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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

No, but I have a neighbour (deranged) who keeps telling me to take bicarbonate of soda to increase the oxygenation levels in my body and help my immune system ( although he is also convinced that Satanists are behind Covid 19), Just cba to keep being reasonable and rational and have devolved to 'fuck off, J - take it somewhere else', cos he is deep in loon territory (and the insane centre of the universe narcissism which often goes hand in hand).
Ok ta. So much to try and get on top of at the moment

I've posted this before, but I think on the anti-vaxxer thread, well worth 4-minutes watching the loon being debunked, from about 2 minutes in, it covers her claim about the virus having been injected into people with flu vaccines over the years, and wearing masks activate it. :facepalm:

I've posted this before, but I think on the anti-vaxxer thread, well worth 4-minutes watching the loon being debunked, from about 2 minutes in, it covers her claim about the virus having been injected into people with flu vaccines over the years, and wearing masks activate it. :facepalm:

but she is NOT an anti vaxxer
just follows their party line
The girl I was seeing last year thinks it escaped from a lab in china :(

The "escaped from a lab" theory is a lot less far-fetched than most - the researcher nicknamed the "bat woman of Wuhan" says that when she first heard about the coronavirus, her first thought was to wonder whether it had escaped from her lab.

Meanwhile she frantically went through her own lab’s records from the past few years to check for any mishandling of experimental materials, especially during disposal. Shi breathed a sigh of relief when the results came back: none of the sequences matched those of the viruses her team had sampled from bat caves. “That really took a load off my mind,” she says. “I had not slept a wink for days.”

I'm less inclined to believe the lab was involved after reading the below interview with her, though I'm not sure how another researcher's statement that the lab is "world-class of the highest standards" squares with the US diplomatic cable expressing concern about the lab's safety standards.

I don’t think the escaped from a lab idea is far fetched tbh. The safety procedures of the people who work there (studying coronaviruses ) are obvs very stringent with lots of stages re making sure your outdoor clothes and everything are not contaminated, if it is done perfectly many thousand times and then one single time someone slips up that’s not a conspiracy.
A neighbour said he'd decided that the Americans started it and after some extensive research I came across:

The US government had reportedly funded $3.7 million to the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan which has been at the centre of speculations surrounding coronavirus outbreak.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology is believed to have conducted coronavirus experiments on mammals captured from the caves of Yunnan, China, with the US money.

I like this and shall be calling it the American Virus. :thumbs:
I shared one of those articles from the ‘dog breath’ thread on Facebook about capital and pandemics and how capitalism plays a part in how pandemics spread and I specifically said that I was sharing it to counter all the lies and bullshit currently spread about this I.e. Conspiracy theory shite.

And what would you know, the biggest tin-foil hat wearing, David Icke video watching, Chemtrail multidimensional conspiraloon that I am friends with liked it and shared it :facepalm:

Just goes to show that if it’s anything that sounds remotely different they’ll share it without having a fucking clue what they’re sharing.
Has anyone else come across the ‘wearing masks will make you oxygen surpressed and stress your immune system and cause your latent viruses to emerge’ stuff?

The one I've come across is that wearing a mask will supposedly trap the toxins you're supposed to breathe out. When I asked what toxins, I got no answer.

I shared one of those articles from the ‘dog breath’ thread on Facebook about capital and pandemics and how capitalism plays a part in how pandemics spread and I specifically said that I was sharing it to counter all the lies and bullshit currently spread about this I.e. Conspiracy theory shite.

And what would you know, the biggest tin-foil hat wearing, David Icke video watching, Chemtrail multidimensional conspiraloon that I am friends with liked it and shared it :facepalm:

Just goes to show that if it’s anything that sounds remotely different they’ll share it without having a fucking clue what they’re sharing.

I would have thought that sounded too much like commie talk. Although to be fair I've yet to see one who actually knows what a communist is.
I don’t think the escaped from a lab idea is far fetched tbh. The safety procedures of the people who work there (studying coronaviruses ) are obvs very stringent with lots of stages re making sure your outdoor clothes and everything are not contaminated, if it is done perfectly many thousand times and then one single time someone slips up that’s not a conspiracy.
Conspiracy comes in when you start lying about what happened. You can build an entire alternative narrative where the reason it was found at Wuhan cos it was the sort of place where you'd have to lock for it, or an event 6/10 you still end up suspicious of China's data and at that point you are probably hinging on South Korea or Japan as to how things go.
Has anyone else come across the ‘wearing masks will make you oxygen surpressed and stress your immune system and cause your latent viruses to emerge’ stuff?

I had a scroll through an acquaintance’s fb timeline since she popped up in the comments on one of those posters for the mass twat gatherings.
She’s gone way down the rabbit hole. If theres a conspiraloon bingo card she’d have full house for every 48 hours of posting.
The meme she’s shared about oxygen & masks had added spice claiming someone’s son died of inhaling the bacteria off his own teeth or possibly the metal out of his own fillings. I’d have to go find it again for the exact details. Main thrust was don’t wear a mask it’s dangerous.
Conspiracy comes in when you start lying about what happened. You can build an entire alternative narrative where the reason it was found at Wuhan cos it was the sort of place where you'd have to lock for it, or an event 6/10 you still end up suspicious of China's data and at that point you are probably hinging on South Korea or Japan as to how things go.
I don’t know what this means. You saying being suspicious of China’s data is conspiracist? Don’t think so. And it’s probably impossible isn’t it to ever know who ‘patient zero’ was whether it was someone working at a lab or someone at that market or something else entirely.
The meme she’s shared about oxygen & masks had added spice claiming someone’s son died of inhaling the bacteria off his own teeth or possibly the metal out of his own fillings. I’d have to go find it again for the exact details. Main thrust was don’t wear a mask it’s dangerous.

behind stuff like this I would expect to find some 4chan-type berk just making up preposterous shite for the laugh of seeing how many people believe and share it. I doubt stuff like this emerges from serious consideration.
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