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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

What always amazes me is that the truther community has yet to implode by attacking itself. Why are none of them asking if kollestrom is actually a mossad agent hell-bent on discrediting the movement with all this talk of moon cheese with satelites on toast?

Oh look

the mighty UCL said:
Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom

22 April 2008

UCL has been made aware of views expressed by Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom, an Honorary Research Fellow in UCL Science & Technology Studies.

The position of Honorary Research Fellow is a privilege bestowed by departments within UCL on researchers with whom it wishes to have an association. It is not an employed position.

The views expressed by Dr Kollerstrom are diametrically opposed to the aims, objectives and ethos of UCL, such that we wish to have absolutely no association with them or with their originator.

We therefore have no choice but to terminate Dr Kollerstrom’s Honorary Research Fellowship with immediate effect

back of the net!:cool:
Conspiraloons in dissarray

Tony Gosling PWNED as well

see last two posts on page one
Tony Gosling on the loon site said:
I disagree with you, this IS one of the best 911 sites in the world and remains so. It' so good to see the likes of Rick Segal saying so.

For example, we're in a difficult situation as a movement with Nick K being accused of holocaust denial by Rachel North just after I institute a 'get tough' policy on the holocaust, urged on me by users. I decided to make an exeption to the rule otherwise we would be censoring this crucial debate. It's only by taking my own prejudices out of the equation that this space can thrive but I do need people to PM me at the very least if they think I am being prejudiced. It's no good just moaning about me behind my back down the pub

chris c on the loon site said:
TonyGosling wrote:
we're in a difficult situation as a movement with Nick K being accused of holocaust denial by Rachel North just after I institute a 'get tough' policy on the holocaust

The original article "outing" Nick Kollerstrom was posted on 14th April on Blairwatch and your, Mossad trick - Link 9/11 Truth to Holocaust denial post was made on 17th April... How is the 14th "after" the 17th...? Rolling Eyes

In addition I'm not sure that saying he has been "accused of holocaust denial" is the right way to describe the situation since he has said:

Nick Kollerstrom wrote:
I note you seem to object to my having defended the proposition that: no German ever put a Jew into a gas chamber. You call that Holocaust Denial, well I’m proud to be associated with it. I’m happy to defend, it any time, any place. It happens to be true!


He is clearly pleading guilty isn't he?
The 9/11 site is to disappear in June after the site owner pulled the plug due to the antisemitism on the site.

Tony Gosling tried to belatedly remove all the antisemitic holocaust denial stuff, hilariously calling it a ''Mossad plot to discredit 9/11 truth''

then said it was because he had already instituted a ''get tough '' policy - this turned out to be a lie, it was only in response to regular poster astro3/Kollerstrom being outed as a holocaust denier and general blogger/urban 75 investigation into other antisemitic material on the 9/11 loon site posted by other posters, indicating antisemitic lunacy was rife in the 'movement'

- 9/11 poster calls him on this. Meanwhile, it turns out that the BBC have been interviewing Kollerstrom and other conspiracy theorists from the 9/11 loon board for a documentary about 7/7 conspiracy theories, a subject which they have been apparently happily spouting off about ( Kollerstrom is writing a book on his loony theories). I didn't know this until Kollerstrom and pals decided that the 'outing' was part of a BBC plot.

Which it wasn't, it was entirely a coincidence - they interviewed him before the story broke - however the BBC are very fascinated by the latest developments outing Kollerstrom as a holocaust denier, and this fascinating insight into the mindset of some of their interviewees will certainly be going in.

Exit conspiraloons in disarray.
He 'outed' himself to be fair.

He was then challenged and held to account for his views, rather than letting his views be pass unchallenged and therefore absorbed into the thinking.
When I read that UCL newslink, this was the image that was on the right of it:


Colony synagogue. It seemed most appropriate, and touching.

To my disappointment, I've now realised that it's an RSS feed so the images keep changing, heh.

But at the moment I saw it, this was the one linked to it, so I thought I'd post it as a more permanent sorta thing.
What always amazes me is that the truther community has yet to implode by attacking itself. Why are none of them asking if kollestrom is actually a mossad agent hell-bent on discrediting the movement with all this talk of moon cheese with satelites on toast?

The truthers seem to have fallen into the same habits as the JFKers, the Jonestowners etc did before them where, while there are factions with different "spins" on what happened, they tend to close ranks against outsiders rather than looking inward. I suspect it makes it easier for them to alter their discourse to incorporate new levels of weirdness or (rarely) new "official" data, if there's some kind of "united front".
Innit and many of them seem to be less pissed off with the fact that he's denied the holocaust than the fact that it makes them "look bad" and that he was "stupid" enough to "discredit" them.
an irate loon said:
Tony ran this Forum under a reign of terror, threatening people with removal of articles and banning for reasons that had nothing at all to do with 911 and everything to do with his own ideological leanings. That was certainly not the behaviour of a responsible moderator or, in his case, Administrator as he would have it.

No one should fall for his latest trick of requesting a copy of the archives. This is a crafty way of gaining credibility for a breakaway forum which he will now form as the "authentic" 911 Truth forum.

Poor Tony, not very popular since his holocaust thread deletions since the Koller-storm

(((ickle Tony Gosling)))
'Rachel "North" and the Gestapo thought police'
'... It started earlier this month, around 14 April, when the blogger ad nauseum Rachel 'North' decided that [Nick Kollerstrom] was a Holocaust denier! This woman found out that he had some questions about the location of the gas chambers in Auschwitz. He is not a denier, but has found credible some research that suggests the gas chambers, as marked today, show no traces of cyanide gas ...

... To my fellow Jews in London, ignore her and others' nonsense about Nick Kollerstrom. He is actually a very good-natured person, he has lived among us for 60 years and we know who he is - I do not need to use brackets around his surname as I have done with 'North', who, by the way, has been known to introduce herself by telling people she is not an MI5 agent.'

Read more ...


As a result of being sent this story, I came across this 'blog' or whatever it is. I post it because it encapsulates the bile, hatred and puerile nature of so many on the 'Left' who claim to be 'anti-system' when the system is in complete control of what they bravely call their 'minds'.

Note that those questioning the official story of 9/11 are a 'bunch of lunatics'. You see, to the Ludicrous 'Left', the Far-Right Bush and Blair have lied about everything except the official story of 9/11. And they think they're 'radicals', bless 'em.

Needless to say, the 'David Icke' posting is not me, but since when did facts and truth ever trouble these self-obsessed system-servers and system-groupies?

And a few people can't control the world? It's a doddle.

Read more ...


Urban75 ''nasty idlers'' shock :D

a loon said:
What has really been exposed is the depths of human depravity, when nasty idlers would go to such lengths to calumny someone.

a loon said:
And why state that Nick is a Holocaust denier, when he is not?


Nick Kollerstrom said:
Hi, I note you seem to object to my having defended the proposition that: no German ever put a Jew into a gas chamber. You call that Holocaust Denial, well I’m proud to be associated with it. I’m happy to defend, it any time, any place. It happens to be true!

Arse. :D

Smokedout, are you trembling?
BK, I know you wanted to keep your blog free of Holocaust discussion, but there are three papers which demolish Nick's primary arguments (cyanide residues and fuel for burning bodies). BA posted links to a couple of them earlier and I think the other one is linked on the same site. They're very easy to understand. If the press start getting interested in this story, it could be a huge bonus if they find the appallingness of the science in Nick's article the bigger story. Repetition of these lies is designed to sow doubt in the minds of people who don't have the time or inclination to look it up for themselves.

If you want to post a summary as well as links, I can try and draft something to save you time - although it's nearly my bedtime and people like Butchers and Froggy are far better informed than I am, so no offence if someone else does it.

But only if you want to. I'm not trying to hijack your blog.
It's kind of you and thanks for the offer. Thing is, I'm trying not to get into discussion with them, and have said ''no holocaust discussion, no links'' because if I post up links it is indicative to them that I am up for a debate, which I'm not.

Every time I write about terrorism or the holocaust or something which has a conspiracy theory attached to it, I get plagued by lunatics leaving obnoxious comments and all the rest of it. It gets to the point where sometimes I just don't bother commenting at all, because I can't face having to to read/moderate all the crap that flies my way.

There is loads I want to say on about the current terrorism trials, which I am following closely, but they are all gunning for me as it is - even though Blairwatch, Harry, Unity, Liberal Conspiracy, Bloggerheads The Void and numerous other sites are commenting on the matter, it is almost always me who they write about and direct their anger at. Possibly because I am a girl, or something. So if someone else wants to write a refutation of Kollerstrom's bollocks, I'll link and direct traffic, but I don't want to host the discussion as I want to avoid having to delete endless abuse, and I'd rather not have comment moderator on
The fact that that guy puts your last name in scare quotes probably means he thinks your real name is "Nortenstein" or something :D
Totally respect that. I've stopped myself from adding to the comments so far for exactly those reasons. (I know what I'm like. :o)

The Void is in the media mix now, right? Smokedout, would you be interested? It could be done as a mini-series, as he covers quite a lot of the standard crap - maybe starting with the chemistry as this is NK's academic area and the opening to the paper.
I find it quite amusing that these fash are going on about the "gestapo thought police". I mean according to them the Gestapo were no worse than "Dixon of Dock Green" so really being accused of being a member of them should be quite a compliment :D
if you (or anyone) wants to write something im happy to put it up, but am a bit busy to do it justice right now so dont have time to do it myself

as for icke, i think hes been on the sauce again

Interesting. I wonder whether Housmans are still stocking this:

The Case against War - The Essential Legal Inquiries, Opinions and Judgements concerning War in Iraq, (Eds) George Farebrother and Nicholas Kollerstrom (Legal Enquiry Steering Group, 2003), £5.00
Do you think they shouldn't?

'Legal Enquiry Steering Group' - what was that then, anyone know?

List of members here:
Book here:
The fact that that guy puts your last name in scare quotes probably means he thinks your real name is "Nortenstein" or something :D

yea, i love it when they do that. Tyndall was always a great fan of doing that in his Spearhead columns.

John "Smith".

Aha! Not John Smithowitz-zionberg?

No, really, just John Smith

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