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Conspiraloons – why...?

Iam said:

Anyone care for a slice?
That's a very nutty fruitcake you have there. A Dundee fruitcake, if I'm not very much mistaken.

*makes tea*
Semiramis Street? :p

I`ve had a walk around Temple Bar, City of London...I just wanna get suited one day and see where I can go. I have a theory that I can pull anything off in a suit. :D
fookin' ell - I pop to lunch...

zArk said:
oh right, there it is. the answer to everything. we evolved.. well urmmm except for the 'missing link' thing but other than that its all worked out.

umm okay - there's a gap in our knowledge - lets fill it with Space aliens. :rolleyes:

I wonder about things like;

1)what is the goal for our society? what are we all collectively working to?

Nothing. We are all individuals with our own agendas and life is essentially meaningless - only the meaning you choose to attach to it matters. I would say the current goal collectively seems to be annihilation - but that's okay another species will be along in a minute... IMO

Let's face it - that question is whole other thread.

2) why did the US and UK trash and destroy ancient Iraqi documents first when they invaded Iraq 2003?

It's called 'pillaging' humans have been doing it for millenia. Mexico City used to be the jewel in the Aztec crown and it breaks my heart what the Spanish did there. But that's life. People are stupid.

3) dead sea scrolls

What about them?
I agree that Catholicism is an agent of supression and control - it's an organised religion after all.

4) pyramids --- most pyramids were not used as burial tombs and most represent exactly star constellations.

I agree - there's more to them than burial tombs - no body was found in them and the only reference to Arkhanaton is a piece of grafitti in a nearby tomb. We don't know. But it's a big leap to space aliens built them.

5) atlantis -- a topic that has disappeared from the mainstream

Oh I wonder why? - the only reference ever is in Plato's island. Everything else is extrapololated from that. Personaly I don't have a problem with it existing or not - I'm sure many civilisations have lived and died leaving no trace at all. But how does it affect you? Worry about the one you're in mate.

6) easter island statues

Nice aren't they?

7) stonehenge

Druids. Old English paganism - built by them (or possibly Martians of course)

Hancock eh? He's a story teller who changes plenty of facts to make them fit into his worldview. Take with a pinch of salt. Yes those uderwater things are interesting,, but that's it - you don't have to make up Atlantis/Alien theory until you have more evidence. Speculate away but don't believe in it!

roads under the sea!! the bible story of the great flood. intriguing stuff when you disregard all the moral bullshit in the bible and focus upon specific stories

So, there was probably was a great flood and it's ended up in the mythology of over 6 civilisations - it doesn't make the stories true. Superstitious stories by frightened primitive peoples trying to understand the natural world.

9) alien manipulation
Let us make him who shall nourish and sustain us. What shall we do to be invoked, to be remembered in earth? We have tried with our first creatures, but we could not make them venerate us. So then, let us try to make obedient, respectful beings, who shall nourish and sustain us
- The Maya Popul Vuh

Oh the Maya - yes those enlightened beings. An agricultural goddess worshipping peaceful people whose civilisation degenerated into Patriachal mass murder because the crops started failing.... and these are their stories... most civilisations atrophy after all.

Zeus gathered the gods in cou(snip)

Oh good grief!
They are STORIES written by humans attempting to understand the laws of nature. And you picked a blinder there....

Look, I find some this stuff interesting as well, but you don't have to believe in it, which you patently do and it's negative point is that it makes you fearful which is not good, it also makes you feel powerless which is not good either. Because you're not.
Azrael23 said:
Well when people say they hate Blair how come you don`t say the same thing then? I mean they need to think about what they say right? It could lead to some anti-catholicism or anti-white racism.
Not quite. When most people who say they "hate Blair" say that, it's because they hate what he does, not what he is.
WouldBe said:
What's even more spooky is how did stoneage man know the A303 was going to be built right past that spot? ;)
It's amazing, I tell you. Only there'd have to have been the A303 there, because they needed to get the rocks down the M4 from Wales, and it'd have been stupid to drag them for the last bit across country just for want of an A road...
Azrael23 said:
Semiramis Street? :p

I`ve had a walk around Temple Bar, City of London...I just wanna get suited one day and see where I can go. I have a theory that I can pull anything off in a suit. :D
Well, there ARE some gay masons. I'm sure if you can find one, he might let you pull him off...
Azrael23 said:
Semiramis Street? :p

I`ve had a walk around Temple Bar, City of London...I just wanna get suited one day and see where I can go. I have a theory that I can pull anything off in a suit. :D

I have a theory that this is a perfectly appropriate suit for you fella....


Anyway, must go. Got some ET's popping round for lunch at the bank.

Azrael23 said:
Well when people say they hate Blair how come you don`t say the same thing then? I mean they need to think about what they say right? It could lead to some anti-catholicism or anti-white racism.


stupid thing to say ...
pembrokestephen said:
Not quite. When most people who say they "hate Blair" say that, it's because they hate what he does, not what he is.

I want to see these people arrested. I want to see people doing something about a global economic system that works to constantly centralise wealth and power to a small elite.

I hate them for their deeds and the calculated nature of them.

In the words of Lord Bush (I hope you know hes a "blue blood")

"It is enough to know evil, like goodness, exists...."

just cause looting has been done before in wars doesnt negate its function, imperially. Control a nations history by suppressing knowledge.

As with the rest of you.

that'll teach me for expressing an opinion bunch of vultures

1)what is the goal for our society? what are we all collectively working to?

well done booty, you have just branded ureself a troglodite.

Well, i wonder about things like that. About how the industrial revolution fluorished. Why all the technology that we have created seems to have made our lives worse.

You know, stuff to think about.

and you lot who smirk at the idea of aliens --- really you should attempt to understand the size of the universe and read some books which talk about gods coming down from the heavens, you know interesting stuff.
Azrael23 said:
I`ve never claimed that the banking elite are reptilian or anything like that. My point is that if you follow the power, the highest place you will find in public view is the central banks of the world, also places like "The city of london" and other major financial centres like Frankfurt.

I don`t talk about our rulers like they`re human because in a sense they are not.

"Your man we knew as your father ceased to exist when he became Darth Vader"

Star Wars is very symbolic. Yoda = Yota The so-called guiding entity behind high level freemasonry. He had pointy ears, small eyes etc.

I`m not saying we`re being ruled by aliens i`m saying, Dark occultists.....sith.

Wow, we live in a capitlistic society and you're saying that the power in society lies with the banking systems. What an amazing deduction.

I take it you've read 'Hero with a Thousand Faces', the book that Lucas based Star Wars on - it's all just cultural mythology so it's bound to find resonance if you apply it to almost anything. Tis the nature of art.
zArk said:
and you lot who smirk at the idea of aliens --- really you should attempt to understand the size of the universe and read some books which talk about gods coming down from the heavens, you know interesting stuff.
You're a 100% nutjob.
Azrael23 said:
I want to see these people arrested. I want to see people doing something about a global economic system that works to constantly centralise wealth and power to a small elite.

What are you doing about it then? oh spouting bleedin' nonsense to any gullible twat who'll listen. That'll change the world.:rolleyes:

I think the 'I want to see people doing something...' gives you away mate, fancy yourself a modern day priest, busy with the ministry while others do the work?
We`re not working towards a goal, We`re simply working to sustain a rotting system of bondage thats been in place for the better part of 400 years in the form of mercantilism.

Technological progress/commercial asset is not the mark of a societies success, it is the "inner state" of the people which comprise it.

Do not forget the official goal or god of our society is GDP. We bow to a false God, we work to honour an apparition no differently to the aztecs or the tribes of old. Yet the national debt racks up year after year....and who do we owe it to...to whom do the nations owe their money and thus their time....the central banks. Come on its so bloody obvious its untrue!
pembrokestephen said:
That's a very nutty fruitcake you have there. A Dundee fruitcake, if I'm not very much mistaken.

*makes tea*

Can you back that up with milk, sugar and a nice tea set, with saucers??

and you lot who smirk at the idea of aliens --- really you should attempt to understand the size of the universe and read some books which talk about gods coming down from the heavens, you know interesting stuff.

What, you mean like Hubbard and Eric von Daniken?

Why don't you read a book called Cowl by Neal Asher - the central premise of that is that in the far future time travelling, ultra evolved humans are directly involved in the seeding of earth with DNA...


just cause looting has been done before in wars doesnt negate its function, imperially. Control a nations history by suppressing knowledge.

Yeah, but you

a. Still haven't supplied any actual evidence for you claim beyond a BBC story you've extrapolated from

b. have only offered me platitudes about how imperialists control history. Besides which, what could be useful to anyone today with clay tablets that are 5000 years old?

Well, i wonder about things like that. About how the industrial revolution fluorished.

Hmm, well instead of simply 'thinking' about such things why don't you read some of the accumulated knowledge of people who have spent years researching and gathering actual evidence and create an actual narrative with it instead of just making a bunch of unsubstantiated assumptions about things?

And something else on the subject of Aliens...while I do agree with you that there may well be some out there, remember this as well...this universe and reality are based on a very specific set of rules etc that were set at the begining of time that enable us to exist. There is an argument that because of this there can be no aliens since the quantumn reality we inhabit is exclusive to us, and that if there were aliens we'd never be able to see them/communicate because they'd exists in an entirely different quantumn reality to us.

really you should attempt to understand the size of the universe and read some books which talk about gods coming down from the heavens, you know interesting stuff.

So you're well read on things like quantumn physics, cosmology etc? You know why I don't believe in Gods from heaven? Because there's enough actual evidence, not made up opinion or supposition, that evolution does happen, and that humans are a product thereof.

Why don't you stop reading these children's books about Gods from heaven and read stuff that's based on painstaking research and actual evidence? Do you find the idea of a reality based on probability that has cause and effect systems of such incredible complexity that the human basic brain will most likely never be able to comprehend them scary?
zArk said:

just cause looting has been done before in wars doesnt negate its function, imperially. Control a nations history by suppressing knowledge.

As with the rest of you.

that'll teach me for expressing an opinion bunch of vultures

Welll - what did you expect? Oh thank you zark for enlightening us we were stumbling around in the dark without a clue about the true nature of reality and now you've opened our eyes. Tit.
For fucks sake my old man used to go on about this shit in the 70s - and I'm the troglodyte, you need to catch up to the fact that this is essentially hippy, idealistic bollox.

1)what is the goal for our society? what are we all collectively working to?

well done booty, you have just branded ureself a troglodite.

Well, i wonder about things like that. About how the industrial revolution fluorished. Why all the technology that we have created seems to have made our lives worse.

Go live on a hill then and stop using this horrible technology to surf crappy conspiracy sites. You really do live in a world of absolutes don't you?

You know, stuff to think about.

Because you're the only thinker here eh? Plank.

and you lot who smirk at the idea of aliens --- really you should attempt to understand the size of the universe and read some books which talk about gods coming down from the heavens, you know interesting stuff.

No - wacky stuff, absolute frippery.
zArk said:
my opinion ---

this planet was visited by aliens tens of thousands of years ago. There was an alien nuclear war, the remanents of the those aliens genetically created human beings. The missing link. --- these things can be proven and are being built upon by mainstream scientific knowledge. Michael Tsarion gives excellent expose's of this.
Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam also believe something along these lines. What lovely company you keep.
The secret societies at the higher levels are holding this knowledge, these occult societies (occult means secret) include the catholic church, monarchies, upper levels of government.
Occult does not mean "secret", as reference to any dictionary would have shown you, you ignorant arsecandle. It means "hidden".
there is sooo much more i could rattle off as my opinions but i agree with Azrael that the the banking industry is involved. It is a control valve for the upper elite. The banking industry is a corporation, therefore no1 can actually own the bank. It is a self-perpetuating system that controls the public and allows freedom to those on the otherside of the system.
It isnt the be-all-end-all but it is integral.
Ah, the demon "banking".
The banking system doesn't "control the public", it controls finance, an entirely different field of endeavour.
I'm suspicious of those who choose "banking" as a convenient target.
666 the mark of the beast has always intrigued me. Where is the reference to 666? someone said it was marked on gold coins by a Roman Emporer who was called the beast. others have said it is a translation of genetic code and that we humans have the mark of the beast ingrained in our dna.
The biblical Book of Revelations of St. John the Divine.
If you research numerology and gematria (perhaps surprisingly, Aleister Crowley's "777" is a good primer) you'll probably be able to discern the "meaning" of the numbers better than by reading the book of revelations in isolation (given that St. John was reputedly well-versed in Kabbalistic practices).
The civilisations of the past created cities and statues that defy belief, including our technology and building skills.
Ancient civilisatios realised feats of technology and knowledge that lie outside our western, Euro-centric interpretation of what might have been possible.
Victorian metalurgists presumed that the Benin bronzes were artifacts of a western culture because they refused to believe that a madiaeval African (for which read "black") society could have evolved a system of smelting and casting bronze superior to that known to 19th-century Victorian Britain. The presumption was wrong.
Who Controls the Past Now, Controls the Future, Who controls the Present Now, Controls the Past..
Not true. While it is unarguable that whoever controls mainstream knowledge and access to that knowledge has the ability to manipulate it to their own ends, that in no way means that complete control of society and it's cultural artefacts are assured.
fact mixing with fiction or evolving from fiction or fiction evolving from fact?

the minotaur is claimed as just another ole story

yet how close are we now with genetic manipulation? i would suggest over the hill and far away.

yota or yoda, star wars or masonic stories, ancient creature or just a story?

fact or fiction?

Horus and Isis, Mary and Jesus -- stories retold or facts?

all seeing eye or eye of horus?

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown. The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So the LORD said, 'I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the ground, man and beast and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.'

"But Noah found favor [grace] in the eyes of the LORD. These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation; Noah walked with God. And Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

"Now the earth was [thoroughly] corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled [continually] with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth." (Genesis 6:1-12)

literal account of history or just a lovely little story, but oh oh wait wait whats all those underwater roads and mountains?
Depends on how you read it i guess.

The nephilim ? the who? just a little story about aliens and a great flood started by God

Exploding Planets and Ancient Catastrophes

by Lambert Dolphin, Physicist

Five planets (Gk: wanderers) were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. They named these "non-fixed stars" after their gods. In addition to Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus was found in 1781, Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930. (1) Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) thought there should be an additional planet between Mars and Jupiter. A bit later Johann David Titius (1729-1794) noted the curious spacing of the planets--each was twice the distance from the Sun as its predecessor. Johannes Bode formulated this as a "law" in 1778 leading to an intensive search for the "missing" planet.

In January of 1801 the mystery of the missing planet unfolded rapidly. However only a broad belt of rock fragments--the asteroid belt--was found. These rings of fragments averaged 2.8 AU from the Sun (AU stands for "astronomical unit," with the earth being at 1 AU from the Sun). The first four asteroids discovered were Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, Juno--the named list today numbers several hundred. The biggest are 200 to 480 miles in diameter. (2)

The asteroids are not ordinary pieces of rocks and clouds of dust that never quite coalesced to become a legitimate planet. There are enough asteroid pieces in orbit now to form an object less than a tenth a mass of the moon, but originally there may have been a planet at that location with a gravity two-thirds of the earth's, a 4.5 year orbit and a perhaps a 57.5 hour day. (2) Another estimate is that the original planet may have been perhaps 15 times larger than the earth. (3)


Perhaps the bible stories are recounts of history, of alien visitation of aliens creating servant beings. of aliens blowing up a water planet and flooding the earth.

ViolentPanda said:
Ancient civilisatios realised feats of technology and knowledge that lie outside our western, Euro-centric interpretation of what might have been possible.

ermmm thats exactly what i am saying and additionally that the knowledge still exists today but it is secreted by societies, including the Catholic Church, Monarchies of the world.

Azrael23 said:
I want to see these people arrested. I want to see people doing something about a global economic system that works to constantly centralise wealth and power to a small elite.

yeah, you see, this is the thing.

these people have such power, and they are working towards our destruction.

these people with their satanistic beliefs, occult, rituals and their disregard for human life - they can not possibly be human, they can not possibly be capable of doing anything good, they are separate from the rest of humanity, who are decent, peace-loving people.

so we must "do something" about it, right?

after all, their wealth is only being used for evil, for dominating the world, for their own greedy immoral self interest - we need to stop the economic system working in the interests of an alien group who only want to subjugate the world, and get it back in the hands of the people.

and anyone who expresses any kind of doubt is brainwashed, one of the stupid, gullible, sheep-like masses - but it is also proof of our superiority, since they are pure and good, if a bit stupid, whereas they would never express doubt about the sadism with which they treat their victims. it is only a few people who will ever work out the truth about these evil beings that have managed to attain control over the world - the rest of them have to be be woken up, they have to be awakened.

so we need to do something about the economic system, and we need to remove these people from their positions of power and privelege. what's more - we need to ensure that the government acts in the people's interests, rather than theirs. we need to prevent them ever attaining such positions.

after all, they are only going to use their wealth for evil - so we must take it from them.

if we stand back and let them continue, they will enslave us all, they will commit unimaginable atrocities.

therefore, they must be punished - and they must be prevented from doing anything else. and because we are good and decent people, we are not capable of doing anything bad, and in any case, it would be an act of resistance, for the centuries of enslavement which we have suffered under their rule.


and since they are not even human, because they are so wicked, so cunning and so cynical, there is always a risk that unless something drastic is done, they will return and do the same thing again.

can you HONESTLY not see where this is going or will i have to spell it out to you?
ViolentPanda said:
Occult does not mean "secret", as reference to any dictionary would have shown you, you ignorant arsecandle. It means "hidden".

pardon me, you silly billy

The word occult comes from the Latin occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret)

and whats the definition of hidden?


so allow me to retort your abuse;

you are a factious puss filled entity
zArk said:
Perhaps the bible stories are recounts of history, of alien visitation of aliens creating servant beings. of aliens blowing up a water planet and flooding the earth.
Nurse! He's gone critical!

In which case why are accounts of the 'biblical' flood (which most likely happened) not reflected in the writings of either India OR China at the time? An event that was 'global' would have had an effect on both those countries societies...and yet there is no mention of it? Why do you think that could be? Possibly because it was a localised natural disaster?

Perhaps the bible stories were a means of creating a cohesive social system that could ensure the survival of a people who had been cast from pillar to post and were emancipating themselves from slavery? That one ever occur to you? And has it not occured to you that underwater roads could have been made by humans and then flooded, and that the underwater mountains were just volcanos, as they are all over the world?

As to the asteroids...try reading some actual modern science on the subject and not some dude attempting to do what St Augustine failed and squaring the bible with subatomic physics...

And I notice that you've begun sneaking the God issue back into it all...
the almighty can strike a blow at the nephilim


for fucks sake
why should i give a fuck about elvis like i give a fuck about vietnam
why should i give a fuck about jfk or give a fuck about who i am
why should i give a fuck about justice while police are theives in the street
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