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Conspiraloons – why...?

hate to use him cause he was a turd head but here is Ronald Regan

If suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet, we'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our two countries and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings on this Earth…And yet, I ask, is not an alien force already among us?…There are only a handful of people who know the truth about this - Ronald Reagan (to a full session of the United Nations September 21, 1987)
kyser_soze said:
or did the early humans manage to carefully hide an entire layer of radioactive debris somewhere we can't find it?

Probably hidden in the same place as all the water that would be required to flood the earth completely.
zArk said:
I believe that there have been civilizations in the past that were familiar with atomic energy and that by misusing it they were totally destroyed.

Where are the remains of buildings?

If the 'bomb' was as powerful as described where is the layer of 'gless' i.e. molten rock that would cover the entire planet?

If the 'bomb' killed all life then what the hell did present life evolve from?
now, you gotta admit those are weirdorama statements from pretty big geezers in the atomic world

I really don't give a toss what two individuals, no matter how high falutin they are/were, think about this issue. What I would care about would be if someone like say a geologist who actually spends time studying the history of the rocks of this earth were to come out and say 'Hey, there's this layer of rock which strongly suggests evidence of past nuclear conflict or accident on the earth' - not what two nuclear physicists were speculating 50 years ago. They are weirdorama comments, but then just because someone has a great rep in one discipline doesn't mean they are well placed to make comments about others!!

That passage from the Maharabata could just as easily be referring to an asteroid strike, or simply be hyperbole in the writing.
kyser_soze said:
The flaw in this is that there is NO evidence anywhere - ice cores or geological record - that support the idea that there was a nuclear conflict on earth prior to human existance...or did the early humans manage to carefully hide an entire layer of radioactive debris somewhere we can't find it?

We're still waiting zArk . . . . :rolleyes:
WouldBe said:
Where are the remains of buildings?

If the 'bomb' was as powerful as described where is the layer of 'gless' i.e. molten rock that would cover the entire planet?

If the 'bomb' killed all life then what the hell did present life evolve from?

I thought the flood killed everybody - who's being killed by this nuclear war.
zArk said:
hate to use him cause he was a turd head but here is Ronald Regan

If suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet, we'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our two countries and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings on this Earth…And yet, I ask, is not an alien force already among us?…There are only a handful of people who know the truth about this - Ronald Reagan (to a full session of the United Nations September 21, 1987)

actually, someone i know believes in this theory ..
BootyLove said:
I thought the flood killed everybody - who's being killed by this nuclear war.
Everyone and everything apparently.

zArk said:
The Mahabharata
A single projectile, charged with all the power of the universe, an incandescent column of smoke and fire as bright as 10,000 suns from a shaft fatal as the rod of death. Endowed with the force of thousand-eyed Indra’s thunder. It was as destructive to all living creatures…Hostile warriors fell to the earth like trees burned down in a raging fire…a substance like fire has sprung into existence…blistering hills, rivers and trees. All…are being reduced to ashes…You cruel and evil ones, drunk with pride, through that iron bolt you shall become exterminators of your race –
zArk said:
wait a sec.. mr comedy

i was saying that aliens were here, then a massive nuclear war, then a massive flood. The knowledge of their technology has been held by secret societies and the unfolding of technology is not our progress but the building of alien technology through plans and knowledge held by secret societies.

so wait wait, i am glossing over Tsarions work very very lightly. (if you are interested there are lots of audio interviews with him where he explains his research very clearly so you dont have to buy a book and spend 2 months reading it.)

so, in this sense, Da Vincis sketching of a tank put to shame those Roswell /US back engineering alien craft claimers as can be seen Da Vincis TANK looks very similar to a UFO of cold war films.


by the way Da Vinci was a freemason, catholic and scientist. Did he have amazing knowledge for his time or was he just reading the alien technology notes he was allowed access to?

Give it a rest. No ones found a UFO anyway - let alone whether Da Vinci was privy to 'Area 51'
. He drew a picture before ANYONE had talked of UFOs so maybe just maybe they are drawing inference from HIS artwork.

You've watched too much telly and then read too many wacky books, you haven't checked out this fellow's 'research' for yourself - like Icke's stuff you just believe his crap with zero sceptism.

So could you give us an example of this 'alien technology'
Why is fused glass found in profusion beneath the sands of Iraqi plains? Why are radioactive tektites and isotopes found all over the Dead Sea basin and at the very location posited for the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? (m. tsarion)

with regard to the Mahabharata you seem to gloss over the fact it was written well before anyone apparently knew about atomic energy. Its a pretty clear description of an nuclear explosion.
And what links to geological study does Mr Tsarion supply for this amazing geological knowledge? I am finding no supporting evidence from geologists, just what he says. Incidentally, radioactive particles are found all over the planet, many of which are deposited by asteroids and suchlike - a nuclear congflagration as big as you are suggesting would have left a permanent mark on geological time...besides which, if this is the case why don't we read more of this? This stuff about suppression...if something is suppresed then NO ONE can see it...
BootyLove said:
You've watched too much telly and then read too many wacky books, you haven't checked out this fellow's 'research' for yourself - like Icke's stuff you just believe his crap with zero sceptism.

really? do i?
at least i understand what icke is talking about when he talks of lizards. I dont run around saying that Icke reckons that Lizards rule the world and its like an episode of V with people being lizards under the skin. Duh! Like thats wat he is saying.

Ermmm BootyLove why dont you put a cork in it and stop making accussations against me. You dont know what i have read.
A guiding principal in my life . . . . . . . Occam's Razor

A guiding principal in zArk's life . . . . . .The Lizards did it

Hey, you decide.
tsarion said:
behind fictitious data concerning the geological fossil record,

Incredible delusion - despite the overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary, because it doesn't tie in with his ideas it's 'fake'
zArk said:
really? do i?
at least i understand what icke is talking about when he talks of lizards. I dont run around saying that Icke reckons that Lizards rule the world and its like an episode of V with people being lizards under the skin. Duh! Like thats wat he is saying.

Ermmm BootyLove why dont you put a cork in it and stop making accussations against me. You dont know what i have read.

What is he talking about, then?
pembrokestephen said:
Aliens, fule!

Gah :rolleyes:


Are you saying we were invaded by Triffids and that's where all the plant life came from? :eek: ;)

*Day of the Triffids is a factual book for conspiraloons. :)
zArk said:
Why is fused glass found in profusion beneath the sands of Iraqi plains?

That'll be lightning causing that, young Skywalker.

Why are radioactive tektites and isotopes found all over the Dead Sea basin and at the very location posited for the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? (m. tsarion)

That'll be yer geology, very interesting place the Dead Sea basin - it's the point of the Earth that is the furthest below sea level.

You should visit it sometime - the Dead Sea scrolls were found a short walk from the sea itself, plus it's a hell of a view from Masada as the sun rises... oh and you know they've never pinpointed the exact location of Sodom or Gomorrah but are confident that earthquake activity caused the fabled cities to collapse into the dead sea...

Other than that I think you're talking sci-fi bollocks and you should join the Scientolofreaks.

axon said:
I made that first comment up. Is it possible that you believe any old guff people say?

actually you were correct and wrong

earth was flooded, atlantis was created, then war, then flooded again.
kyser_soze said:
Hey, ADB - you're sporting a Culture CGU name as your tagline!!!

Good work


* Considers Such A Pretty Big Red Button as a tagline *

* Or maybe ROU Diplomacy Was Never My Strong Suite? :) *
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