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Conspiraloons – why...?

Actually, I think Frogwoman's images deserve a bump...




Nice one Froggy! It's like a Hedgeparty!
laptop said:
And we should believe anything that "Azrael23" says why?

A poster that names himself after the angel of death (with necromantic associations) posts supposedly sacrificial pics from a site named after a demon. Tis all very perplexing and Not Quite Right. :eek:
Jazzz said:
He did mean it like that, and further he's clarified it for you maidmarian, not that it needed any clarification. It doesn't matter what race a handful of elite families are if they are ruling to everyone else's detriment.

Yes Loose Change is pretty good by my reckoning siarc, I've just been handing out copies to my family. There are some quibbles over some of the material but it's by far the best thing yet on the subject.

Look ! He brought up the whole race issue & I merely wonder why ?
Maidmarian said:
Look ! He brought up the whole race issue & I merely wonder why ?

I am kind of loathed to admit it but Jazzz doesn't have it in him to really be racist... just so damn fucking gullible... as long as he is prepared to put some of that passion into dismantling the web of simple anxiety, into attacking the kind of people who weave riddles in order to push people off balance...

He plays a mean piano too, so I'm told. Can't knock that.
Maidmarian said:
Look ! He brought up the whole race issue & I merely wonder why ?
He mentioned the word 'race' which he meant as in 'human'. He'd already been accused of repeating anti-semitism.
pk said:
I am kind of loathed to admit it but Jazzz doesn't have it in him to really be racist...
well nice to have you defending me of a sort pk but she meant Azrael23...
Maidmarian I regret sounding harsh with you, because I know you're not a mean poster in any way, it's just that Azrael23 really didn't mean anything like you are thinking, I promise. :)

anyway it's bedtime for me. Other thread has drained me somewhat.
pk said:
I am kind of loathed to admit it but Jazzz doesn't have it in him to really be racist... just so damn fucking gullible...

But the question is not about Jazz but about this deeply disturbing quote from Azrael23:

I don`t understand the refusal to accept the consequences of allowing a criminal few to run the world economy and get away with constant assaults on our race as a whole. WTF?

So he says he meant an attack on the human race by another race.

Which is the Icke Manoeuvre: "When I say that a race controls the world banking system I really, honestly believe that they are lizards. Actual lizards. Whose DNA is mingled with human DNA - in ways that science deems impossible - so it must be true because, er, lizards control science".

Actually, it doesn't matter politically whether or not Azrael23 or Icke actually literally believe in lizard/human hybrids. (If true, it would matter to their families, because it would mean mean they were certifiable, and visiting them in institutions will not be pleasant.)

But what they are saying either way is this: "there is a race that controls banking and they don't count as human".
Jazzz said:
well nice to have you defending me of a sort pk but she meant Azrael23...

Oh - did she?



Back in a minute then... hey ho..
Yes laptop what a deeply disturbing quote.

You can rest assured foolio, that when i say the elite attack our race as a whole, I mean the elite attack the human race as a whole.

If I was so racist and believing in some jewish conspiracy how come I never say A THING about Israel? Surely i`d be banging on about it to all and sundry! Do I seem like someone who hides what they think, If I was a fascist or a racist i`d have said so!

I thought I was a hippy whacko, when did I become a fascist paramilitarist? :D
laptop said:
But the question is not about Jazz but about this deeply disturbing quote from Azrael23:

Ah, yes... I'm with you now. Forgive me, it is late and I have taken a measure or two of Carling Black Label.

laptop said:
So he says he meant an attack on the human race by another race.

Which is the Icke Manoeuvre: "When I say that a race controls the world banking system I really, honestly believe that they are lizards. Actual lizards. Whose DNA is mingled with human DNA - in ways that science deems impossible - so it must be true because, er, lizards control science".

Hmm. It is rather similar to the "WTF YOU DON'T KNOW THE ALIENS PWNED YOU ALREADY? LOL! PMSL!" attitude displayed by keen Scientologimps.

Actually, it doesn't matter politically whether or not Azrael23 or Icke actually literally believe in lizard/human hybrids. (If true, it would matter to their families, because it would mean mean they were certifiable, and visiting them in institutions will not be pleasant.)

But what they are saying either way is this: "there is a race that controls banking and they don't count as human".

Which goes back to the protocols issue.

Are gullible people really being duped into fighting a phoney war against "lizards" and "masonic occult rituals" and "bankers" by way of pathetic and untrue scare stories, in the same way Adolf and his crew created the environment that led to Kristalnacht and the horrors thereafter?

And should opposition to the David Icke school of thinking be as determined and as absolute as opposition to the far right? After all, he's fully aware of their backing of his theories...

David Icke - 1995 said:
"In Britain, I am told by an extremely reliable source very close to the intelligence organisations that the "far-right" group, Combat 18, is a front for the sinister Anti-Defamation League, the United States arm of the Israeli/Rothschild secret service, Mossad. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has been operating in Britain and Europe since at least 1991 and its role is to brand as anti-Semitic anyone who is getting close to the truth of what is going on. What better way to discredit an investigator than to have a "far-Right" group like Combat 18 to praise them?"

Perhaps it is you, Azrael, that has been duped after all... duped into following blindly some loose set of tales that convince you that you are one race and that THEY are a different race.

And you must fight and destroy that race.

Whatever it takes, right Azrael?

And maybe, once you've convinced enough people, and you know there will have to be some serious bloodshed.

Maybe then you might have to find a field somewhere and think about constructing some gas chambers...

Think about that the next time you want to pass on race war stories before checking them out yourself, you dodgy fucker.
Azrael23 said:
I thought I was a hippy whacko, when did I become a fascist paramilitarist? :D

When you started propagating theories spread by people with a seriously nasty agenda.
pk said:
When you started propagating theories spread by people with a seriously nasty agenda.

Indeed. This person is either complicit with those fucktards and pretending to be stupid, or so stupid they shouldn't be left in charge of a glass of water unsupervised.
laptop said:
Indeed. This person is either complicit with those fucktards and pretending to be stupid, or so stupid they shouldn't be left in charge of a glass of water unsupervised.

Either way - not fit to post threads here IMO...
laptop said:
Mine too.

* Starts designing questionnaire to add to registration process *

"Are you, or have you ever been, a believer in David Icke's fantasy worlds"

just in case it wasn't TOTALLY FUCKING OBVIOUS, all my posts in this thread until now were parodic in nature and the product of having too much time on my hands whilst struck down with food poisoning. sorry to anyone who got lost on google searching for my invented citations.

i think i can understand a little more about why people are drawn to this nonsense though; it's quite refreshing to have no obligations to even the most elementary levels of reason and restraint. it's like being a child again, free to throw shit around and kick over sandcastles and write long, incoherent fantastical tales about everything and nothing, and you're never, ever wrong.

maybe a psychologist (a real one) could ask if conspiracy theorists are just undergoing a prolonged regressive episode. i don't think many of them are actually lunatics, though i hope the more insiduous anti-semitic vindinctive ones would fuck and off and die.
Azrael23 said:
Our leaders are dark occultists you can`t deny that.

You think it impossible that they might know things about the nature of reality that are not propagated to the masses?
Our leaders aren't dark occultists. There, I've denied it.

And you can't prove that they are.
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