms engineers.
These are the kind of people who would continually harass grieving parents who lost their children in a mass shooting (cf: Sandy Hook). Even if we consider such incidents as mostly "suspected" rather than confirmed, I'm not sure what other plausible motives there could be for an uptick in attempts to burn down comms towers and for attacking telecoms engineers.
I've heard of that. But is it clear to you that the burning of 5g masts is in the USA, in the UK or worldwide?
I had assumed that the article referred to the UK as Wired is AFAIK a UK publication. Where are these 77 burnt 5g masts?

Likewise the harassing of engineers - I just find it totally out of character that any sort of engineer would be harassed in the UK in normal circumstances. It just doesn't happen. Unless we are talking "Shaun of the Dead" type of thing!
I've heard of that. But is it clear to you that the burning of 5g masts is in the USA, in the UK or worldwide?
I had assumed that the article referred to the UK as Wired is AFAIK a UK publication. Where are these 77 burnt 5g masts?

Likewise the harassing of engineers - I just find it totally out of character that any sort of engineer would be harassed in the UK in normal circumstances. It just doesn't happen. Unless we are talking "Shaun of the Dead" type of thing!

Mates stepson was threatened whilst doing an instillation. He wasn't working on this one Birmingham Nightingale phone mast destroyed by coronavirus 5G arsonists but a real example of a real thing that fucks up real people that is going on that you being dismissive of
I've heard of that. But is it clear to you that the burning of 5g masts is in the USA, in the UK or worldwide?
I had assumed that the article referred to the UK as Wired is AFAIK a UK publication. Where are these 77 burnt 5g masts?

Likewise the harassing of engineers - I just find it totally out of character that any sort of engineer would be harassed in the UK in normal circumstances. It just doesn't happen. Unless we are talking "Shaun of the Dead" type of thing!

My understanding is that Western Europe is the primary hotbed for this kind of 5G nonsense. Here's a Guardian article which quotes BT Openreach engineers who've been assaulted by such knobheads. Here's an ABC news article for an American perspective, which also talks about attacks happening in the Netherlands. The Irish Times have an an article from the FT.

Note also that 77 arson attacks does not mean that 77 masts have been burnt down. There could have been multiple attacks at different times on the same mast, for example.

Out of character for whom? There are all sorts of people in this country, and the extraordinary conditions of outbreak and the response to it is a fertile grounds for batshit.
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