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Conspiraloons – why...?

zArk said:
pardon me, you silly billy

The word occult comes from the Latin occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret)

and whats the definition of hidden?

Occult means "hidden". In the context of "magick" it means "hidden from the profane, revealed to the adept".
Lets see what the dictionaries say:
Chambers has "Hidden" as it's first explanation, as does The Oxford Concise.

Still, I suppose a bright thing such as you is better-informed than mere dictionaries, eh?

so allow me to retort your abuse;

you are a factious puss filled entity
That's "pus", cretin.
zArk said:
The word occult comes from the Latin occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret)

OED provides several definitions . . .
A. adj. Hidden (lit. and fig.).
1. a. Hidden (from sight); concealed (by something interposed);
not exposed to view. Now rare or Obs.
b. Applied to a line drawn in the construction of a figure,
but not forming part of the finished figure; also to a dotted
c. Med. Of a disease or bodily process: inexplicable,
obscure; unaccompanied by any readily discernible signs or symptoms;
occult blood, blood abnormally present in some material (esp.
faeces) but too scanty to be readily recognized . .
2. Not disclosed or divulged, privy, secret; kept secret;
communicated only to the initiated.
3. a. Not apprehended, or not apprehensible, by the mind;
beyond the range of understanding or of ordinary knowledge;
recondite, mysterious.
b. Not affecting, or traceable by, the senses; imperceptible.
Now rare or merged in prec.
c. Applied in early science or natural philosophy to physical
qualities not manifest to direct observation but discoverable
only by experiment, or to those whose nature was unknown or
unexplained; latent; also transf. treating of such qualities,
experimental. Obs. exc. Hist. or as merged in 3a.
4. Of the nature of or pertaining to those ancient and
mediaeval reputed sciences (or their modern representatives)
held to involve the knowledge or use of agencies of a secret
and mysterious nature (as magic, alchemy, astrology, theosophy,
and the like); also transf. treating of or versed in these;
magical, mystical.
B. n. Something hidden or secret. Obs. rare.
a. trans. To hide, conceal; to cut off from view by interposing
some other body; also fig. Now chiefly in scientific or technical
use (see b and occulting below; cf. eclipse).
b. spec. in Astron. said of one heavenly body (as the
moon, or a planet) hiding another (as a star, or a satellite)
from view, by passing in front of it.
c. intr. Of a lighthouse light: to be cut off from view
as part of its cycle of light and dark."

So I'd call that a draw myself.
zArk said:
Perhaps the bible stories are recounts of history, of alien visitation of aliens creating servant beings. of aliens blowing up a water planet and flooding the earth.


wibble... save it for the post bong convos.

There's some mighty intelligent people on these boards (not me) you could learn a lot, you should hang around and learn something...
Iam said:

Anyone care for a slice?

Nah I'm going to have a Conspiraloon Pastie

kyser_soze said:
In which case why are accounts of the 'biblical' flood (which most likely happened) not reflected in the writings of either India OR China at the time? An event that was 'global' would have had an effect on both those countries societies...and yet there is no mention of it? Why do you think that could be? Possibly because it was a localised natural disaster?

Perhaps the bible stories were a means of creating a cohesive social system that could ensure the survival of a people who had been cast from pillar to post and were emancipating themselves from slavery? That one ever occur to you? And has it not occured to you that underwater roads could have been made by humans and then flooded, and that the underwater mountains were just volcanos, as they are all over the world?

As to the asteroids...try reading some actual modern science on the subject and not some dude attempting to do what St Augustine failed and squaring the bible with subatomic physics...

And I notice that you've begun sneaking the God issue back into it all...
Some flood stories including China and India.http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/flood-myths.html
kyser_soze said:
Why do you think that could be? Possibly because it was a localised natural disaster?

Perhaps the bible stories were a means of creating a cohesive social system that could ensure the survival of a people who had been cast from pillar to post and were emancipating themselves from slavery?

And I notice that you've begun sneaking the God issue back into it all...

God is always knockin about
Perhaps so with the Bible, which is why i take notice of the dead sea scrolls and the other books rather than the new testament.
Flood being a local disaster, possibly again

what is clear is that over the past few millenia knowledge has been held by the upper elite in order to suppress the masses. Religious teachings being a main method. Now these teaching have been caste off and the wealth of historical knowledge is only being touched upon.
Conspiracy Theories and the topic of secret societies plugs directly into this, as those societies are the upper elite and are now being finger pointed and exposed.
This is my understanding of it all.
We definately do not have close to 20% of the knowledge which should be available to all but the common-drive for it is amazing.

When i read about undersea roads and see the pictures, undersea stone circles it interests me immensely.
To say that there isnt a suppression of this knowledge is silly as the Catholic Church is not about to have its position of power usurped easily. The same with these secret societies and the monarchies of the world. They dont wanna lose their patch and give up their position.
Perhaps the bible stories are recounts of history, of alien visitation of aliens creating servant beings. of aliens blowing up a water planet and flooding the earth.


you've got serious problems mate. :(
zArk said:
ermmm thats exactly what i am saying...
No, what you said was " The civilisations of the past created cities and statues that defy belief, including our technology and building skills..
That's the point I was answering, that nothing "defied belief", it merely defied the credulity of certain Euro-centric and biased academics, not general belief.
...and additionally that the knowledge still exists today but it is secreted by societies, including the Catholic Church, Monarchies of the world.
Wrong, knowledge is still there for anyone who cares to seek it. The obstacle in the way of this is not generally anything to do with monarchies, churches, or secret societies, but with the willingness of the student to subject themselves to the learning process on terms other than their own.
zArk said:
Conspiracy Theories and the topic of secret societies plugs directly into this, as those societies are the upper elite and are now being finger pointed and exposed.


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ViolentPanda said:
No, what you said was " The civilisations of the past created cities and statues that defy belief, including our technology and building skills..
That's the point I was answering, that nothing "defied belief", it merely defied the credulity of certain Euro-centric and biased academics, not general belief.

Wrong, knowledge is still there for anyone who cares to seek it. The obstacle in the way of this is not generally anything to do with monarchies, churches, or secret societies, but with the willingness of the student to subject themselves to the learning process on terms other than their own.

i think your response to how i phrased the sentence is a bit of double sided fuck up, called communication and subjectivity
Lad said:
Some flood stories including China and India.http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/flood-myths.html

Ahh, but see what you've done here is actually provide some evidence (even if there's no chronology to establish that the same period of time is being talked about, and for making multiple entries from same culture documents - having 2 entries for Noah and one from Islam for example...these are NOT contemporaneous accounts of the flood, just repeating what had already been said in Hebrew) that multiple cultures all share a major flood happened, and that it was further afield than the ME.

But can you see the difference here zArk?
frogwoman said:
you've got serious problems mate. :(

why? cause that doesnt fit into how you understand the bible?

nephilim are mentioned in the bible. Not a massive leap to say, woah.. its talking about alien beings/human beings/ cross-fertilisation/ gods / god/ etc etc
frogwoman said:
you've got serious problems mate. :(

First instance I've managed to find of the "alien visitation" theory was Victorian-era British Israelite-ism, since then it's been promulgated by people as diverse as Erich von Daniken, T.C. Lethbridge (in his "Legend of the Sons of God") and Jacques Vallee.

None of the, of course, were able to extend beyond theory into actual fact.
When i read about undersea roads and see the pictures, undersea stone circles it interests me immensely.

But WHY does it have to be aliens? Why not look for an obvious answer - humans made it!

And where do you get this '20%' figure from? And what knowledge could you be talking about? Since it's posisble to acccess the information on how to build a nuke, do you really think that 3000 year old tablets of clay can really hold anything usefiul to us now, beyond their obvious historical use?
zArk said:
what is clear is that over the past few millenia knowledge has been held by the upper elite in order to suppress the masses.

So, we've managed to make huge leaps in medicine and communications, learnt to fly, cure diseases that were killers even 50 years ago, send emails, eat better food, generally lose the more outlandish claims of blind superstition -- and all this time we've been held back by old blokes in black robes working to a set of esoteric scrolls. And you want us to sit around chanting "om" and believe that giants once walked the earth. Cheers. Great.
zArk said:
i think your response to how i phrased the sentence is a bit of double sided fuck up, called communication and subjectivity

You miss the point, which is that those technical feats weren't beyond wit or "belief-defying" except if to those who allowed their preconceptions and values to cloud the judgements that they should have been making based on evidence.
zArk said:
When i read about undersea roads and see the pictures, undersea stone circles it interests me immensely.

There are underwater houses and a church in Derwent dam. Were these put there by aliens as well? :p
kyser_soze said:
But can you see the difference here zArk?

yes of course, it is a link you are happy with, that suits your subjectivity on the the issue of 'source' rather than opinion -- which you seem to forget was why i posted way back when on this topic.

silly billy.

I think that my opinion is worthwhile based upon undersea streets and undersea stone circles with the work of Michael Tsarion backing it up, i find it all very interesting.

Conspiracy on 911, of course there was and i dont mean the conspiracy between the named 19 hijackers.
Am i a conspiraloon, nah, thats your phrase.. i'll define myself if need be,
yes of course, it is a link you are happy with, that suits your subjectivity on the the issue of 'source' rather than opinion -- which you seem to forget was why i posted way back when on this topic.

No, you still aren't quite getting it...as you can see I'm not entirely happy with the link either (for the reasons listed), but it's more of a source of evidence that the flood was global then you've managed to supply.

I give up (again)
WouldBe said:
There are underwater houses and a church in Derwent dam. Were these put there by aliens as well? :p

wait a sec.. mr comedy

i was saying that aliens were here, then a massive nuclear war, then a massive flood. The knowledge of their technology has been held by secret societies and the unfolding of technology is not our progress but the building of alien technology through plans and knowledge held by secret societies.

so wait wait, i am glossing over Tsarions work very very lightly. (if you are interested there are lots of audio interviews with him where he explains his research very clearly so you dont have to buy a book and spend 2 months reading it.)

so, in this sense, Da Vincis sketching of a tank put to shame those Roswell /US back engineering alien craft claimers as can be seen Da Vincis TANK looks very similar to a UFO of cold war films.


by the way Da Vinci was a freemason, catholic and scientist. Did he have amazing knowledge for his time or was he just reading the alien technology notes he was allowed access to?
kyser_soze said:
But WHY does it have to be aliens? Why not look for an obvious answer - humans made it!

just following Tsarions work, very very lightly.

kyser_soze said:
And where do you get this '20%' figure from?

ok then 15%??? 80/20 rule? is 30% too much?
then a massive nuclear war,

The flaw in this is that there is NO evidence anywhere - ice cores or geological record - that support the idea that there was a nuclear conflict on earth prior to human existance...or did the early humans manage to carefully hide an entire layer of radioactive debris somewhere we can't find it?
kyser_soze said:
The flaw in this is that there is NO evidence anywhere - ice cores or geological record - that support the idea that there was a nuclear conflict on earth prior to human existance...or did the early humans manage to carefully hide an entire layer of radioactive debris somewhere we can't find it?

Commenting on the Mahabharata, top physicist Fredrick Soddy wrote in his book Interpretation of Radium:

Can we not read in them some justification for the belief that some forgotten race of men attained not only the knowledge that we have so recently won, but also that power that is not yet ours?…I believe that there have been civilizations in the past that were familiar with atomic energy and that by misusing it they were totally destroyed.

At Rochester University, when Robert Oppenheimer was asked if the discharge of his Atomic bomb was the first such event, he answered publicly: Well yes, in modern times, of course.

The Mahabharata
A single projectile, charged with all the power of the universe, an incandescent column of smoke and fire as bright as 10,000 suns from a shaft fatal as the rod of death. Endowed with the force of thousand-eyed Indra’s thunder. It was as destructive to all living creatures…Hostile warriors fell to the earth like trees burned down in a raging fire…a substance like fire has sprung into existence…blistering hills, rivers and trees. All…are being reduced to ashes…You cruel and evil ones, drunk with pride, through that iron bolt you shall become exterminators of your race –

now, you gotta admit those are weirdorama statements from pretty big geezers in the atomic world
zArk said:
i was saying that aliens were here, then a massive nuclear war, then a massive flood. The knowledge of their technology has been held by secret societies and the unfolding of technology is not our progress but the building of alien technology through plans and knowledge held by secret societies.
Your wrong. It goes the aliens were here, then there was a massive flood, then there was a nuclear war.
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