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Conspiraloons – why...?

zArk said:
I think you should check out Michael Tsarion.
A right fucking nutjob if ever I saw one!

Still, nice to know there's a vast range of t-shirts, DVDs, CDs, books and other cash-in merchandise available.
This thread is one of the best on urban for sheer 'WTF? People actually believe that?' amazement...and cheap laughs obviously.

Kinda like Urban's own version of Big Brother...Get all the conspiraloons on one thread and let them unleash their best ideas...

What I love is the seemless integration being shown by zArk between alien genesis and the Book of Revelation, someone who is acclaimed as being worse than Icke and DVC...priceless...
editor said:
A right fucking nutjob if ever I saw one!

Still, nice to know there's a vast range of t-shirts, DVDs, CDs, books and other cash-in merchandise available.

Available online?

Hmmm...don't you need to use the banking system to buy anything online?

Isn't the banking system controlled by the *Leaders*?

How do his fans square using the banking system?
BootyLove said:
FUCK! I wish I'd seen this before replying to your previous notsoloony post...

EVIDENCE! not OPINIONS gleaned from wacky books mate, stop believing the shite that cleverer people than you keep fooling you with...
You know nothing about the past, so you're being controlled with this shit.

We evolved - get used to it, god, aliens, genetic modifying demons were not involved.

You should investigate the Scientologists, they're right up your street.

Ffucks sake.

oh right, there it is. the answer to everything. we evolved.. well urmmm except for the 'missing link' thing but other than that its all worked out.

I wonder about things like;

1)what is the goal for our society? what are we all collectively working to?
2) why did the US and UK trash and destroy ancient Iraqi documents first when they invaded Iraq 2003?
3) dead sea scrolls
4) pyramids --- most pyramids were not used as burial tombs and most represent exactly star constellations.
5) atlantis -- a topic that has disappeared from the mainstream
6) easter island statues
7) stonehenge
8) roads under the sea --- http://www.grahamhancock.com/gallery/underwater/bimini.htm

roads under the sea!! the bible story of the great flood. intriguing stuff when you disregard all the moral bullshit in the bible and focus upon specific stories


9) alien manipulation
Let us make him who shall nourish and sustain us. What shall we do to be invoked, to be remembered in earth? We have tried with our first creatures, but we could not make them venerate us. So then, let us try to make obedient, respectful beings, who shall nourish and sustain us
- The Maya Popul Vuh

Zeus gathered the gods in council to express his concern that these unusual creatures would one day challenge their hegemony. He was loathe to exterminate them with his thunderbolts, though, because there would be no one to bring the gods offerings. He solved the problem by putting each creature into a trance and then splitting it down the middle…Upon awakening, each half only dimly remembered what it had been prior to being cleft in two. Zeus explained to the assembled gods and goddesses the cleverness of his scheme. These creatures would no longer pose a threat to the gods, because they would dissipate their considerable energy by spending the rest of their days searching for their missing halves
Leonard Schlain (recounting Plato’s Symposium account)
editor said:
A right fucking nutjob if ever I saw one!

Still, nice to know there's a vast range of t-shirts, DVDs, CDs, books and other cash-in merchandise available.

surely you mean 'A right fucking nutjob if ever I READ one'?
1)what is the goal for our society? what are we all collectively working to?
2) why did the US and UK trash and destroy ancient Iraqi documents first when they invaded Iraq 2003?
3) dead sea scrolls
4) pyramids --- most pyramids were not used as burial tombs and most represent exactly star constellations.
5) atlantis -- a topic that has disappeared from the mainstream
6) easter island statues
7) stonehenge
8) roads under the sea --- http://www.grahamhancock.com/gallery...ter/bimini.htm

The real question is would you accept a straight, normal answer to any of these if you were given one, with evidence and argument?

I seriously doubt it. I mean:

5) atlantis -- a topic that has disappeared from the mainstream

...well leaving aside the point that there is NO EVIDENCE AT ALL to support the idea of Atlantis that's been found, it's hardly dissappeared from the mainstream. There was a documentary on recently about a new search for Atlantis...which unsurprisingly concluded that it was a myth...

2) why did the US and UK trash and destroy ancient Iraqi documents first when they invaded Iraq 2003?

Do you have a shread of proof that ancient sites were deliberately chosen as part of the battle plan, or can't you just accept that they were collateral damage in a war?

The problem with you zArk is that even if you were confronted with evidence of what the truth is and it didn't fit into your strange world of half myth and fear you'd just reject it as part of the wider conspiracy.
I`ve never claimed that the banking elite are reptilian or anything like that. My point is that if you follow the power, the highest place you will find in public view is the central banks of the world, also places like "The city of london" and other major financial centres like Frankfurt.

I don`t talk about our rulers like they`re human because in a sense they are not.

"Your man we knew as your father ceased to exist when he became Darth Vader"

Star Wars is very symbolic. Yoda = Yota The so-called guiding entity behind high level freemasonry. He had pointy ears, small eyes etc.

I`m not saying we`re being ruled by aliens i`m saying, Dark occultists.....sith.
siarc said:
just in case it wasn't TOTALLY FUCKING OBVIOUS, all my posts in this thread until now were parodic in nature and the product of having too much time on my hands whilst struck down with food poisoning. sorry to anyone who got lost on google searching for my invented citations.

I googled the first reference :oops:

I even noted that its authors had been erased from history...

It all started to look promisingly entertaining when azrael23 thought he'd found an ally - someone as bonkers as he - and started engaging:

Azrae23 said:
People realising the need for economic reform and understanding the reasons behind the structure of the present system is paramount i`d agree. No one wants to be annointed as anything, they just want to express themselves like anyone else does. I can`t remember which it was psychologist that put the desire for expression highest in the model of human need.

Schumann resonance?


siarc said:
i think i can understand a little more about why people are drawn to this nonsense though; it's quite refreshing to have no obligations to even the most elementary levels of reason and restraint. it's like being a child again, free to throw shit around and kick over sandcastles and write long, incoherent fantastical tales about everything and nothing, and you're never, ever wrong.

I think you're on to something there - with one bound they are free of the constraints imposed by such mundane material messes as, er, gravity and logic...

If only they'd stick to fairy pictures, séances and the "Akashic Record"...

siarc said:
i hope the more insiduous anti-semitic vindinctive ones would fuck and off and die.

kyser_soze said:
Do you have a shread of proof that ancient sites were deliberately chosen as part of the battle plan, or can't you just accept that they were collateral damage in a war?
hush now, baby.


"What's going on here is worse than what happened with the Baghdad museum," says Professor Elizabeth Stone of Stonybrook University in New York.

"What happened at the museum shouldn't have happened. But in terms of what was taken, we knew where it came from. We have photographs. What's coming out of here, we haven't the faintest idea what it is."

Professor Stone has been studying new satellite images which show hundreds of neatly-arranged holes where sites have been dug up.

"We can tell the difference between the areas they're really targeting and the areas they're probing," she says. "We can really make a distinction between different types of looting."
The akasha surrounds you as you type. The irony of it.

The elite are bound to be interested in the ancient artefacts of the babylonians and the assyrians as they still use a lot of their symbology today (esp. Babylonian stuff), not to mention that they`re insane and we all know Uber-crazy occultic leaders, people like Hitler always obsess over lunacy like the power of ancient artefacts.

What was the name of the spear that Hitler thought if he got his hands on it, it would mean he was undefeatable in the war? Goddamn sith.
Azrael23 said:
Star Wars is very symbolic. Yoda = Yota The so-called guiding entity behind high level freemasonry. He had pointy ears, small eyes etc.

I`m not saying we`re being ruled by aliens i`m saying, Dark occultists.....sith.

Fuck me, you have excelled yourself. Now we're taking Yoda as a symbolic entity, now doubts with George Lucas in on the conspiracy. It gets no better.


'Daft buggers. Paranoid tin foil hatters they be"

Azrael23 said:
Star Wars is very symbolic. Yoda = Yota The so-called guiding entity behind high level freemasonry. He had pointy ears, small eyes etc.

Star Wars is also frowned upon by many for it's portrayal of racial stereotypes, especially exaggerated Jewish-looking monsters in charge of money, and as for Jar-Jar Binks with his dreadlocks and Yardie swagger...

Plus of course the martial arts aspect lifted directly from oriental culture.

1) Light/dark = Yang/Yin
2) Force = qi
3) Darth Vader's helmet = samurai helmet
4) Light sabers = samurai swords
5) Luke's robe = karate gi
6) Yoda = koan-spouting Zen master
7) Obi-Wan = Taoist adept/immortal
zArk said:
oh right, there it is. the answer to everything. we evolved.. well urmmm except for the 'missing link' thing but other than that its all worked out.

I wonder about things like;

1)what is the goal for our society? what are we all collectively working to?
2) why did the US and UK trash and destroy ancient Iraqi documents first when they invaded Iraq 2003?

the same thing has happened with the taliban and the buddhas, or the wahabbis in saudi with mohammed's tomb ... does that mean that it's all one big part of a huge conspiracy?

no it doesn't.

and what evidence do you actually have that these sites were deliberately chosen?

3) dead sea scrolls
4) pyramids --- most pyramids were not used as burial tombs and most represent exactly star constellations.

umm so? what's that got to do with aliens or any conspiracies?

5) atlantis -- a topic that has disappeared from the mainstream

apart from the daily mail of course ... ;)

6) easter island statues

why is it so difficult for you to accept that mere sheeplike humans could have built such a thing?

do you think that aliens built planes or the space shuttle as well?

or could it in fact be that were you to believe that humans designed and created these statues, that your worldview would fall apart, since you would realise that there wasn't really any such thing as the "masses" who were able to be manipulated by this grand conspiracy, 100% of the time.

roads under the sea!! the bible story of the great flood. intriguing stuff when you disregard all the moral bullshit in the bible and focus upon specific stories

yeah, coz all that "moral bullshit" is a bit inconvenient isnt it



9) alien manipulation
Let us make him who shall nourish and sustain us. What shall we do to be invoked, to be remembered in earth? We have tried with our first creatures, but we could not make them venerate us. So then, let us try to make obedient, respectful beings, who shall nourish and sustain us
- The Maya Popul Vuh

oh dear. oh dear oh dear oh dear ...

Zeus gathered the gods in council to express his concern that these unusual creatures would one day challenge their hegemony. He was loathe to exterminate them with his thunderbolts, though, because there would be no one to bring the gods offerings. He solved the problem by putting each creature into a trance and then splitting it down the middle…Upon awakening, each half only dimly remembered what it had been prior to being cleft in two. Zeus explained to the assembled gods and goddesses the cleverness of his scheme. These creatures would no longer pose a threat to the gods, because they would dissipate their considerable energy by spending the rest of their days searching for their missing halves
Leonard Schlain (recounting Plato’s Symposium account)

wtf, are you saying that the greek gds actually existed and were really aliens?!!
Azrael23 said:
I`ve never claimed that the banking elite are reptilian or anything like that. My point is that if you follow the power, the highest place you will find in public view is the central banks of the world, also places like "The city of london" and other major financial centres like Frankfurt.

I don`t talk about our rulers like they`re human because in a sense they are not.

but do you not see where all this dehumanisation can go?
yeah, zArk, all that story tells me is that a bunch of opportunistic antiquities hunters are taking advantage of the unstable situation in Iraq to look for and steal loads of ancient stuff that can be re-sold to collectors internationally.

So tell me how you get from what this actually is (a year old story about looting of antiquities from Iraq) to the USUK forces having a battle plan that included looting all these sites?

I really want to know what your mental process in establishing this as 'evidence' actually works since at the moment all I can see is this:

What was the name of the spear that Hitler thought if he got his hands on it, it would mean he was undefeatable in the war? Goddamn sith

The Spear of Destiny - I assume that you'll be saying there's deep meaningful messages in the pleasantly diverting popcorn movie 'Constantine' next...
Azrael23 said:
Star Wars is very symbolic. Yoda = Yota The so-called guiding entity behind high level freemasonry. He had pointy ears, small eyes etc.

I`m not saying we`re being ruled by aliens i`m saying, Dark occultists.....sith.

* Wipes coffee off screen *

* Composes self *

The argument about dehumanisation that I introduced, so patiently laid out in detail by frogwoman, applied whether you believe they're lizards, Sith or fucking Clangers.


In fact more so, since as I understand it extermination of the Sith is the whole point of parts of that childish fiction.

You are a troll, yes?
Azrael23 said:
Star Wars is very symbolic. Yoda = Yota The so-called guiding entity behind high level freemasonry. He had pointy ears, small eyes etc.
Best. Bonkers. Troll. Ever.
kyser_soze said:
I really want to know what your mental process in establishing this as 'evidence' actually works since at the moment all I can see is this:


I express my opinion, type questions i have, then give a couple of sources and give a link to some photos of under-the-sea roads.
thats it.

You really want to know what my mental process is?
I read books, take an interest in marginalised information and then try to discuss them.

Whereas you, do nothing other than throw around abuse, mockery and hold greatly to established 'truths'. I notice that the looting of Iraqs museums didnt faze you at all, you want more quotes, more of this and more of that.

yeah, zArk, all that story tells me is that a bunch of opportunistic antiquities hunters are taking advantage of the unstable situation in Iraq to look for and steal loads of ancient stuff that can be re-sold to collectors internationally.
So tell me how you get from what this actually is (a year old story about looting of antiquities from Iraq) to the USUK forces having a battle plan that included looting all these sites?

Who Controls the Past Now, Controls the Future, Who controls the Present Now, Controls the Past.

The Book of Giants is very interesting, i wonder what documents have been looted from Iraq? As named the cradle of civilisation. I would say that there are more important relics looted than just gold.

You see this is your and mine problem. I read around subjects and voice what i find out... you seem not to and critise anything i say, then ask for proof and even when i give you a source you ask for more.
kyser_soze said:
The Spear of Destiny - I assume that you'll be saying there's deep meaningful messages in the pleasantly diverting popcorn movie 'Constantine' next...

ermmm yeah! Duh!

that is a stupid statement kyser. rethink
frogwoman said:
but do you not see where all this dehumanisation can go?

Well when people say they hate Blair how come you don`t say the same thing then? I mean they need to think about what they say right? It could lead to some anti-catholicism or anti-white racism.

Think how ludicrous what your saying is. :)

I can`t mention that the banking system is run by a series of family dynasties because it will result in people being racist. :rolleyes:

I`m just saying star wars involves symbolism...it does. Look at episode IV, a chancellor announces to a republic that the jedi have staged a revolt, that they are terrorists and thus he must declare martial law....when really it was him that was behind the war all along....

"this is how democracy dies...to thunderous applause"...
Do you not understand why I don't regard that source as being evidence of your claim? That it contains nothing in it to given credence to your claim that there was deliberate, targeted looting?

The difference in the way we think is not that I disregard 'alternatives' but that i have a higher evidentiary threshold than you.

Beyond the fact that the looting was a crime (arguably against humanity given the value of the antiquities), it's no more or less than has happened in ANY other war in human history - why should it faze me in some special way? Because at the moment Iraq is where the remains of the earliest human cities have been found (a view which completely ignores China to begin with)? That whole 'cradle of civilisation' business is simply a label applied to where archeaologists have found the earliest cities as we would recognise them.

I'm asking you to provide actual evidence for your claims, not links where I'm supposed to draw some mystic meaning from. The other thing as well is that there is some stuff that is marginalised - things like government reports, press releases - that can actually point to real, genuine cover-ups and conspiracies.

Then there is the stuff that you read, that is marginalised because it is constructed out of a bizarre combination of myth, suppostion, superstition, anti-semitism, a western-centric view and are largely the result of an inability to actually get to grips with the way the world actually works - which is far more detailed, complex and nuanced than the simplistic, internally incoherent stuff that you come out with.
zArk said:
1)what is the goal for our society? what are we all collectively working to?
Goal for our society? Collectively working? Nah, sorry, haven't a fucking clue what you're on about :confused: .

zArk said:
2) why did the US and UK trash and destroy ancient Iraqi documents first when they invaded Iraq 2003?
See, when they first got there, someone forgot to pack the arsewipe, and they found that the older stuff was softer on the old pink pucker...

zArk said:
3) dead sea scrolls
So does my web browser. Your point?
zArk said:
4) pyramids --- most pyramids were not used as burial tombs and most represent exactly star constellations.
You forgot the thing about the razorblades. HOW COULD YOU FORGET THE THING ABOUT THE RAZOR BLADES??? :mad:
zArk said:
5) atlantis -- a topic that has disappeared from the mainstream
Ah, but has it disappeared from the Gulf Stream? I think we Need To Know.
zArk said:
6) easter island statues
I think the ones in Whitehall are better - more detailed, like, and they have dudes on horses and everything. And nearer.
zArk said:
7) stonehenge
Mm. Rocks. Big 'uns. Seen it on the way past. But what's REALLY spooky is that not only have I seen Stonehenge, but I live near the place where the rocks came from. How k3wl is that? Do you think it makes me some kind of lizard?
zArk said:
8) roads under the sea ---

roads under the sea!! the bible story of the great flood. intriguing stuff when you disregard all the moral bullshit in the bible and focus upon specific stories

Seems to me that roads under the sea would be a bit pointless. Like, all the road signs would rust, and salt water is REALLY bad for your car. It'd save on plane fares, though, although I think a transatlantic crossing could be a bit tedious. Be fun dodging sharks, I suppose...
zArk said:
9) alien manipulation
It's a lie! A vicious rumour put about to discredit me. Anyway, it was a consenting alien, and you'll never pin anything on me, guv.

oh, btw. Has anyone ever told you that you're completely hatstand?
pembrokestephen said:
Mm. Rocks. Big 'uns. Seen it on the way past. But what's REALLY spooky is that not only have I seen Stonehenge, but I live near the place where the rocks came from. How k3wl is that? Do you think it makes me some kind of lizard?

What's even more spooky is how did stoneage man know the A303 was going to be built right past that spot? ;)
Azrael23 said:
Star Wars is very symbolic. Yoda = Yota The so-called guiding entity behind high level freemasonry. He had pointy ears, small eyes etc.
Ah, but did he have a black jacket, stripy trousers, and a funny apron? That's the real way of detecting yer average high level freemason. Mind you, if you wander into the Pillars of Hercules pub on Great Queen Street on just about any weekday afternoon, you could swing a cat and clobber a dozen of them without even looking.

Hope this helps...
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