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Conspiraloons – why...?

i present ... ladies and gentlemen ...


LJo said:
Owls, owls, owls, owls
Owls, owls, owls, owls
Owls, owls, owls, owls
Owls, owls, owls, owls


Isn't it funny how when you type a word over and over again, it starts to look really strange?


Thats because the more and more you say a word, the more you realise it is a noise, nothing more. It only makes sense because of the idea you attach to it.
ViolentPanda said:
I think it's unlikely that any "occultism" they manifest is much more than window-dressing, and that any claims to gnosis they make are put out to engross and enthrall the credulous.

I`m not saying they`re really illuminated with some great knowledge, i`m pointing out they`re insane. :)
Azrael23 said:
Thats because the more and more you say a word, the more you realise it is a noise, nothing more. It only makes sense because of the idea you attach to it.

Have a think about what you just said, dear.

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that Department of Defense will release a videotape to Judicial Watch at 1:00 p.m. this afternoon that allegedly shows American Airlines Flight 77 striking the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The Department of Defense is releasing the videotape in response to a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act request and related lawsuit.

Server is unresponsive. Hahaha, they must have had 1 million hits in 1hr.

but flight77.info has this to say

the DOJ called last night to say they're releasing the video to us today. when i have it, i will transfer it to the web and post it here.

but here's the deal - since judicial watch is claiming they did-all-this: if the video release is the same 5 frames we've been looking at for the last few years - then judicial watch takes ALL THE CREDIT.

if pentagon spokesman bryan whitman is correct when he said the images appear to be the same as a series of still pictures previously seen on US television - you never saw this web site. nothing to see here.

the irony would be sweet.

if the video is new and clearly shows the impact - you know who's behind it: me and my attorney scott hodes ;-)

Azrael23 said:
Our leaders are dark occultists you can`t deny that.

You think it impossible that they might know things about the nature of reality that are not propagated to the masses?

How many times?

its a work of fiction, written to take the piss out of people like you!
Azrael23 said:


Yeah its twilight zone, its still happening though.

what are they supposed to prove? The first one looks like a firework display and you can see people dressed like the people in the 2nd photo in any church on any Sunday. We don't even know that they are from Bohemian Grove.
Azrael23 said:
Thats because the more and more you say a word, the more you realise it is a noise, nothing more. It only makes sense because of the idea you attach to it.

Hey, its the reincarnation of Ferdinand de Saussure!
Azrael23 said:

Yeah its twilight zone, its still happening though.[/QUOTE]One picture is at least 6 years old and the other looks like its from the 70s, not that those two totally random, context-free photos prove anything at all.

What was the point of posting them up?
I can assure you all the photos are from Bohemian grove, most are from a copy of their annual.

Heres some more, I think photos are important as they give you a feel of the place, the theme.


What does that mean BTW.."am the girl"...eh? :confused:


Its our old friend Schmidt giving a nice speech.



1909...seems its been a sick place for a long time. BTW they aren`t women in this photo, they are men dressed as women....which is err fair enough I guess.
Welcome to the Global Alliance Militia, an unofficial militia, focused soley on spreading files and seeking truth, we're the "invisible army" of citizens hell-bent on destroying the United Nations Agenda, Calling for a New World Order. These Benedict Arnolds of Modern times, will stop at nothing to bring a one world governance, and America will be the platform.
On September 11th 2001, millions of Americans were deemed the terrorist suspects, and its own government will use legislation against its citizens and slowly take their basic constitutional rights away. Legislation like the Homeland Security Act is a modern-day version of Hitler's Enabling Act. Don't be confused, this fascism is not the 1940's nazi fascism, this is a new fascism. Its called War Corporatism.

Wtf is that site you're linking from Azrael? Yours?
Same hostile site (urban75 now appearing in its site logs - FAQ problem here:

Fascism should be more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of State and Corporate power.- Mussolini

Look which lying bastard fascist* prole's definition comes from. Odd, that.

* If there's one person you can call a fascist without fear of contradiction by any sane person, it's Mussolini
laptop said:
If there's one person you can call a fascist without fear of contradiction by any sane person, it's Mussolini

Which is exactly why he`d know! Idiot! :D

Oh and to show the ancient emblematic significance of the owl in the old mystery religions.

I'm getting really confused. I thought it was the Masons that secretly ran everything, but then there's the Bohemian Grove who secretly run everything aswell (or am I mixing them up with the Bilderberg Group)... but then there were some guys on TV the other night explaining to Danny Wallace that the Illuminati secretly run everything. Or is that all just bit mixed up and actually it's the Jews that secretly run everything?

And what did Erik Von Daniken say? Wasn't it that the aliens secretly run everything? Or was it that they secretly created everything? And don't Mossad secretly do all the terrorist stuff? Or is that the CIA? Or do they share it out? Maybe Mossad helped the CIA hide the 757 that didn't hit the Pentagon but is now on an island?

It's all so hard to follow.

Az - you must be the man to clear all this up for us. :D
So Azrael23 explicitly takes Mussolini's word above that of sober, non-fascist political analysts - as does prole implicitly.

Of course he's not a fucking reliable source as to what fascism is - he was a populist demagoge promoting it.

Odds ratio on them being actual fascist sympathisers, as against "merely" deluded enough to throw the care in the community policy into some doubt, is shrinking...
The majority of your images are from here Azrael (link broken): http:*//azazel.smugmug.com/

I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be hotlinking images from a site like that direct to U75 :(

If you really must post up this sort of thing (and you'll notice that you are hardly being encouraged), you should be doing it via a hosting site like imageshack not direct hotlinking :(
laptop said:
So Azrael23 explicitly takes Mussolini's word above that of sober, non-fascist political analysts - as does prole implicitly.

Of course he's not a fucking reliable source as to what fascism is - he was a populist demagoge promoting it.

Odds ratio on them being actual fascist sympathisers, as against "merely" deluded enough to throw the care in the community policy into some doubt, is shrinking...
(Its demagogue btw)

Do you jump up and down wearing a black cape at your keyboard? :D

I`m no fan of Mussolini, what kind of an insinuation is that? Its definitely barrel scraping laptop.
I`ve always considered fascism to be the same as corporatism, communism whatever because they all involve power being given to the elite few at the top. The reason fascism involves the fusion of government and corporations is because they're usually the same group of people! Ya big fool!

Is that a problem? It seems your determined to try and label me a racist or a fascist, this is what...the third time now?

Your making yourself look ridiculous and when I say it, you know its bad. lol
Azrael23 said:
(Its demagogue btw)

Do you jump up and down wearing a black cape at your keyboard? :D

I`m no fan of Mussolini, what kind of an insinuation is that? Its definitely barrel scraping laptop.
I`ve always considered fascism to be the same as corporatism, communism whatever because they all involve power being given to the elite few at the top. The reason fascism involves the fusion of government and corporations is because they usually the same group of people! Ya big fool!

Is that a problem? It seems your determined to try and label me a racist or a fascist, this is what...the third time now?

Your making yourself look ridiculous and when I say it, you its bad. lol

But Azrael - the site that you are persist in DIRECTLY hotlinking to us has this quote:

Fascism should be more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of State and Corporate power.- Mussolini

immediately below the quote that I gave in post 344. What are you up to?
Something that has caused me difficulty from time to time is an inability to realise just how stupid people can actually be.

If Azrae23 isn't a racist pretending to be stupid, then he makes pondlife look like genius.
It's all about marketing the 6.6.06 release :eek: :eek:

Perhaps the thread should be moved to the right forum, or mebbe binned as spam. Haven't noticed any U75 discounts offered!!
WTF are guys on about, I`m posting pictures of bohemian grove.

I have nothing to do with that site, Azazel is a daemon you numb nutted twonk. Azrael is an angel. Sound similar but are very different.

Also the guy whose site that is, seems to be based in the US....am I? :rolleyes:

Pretty fucking good detectives eh?
Azrael23 said:
WTF are guys on about, I`m posting pictures of bohemian grove.

I have nothing to do with that site, Azazel is a daemon you numb nutted twonk. Azrael is an angel. Sound similar but are very different.

Also the guy whose site that is, seems to be based in the US....am I? :rolleyes:

Pretty fucking good detectives eh?

Dunno - are you based in the US? And you are hotlinking the majority of these pics from a site that names itself after a demon, no? And you haven't answered whether or not it's your own site, no? And Azrael is supposedly the angel of death and linked to necromantic art/lit, no?
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