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Conspiraloons – why...?

pembrokestephen said:
Not the ones that were in the shape of...Jahbulon's left elbow, surely? :eek: :eek: :eek:

*steps away from laptop*
*glances nervously at sky*

No it was Osiris' kneecap. You got the fake version dummy! They switch all around and tell you its different....but it aint.
zArk said:
wait a sec.. mr comedy

i was saying that aliens were here, then a massive nuclear war, then a massive flood. The knowledge of their technology has been held by secret societies and the unfolding of technology is not our progress but the building of alien technology through plans and knowledge held by secret societies.

<snipo, whilt I snort wine trough my nise> so, in this sense, Da Vincis sketching of a tank put to shame those Roswell /US back engineering alien craft claimers as can be seen Da Vincis TANK looks very similar to a UFO of cold war films.

by the way Da Vinci was a freemason, catholic and scientist. Did he have amazing knowledge for his time or was he just reading the alien technology notes he was allowed access to?

look sunshine, just because you are an unimaginative dimmo doesn't mean that the entire human race couldn't think of jack shit unless they nicked it from an alien book.

Some people are more creative than you, deal, FFS.
pembrokestephen said:
Actually, I did look into this claim, and he *could*, in theory, have been one, but it'd be a long stretch:
he died in 1519, and early records of Masonic stuff go back to the late 16th Century.
And relate to France IIRC?
Whether or not he was in the right place, or could or would have joined is a whole other matter. But I think the idea that he was somehow in possession of alien texts that only he could read leaves any claim about his membership of the Freemasons standing in the Ludicrosity Stakes :)
If it had been claimed that Leonardo was an "occultist" I'd probably have agreed with that. He certainly know enough about Kabbalism and alchemy to have read widely on such matters, but to specifically use the term "Freemason" without qualifying means that ZaRk (given that he/she didn't state otherwise) was referring to "modern" masonry, not some musty, semi-connected antecedent of it.

I agree about the Ludicrosity Stakes though. :)
Derian said:
Freemasonry in the accepted sense of today, perhaps. Masonry in the operative as opposed to speculative form goes back far further than that.
Arguably to late Saxon times, but ZaRk gave absolutely no indication that he/she was talking about anything other than modern speculative masonry.
The transition from the operative to the speculative form of Masonry wasn't completed until 1717, just under two centuries after Da Vinci's death. Most of the transition period seems to have taken place during those two centuries - and indeed there were some Lodges in England that were entirely non - operative by the mid 1600's.

As far as the early operative guild - based free stone masonry is concerned, Da Vinci may very well have had connections/been a member. I don't know - but I think it's a bit less cut and dried than you set out (and a couple of centuries isn't a few /pedant mode off ;) )
I think it's entirely likely that Leonardo did have connections with operative masonry, given his liking for architecture, but that doesn't prove (not that you are trying to!) that he was a "freemason".
zArk said:
lol, a 56ker. ^

It comes of having 4 family members with computers, each wanting internet, so we share a dial-up account. (Either that or buy new machines for at least 3 so as to share a broadband connection.)

On the minus side, I don't get to download and watch the videos exposing the "truth" about 9/11. On the plus side, I get a life. :)

Oh and BTW, being on dial-up does not mean I'm restricted to whatever version of Google has Leonardo as a freemason and similar anachronisms.

If you cannot find a Boeing757 in this still, and find that distressing, don't panic... everything is going to seem very strange for a while


a 757 to scale:


thread in WP

edited to add: wouldbe has asserted this isn't quite to scale, I didn't check the source and I accept that.
Azrael23 said:
Echelons real.... you did know that right?

prove it!

those bubbles dont show anything

show me documents proving beyond all doubt that our telecoms are being tracked, traced and recorded by this supposed 'paranoid' military through super computers.
and on... and on... and on
zArk said:
prove it!

those bubbles dont show anything

show me documents proving beyond all doubt that our telecoms are being tracked, traced and recorded by this supposed 'paranoid' military through super computers.
and on... and on... and on

Well a European Parliament document talking over the implications of Echelon on its citizens' privacy can be found here: http://www.fas.org/irp/program/process/europarl_draft.pdf

You'll note that it isn't hosted by some crackjack organisation offering random speculation and selling 'the alien elite control us' t-shirts, caps and books to the terminally gullible...
zArk said:
really? do i?
at least i understand what icke is talking about when he talks of lizards. I dont run around saying that Icke reckons that Lizards rule the world and its like an episode of V with people being lizards under the skin. Duh! Like thats wat he is saying.

Ermmm BootyLove why dont you put a cork in it and stop making accussations against me. You dont know what i have read.

I'm judging you purely based on your posts here. In fact are you sure you're not a troll? - you really seem to swallow all this stuff hook, line and sinker.

As to your first paragraph - yes that is what he says - he says that people like Blair shapeshift into lizards and eat babies with the queen. :eek: :rolleyes:
I can't believe it...zArk posts all these madcap theories about aliens, atlantis and the rest, and yet doubts the existance of Echelon...can you credit it?
zArk said:
Why is fused glass found in profusion beneath the sands of Iraqi plains? Why are radioactive tektites and isotopes found all over the Dead Sea basin and at the very location posited for the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? (m. tsarion)

with regard to the Mahabharata you seem to gloss over the fact it was written well before anyone apparently knew about atomic energy. Its a pretty clear description of an nuclear explosion.

I'll add that to my LoonyBin favourites. It's like reading some cult literature, he's an idiot and a liar (Carl Sagan said that we'd been visited by aliens 5,000 times - did he bollocks link). So if he lied there he probably lies all the way through his thesis - but you won't check his sources because you 'Want to believe'.

I see he essentially wants to replace religion and science - what with?
Assumptions and speculation it seems.

'The fear some of us have of the sea, arises from our race-memory of this historically recent Deluge.' - okay then, if it's a 'race-memory' why don't all of us fear the sea? Logically of course it's wise to treat the ocean with respect - it'll drown you quite easily.

'Thanks to Allan and Delair, Milton and Cremo, and a few other revisionist researchers, we can ring the deathnell of the "Uniformitarian" paradigms of Lyell, Agassiz, Giekie and Darwin':rolleyes: - I'm afraid I can't find any of those paradigm 'destroyers' in Wikipedia - why is that then?

Evolution was the world shattering paradigm - it completely changed our outlook almost overnight, it changed the nature of the way people thought about history, theology and science. And it was very nearly repressed.
So with respect, fuck you and your alien shit and accept that there are much more inventive and intelligent humans than you.

As to the fused glass - I think that's been answered - lightning (which can reach temperatures of 30,000 deg F - hotter than the sun) and/or lava - which is usually made up of mostly silica - glass...
ViolentPanda said:
Me said:
he died in 1519, and early records of Masonic stuff go back to the late 16th Century.
And relate to France IIRC?
Not sure about France specifically, but I'd be rather surprised if Freemasonry was operating in any sense as the organisation we're referring to ("speculative" Freemasonry) in Italy that far back.

ViolentPanda said:
If it had been claimed that Leonardo was an "occultist" I'd probably have agreed with that. He certainly know enough about Kabbalism and alchemy to have read widely on such matters, but to specifically use the term "Freemason" without qualifying means that ZaRk (given that he/she didn't state otherwise) was referring to "modern" masonry, not some musty, semi-connected antecedent of it.
Personally, I'm inclined to suspect that what's happened here is that Freemasonry has been thrown in as some kind of representative-of-the-less-than-orthodox type of deal, and it was probably a careless and not very well thought out claim. Of such things are much of the whole anti-Masonic edifice built, on the whole :rolleyes: : strangely, where there ARE issues with Freemasonry that could be argued as relevant, these people rarely bring them up, as they seem to be more interested in devil worship and links with the Illuminati, pah.

ViolentPanda said:
I agree about the Ludicrosity Stakes though. :)
They've excelled themselves lately, our conspiraloons. I'm beginning to wonder if we're being trolled.
BootyLove said:
You going to answer my question zark?
Originally Posted by BootyLove

So could you give us an example of this 'alien technology'

missed your question among all the others.

Tsarions point is that alien knowledge passed down through the years has pushed technology quicker than humans can cope with, emotionally and spiritually.
I dont think Tsarion would say (but unsure) that the technology we have wouldnt have been eventually created but that we are clearly unable to cope with technology we have now and yet we are progressing faster and faster.

The atomic bomb is one example or more specific splitting the atom and then it being used as a weapon of war/.
zArk said:
Originally Posted by BootyLove

So could you give us an example of this 'alien technology'

missed your question among all the others.

Tsarions point is that alien knowledge passed down through the years has pushed technology quicker than humans can cope with, emotionally and spiritually.
I dont think Tsarion would say (but unsure) that the technology we have wouldnt have been eventually created but that we are clearly unable to cope with technology we have now and yet we are progressing faster and faster.

The atomic bomb is one example or more specific splitting the atom and then it being used as a weapon of war/.

Absolute cobblers.

Nothing to do with Einstein's work and these two: Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman? Guess they were space aliens.:rolleyes:

You know you seem to be an acolyte of Tsarion, you remind me of Icke's lot. Think for yourself, investigate everything - I've already pointed out one major error in his work and I only read that far - maybe you could find some more, you patsy.
We don`t need to have had alien intervention to produce amazing technology, granted things like fibre optics did appear "out of nowhere" but where do any ideas come from?

Never underestimate the genius of humanity, I wonder what Tesla would be inventing if he was alive today? :eek:
Did you think i was claiming it came from aliens? :rolleyes:

Your such a dick blagsta! So what?, I was wrong about fibre optics "coming from nowhere"

Oh no!!!!

We`re not all egotistical losers like you mate, i dont mind being wrong....especially when its about something i only said so it didn`t seem like I was ripping into Zark too badly. :)

So get back in your box....or....acually post something useful. knob.
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