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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

I have saved the articles and will read them in due course. So, forgive me, but what's the conclusion? Most of the science community think it was natural, but one or two dissent and think it was manufactured?
I have saved the articles and will read them in due course. So, forgive me, but what's the conclusion? Most of the science community think it was natural, but one or two dissent and think it was manufactured?

There is absolutely zero evidence that the virus has been tampered with in any way at all. Quite the r verse, there is ample evidence that the virus has NOT been tampered with or changed. Even the Daily Mail agrees with this (while trying to make it controversial by adding in “spies”). (And of course the Express is going with the other view, which is yet more proof that it’s not true).

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Was his change of mind/refuting a previous statement because of pressures exerted on himself and/or family?

To use SheilaNaGig's wording, I can say that because we’re in conspiracy corner.

He didn’t change his mind. He never said it.

Better, in the way the article is worded. But it's that "unsubstantiated claims" bit that especially makes it sound like he's been sat on, rather than that he didn't say it or doesn't believe it's true.

This is going to become a total nightmare :(


Lord Sugar later tweeted to say that he believed his earlier tweet to be “fake news”, but defended his decision to share it. He wrote: “I just passed it on. I didn’t write it.”

When Lord Sugar was asked by one Twitter user what the source of the information in his original tweet was, he replied, “who knows?”.

In a separate post addressing someone who had told him to “concentrate on removing fake news from your feed”, he said: “Shut your face.”
Conspiracy theories are spreading faster than the damn virus, something that is not helped by the fuckwit in the Oval Office who is the ultimate 'super-spreader'
There is absolutely zero evidence that the virus has been tampered with in any way at all. Quite the r verse, there is ample evidence that the virus has NOT been tampered with or changed. Even the Daily Mail agrees with this (while trying to make it controversial by adding in “spies”). (And of course the Express is going with the other view, which is yet more proof that it’s not true).
Thanks. I have now read the related articles.

The fact that the disinformation spreading on the scientist even got his working credentials wrong is very suspect. Presumably manufactured to give the story more weight.
Just putting this here fr references because a growing number of people are suddenly putting all their faith in these two EXPERTS while simultaneously choosing to ignore the opinions of every expert on the planet

Love this bit :-

Estimating that fraction infected from patients at an urgent care facility is a bit like estimating the average height of Americans from the players on an NBA court.
In the Logic is Overrated corner:


This morning it all got very close to home & I don’t have any idea how to deal with it. My mum sent on a YouTube video which she got from her nutty trump-liking sister in America. It’s now been taken down for misinformation but I’ve found it. Basically it’s all a plot to make money by forcing us to get pointless vaccines, masks will give you the virus (yes really) etc. Fauci is in on it so is Gates.
Star of video is someone with dr in her name and a very dodgy past (judy mikovitz by name).

Thing is I have absolutely no idea how to counter this.
Sending her facts doesn’t work.
Ridiculing her doesn’t help.

Honestly quite freaked out about it as is my cousin (nutty aunt’s sane son).
Seriously if anyone has a real idea of how to make someone reject this shit once they’ve already started buying into it tell me please.

She actually texted me back with something including how it’s good to be sceptical of mainstream media, just total defensiveness.
She’s 74.
This morning it all got very close to home & I don’t have any idea how to deal with it. My mum sent on a YouTube video which she got from her nutty trump-liking sister in America. It’s now been taken down for misinformation but I’ve found it. Basically it’s all a plot to make money by forcing us to get pointless vaccines, masks will give you the virus (yes really) etc. Fauci is in on it so is Gates.
Star of video is someone with dr in her name and a very dodgy past (judy mikovitz by name).

Thing is I have absolutely no idea how to counter this.
Sending her facts doesn’t work.
Ridiculing her doesn’t help.

Honestly quite freaked out about it as is my cousin (nutty aunt’s sane son).
Seriously if anyone has a real idea of how to make someone reject this shit once they’ve already started buying into it tell me please.

She actually texted me back with something including how it’s good to be sceptical of mainstream media, just total defensiveness.
She’s 74.
Was it the one I posted upthread? Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner.
If your mother can actually stand listening to that tirade for half an hour without thinking there is a screw loose, maybe you could try Judy Mikovits Wikipedia biography. Judy Mikovits - Wikipedia

The first reference at the bottom of that Wiki article is about a court case she was involved in where Mikovits was alleged to have tampered with data (about ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - which she alleged was caused by retroviruses in mice)

Maybe if all else fails we could invite Miss Mikovits here. I have a collection of mice in need of retroviruses.
This looks to be a good read and takedown of Judy Mikovits

A good conspiracy theory turns the believer into a hero, a warrior with secret knowledge that none of the other ignorant “sheeple” know, against powerful forces arrayed against him. A good conspiracy theory almost always has a part at the end in which the “people” (in this case, the people believing the conspiracy theory) “wake up” and see what is being “suppressed” by the powerful forces seeking to keep them ignorant. Conspiracy theories like this both make the believer feel special and brave for having secret knowledge and fighting to make it public, but also provide an explanation for bad things happening in the world. Yes, the conspiracy theory in Plandemic is utterly ridiculous to those of us who know science, medicine, and history, but most people don’t know the relevant science, medicine, and history. To them, it sounds plausible.

Was it the one I posted upthread? Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner.
If your mother can actually stand listening to that tirade for half an hour without thinking there is a screw loose, maybe you could try Judy Mikovits Wikipedia biography. Judy Mikovits - Wikipedia

The first reference at the bottom of that Wiki article is about a court case she was involved in where Mikovits was alleged to have tampered with data (about ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - which she alleged was caused by retroviruses in mice)

Maybe if all else fails we could invite Miss Mikovits here. I have a collection of mice in need of retroviruses.
Same thing same woman different video.
Sending facts and the woman’s highly bonkers biography and snopes debunking etc did not work. That’s the problem facts don’t do it. It’s infuriating but also in this case I’m really worried. If she truly believes it all she will refuse a mask and also a vaccine. Am desperate to find a way to talk her round that’s not condescending.
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I see London Real, who seem to be going all-in on their new Corona cash cow, are interviewing Mikovits tomorrow :mad:

Retraction Watch just published a round up of their previous articles about her. (Probably not of direct use in convincing 'independently minded' relatives though).
Who is Judy Mikovits? – Retraction Watch.
Yep, problem is people like my mum just won’t read snopes or similar (I did send her that link this morning). Got this in reply.

On the plus side she’s maybe not so far gone in that she doesn’t even know to say MSM yet.

Well, that's the thing, the mainstream media is full of shit.
Yes, and somepeople are totally willing to kill people for money, directly or indirectly, and sometimes pharmaceutical companies push harmful drugs for profit, and people in power do lie all the time etc etc. That’s the thing it’s very hard to know how to approach the conversation.
Yes, and somepeople are totally willing to kill people for money, directly or indirectly, and sometimes pharmaceutical companies push harmful drugs etc etc. That’s the thing it’s very hard to know how to approach the conversation.

I like to start with "the fact that there are dodgy people in places of power up to nefarious things does not mean the first piece of shite your mate scrapes off Youtube and passes to you is The Truth".
Yeah. Think something like that would work a lot better than what I did today.

One thing common to all conspiranoids (and a lot of people generally) is that they can be good at applying critical thinking to ideas, but only when it is something they do not want to believe.
Last Thursday I got a worried phone call from someone I barely know asking me about the riots in Brixton and Peckham. She said she'd seen the footage on WhatsApp. I was stood on quiet peaceful Brixton high street when she called and she wouldn't believe me as I kept repeating "There are no riots..."

This morning I was sent a video explaining how C-19 and Sars and Mers (and this proving that HIV/AIDS also...) are all manufactured biological warfare agents. With added science!
Update on CoronaVirus by Dr./Prof. Francis Boyle

It's so predictable. I'm sure Icke is at it too, I don't even need to check to guess what he's saying. No doubt the End-timers are also full of excitement and told-you-so as well.

There's also the stuff about blowing hairdryers up your nose, sipping water and so forth.

This loonspud is not medically qualified in any way.
This morning it all got very close to home & I don’t have any idea how to deal with it. My mum sent on a YouTube video which she got from her nutty trump-liking sister in America. It’s now been taken down for misinformation but I’ve found it. Basically it’s all a plot to make money by forcing us to get pointless vaccines, masks will give you the virus (yes really) etc. Fauci is in on it so is Gates.
Star of video is someone with dr in her name and a very dodgy past (judy mikovitz by name).

Thing is I have absolutely no idea how to counter this.
Sending her facts doesn’t work.
Ridiculing her doesn’t help.

Honestly quite freaked out about it as is my cousin (nutty aunt’s sane son).
Seriously if anyone has a real idea of how to make someone reject this shit once they’ve already started buying into it tell me please.

She actually texted me back with something including how it’s good to be sceptical of mainstream media, just total defensiveness.
She’s 74.

When my best mate had a bike crash from which they switched him off four days later, his family received ,unsolicited phone call from one of Mr Gates personal physicians running what had happened and what could be done, nothing as it turned out, but the family really appreciated it. The phone calls happened coz best mates girlfriend's brother is a bit of thing when it comes to infectious diseases and had just left Oxford to work out of Seattle. Mr Gates is not a psychopath .
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