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Contact Tracing: Will You Self Isolate? (and related discussion)

Will you self isolate if told to by the tracing team?

  • Yes, I will self isolate

    Votes: 89 74.8%
  • No, I won't

    Votes: 12 10.1%
  • Something else

    Votes: 18 15.1%

  • Total voters


Plastic Paddy
The government tracing team are going to contact people who have been in contact with C19+ folk and tell them to self isolate for 14 days even if they have no symptoms.

Matt Hand Cock says that most paople will.

So, you get a call from someone saying that you've been exposed (apparently they won't tell you who to) and you have to lock yourself down for 14 days even though you have no symptoms and everyone else is out enjoying the sunshine.

What will you do?

Anonymous poll.

I will not download the app and will not listen to a low paid, subcontracted Serco employee working from home. The track and trace is flawed and has no supporting app.

Am still practicing lockdown, wearing a mask when in shops or busy places. I may have little faith in myself :D but still a lot lot less in this government and their overpaid/contract gifted donor mates.

Someone post the number so we can all block it.

I will not download the app and will not listen to a low paid, subcontracted Serco employee working from home. The track and trace is flawed and has no supporting app.

Am still practicing lockdown, wearing a mask when in shops or busy places. I may have little faith in myself :D but still a lot lot less in this government and their overpaid/contract gifted donor mates.

Someone post the number so we can all block it.

I've got a T&T job, I work clinically for the NHS, I'm not low paid, and I'm not sure what working from home has to do with it. Will you listen to me?
Nice to see some community collective spirit here. Asked to self isolate to save other people getting infected and possibly dying? No.

How do people square this with the rest of the posts and discussion on here that's been generally supportive of the lockdown and critical of the government and people breaking it?

I will not download the app and will not listen to a low paid, subcontracted Serco employee working from home. The track and trace is flawed and has no supporting app.

Am still practicing lockdown, wearing a mask when in shops or busy places. I may have little faith in myself :D but still a lot lot less in this government and their overpaid/contract gifted donor mates.

Someone post the number so we can all block it.
Yeah, I have shit all faith in the government, and will continue to ignore most of their 'guidance' which I think is unsafe. But kinda for that reason I'd still isolate; I generally take a "better safe than sorry" approach, which like everything can be both good and bad, and is mostly for my own peace of mind.
Nice to see some community collective spirit here. Asked to self isolate to save other people getting infected and possibly dying? No.

How do people square this with the rest of the posts and discussion on here that's been generally supportive of the lockdown and critical of the government and people breaking it?

I’m sure much of it is lighthearted. But the question remains, if you’ve been in covid contact why can’t you just be tested and isolate until you get the result, rather than locking away for two weeks when you might well not have it?
Yes I’ll self isolate. I’ve probably already had it but I have no confirmation of that and even less knowledge if that gives any immunity so I’ll do what I’m told.
I’ve done 11 weeks with barely leaving the house for the first 5 so 2 weeks will be a doddle.
I’m sure much of it is lighthearted. But the question remains, if you’ve been in covid contact why can’t you just be tested and isolate until you get the result, rather than locking away for two weeks when you might well not have it?
Someone asked about exposure last night and they said that in the first few days you would test negative so there’s no point getting a test straightaway anyway.
Nice to see some community collective spirit here. Asked to self isolate to save other people getting infected and possibly dying? No.

How do people square this with the rest of the posts and discussion on here that's been generally supportive of the lockdown and critical of the government and people breaking it?
I am respecting quarantine above the failed government guidelines.

This track, trace and app is a farce. Two months too late (like all other things have been late) and flawed with data links.

Don't blame the public. Blame the rule breaking, lying government for this.
The government tracing team are going to contact people who have been in contact with C19+ folk and tell them to self isolate for 14 days even if they have no symptoms.

Matt Hand Cock says that most paople will.

So, you get a call from someone saying that you've been exposed (apparently they won't tell you who to) and you have to lock yourself down for 14 days even though you have no symptoms and everyone else is out enjoying the sunshine.

What will you do?

Anonymous poll.
Assuming I sign up for the app I'm wondering how this will work in the hospital? Staff might be having to self isolating constantly.
This would work much better if all NHS/ keyworkers were tested regularly.
I’m sure much of it is lighthearted. But the question remains, if you’ve been in covid contact why can’t you just be tested and isolate until you get the result, rather than locking away for two weeks when you might well not have it?
This bit has surprised me about the announced procedure. Surely now we have the all-new shiny testing capacity, which is never being fully used atm, everyone contacted in this way could be offered a test straight away by default. Then if they come back positive, they can also give their list of contacts to trace, thus extending the contacts tree and making the whole exercise potentially a lot more worthwhile.
I am respecting quarantine above the failed government guidelines.

This track, trace and app is a farce. Two months too late (like all other things have been late) and flawed with data links.

Don't blame the public. Blame the rule breaking, lying government for this.

You're confusing the app with the whole T&T system. You don't need to use the app to be told you've been in contact with someone that means you need to self isolate.

It's the NHS doing it, not Matt Hancock personally.
I’m really unlikely to get the app at the moment, I’d want some much better information and assurances.
Everyone is talking about the app being connected to this track and trace system but I thought this was being launched without it and is dependent on people reporting their close contacts with the tracers.

Sorry, cross posted with LDC.
Not sure.

Also, is it not possible just to get tested if you've been exposed? If you're not positive, carry on as usual rather than isolating for 2 weeks for no reason?
I think the test is only really accurate in the first few days of symptoms, so not very useful for people who don't have symptoms or who think they've already had it.
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