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Clapham, Stockwell and Kennington news, rumour and general chat

cuppa tee

Well-Known Member
Starting this thread partly because we have no local thread for the outlying villages my side of the town centre but also in tribute to the short life housing at the Old Town end of Rectory Avenue which I believe will soon be gone, and in particular Ted who I spoke to this evening, after 30 years in a house he fixed up himself when the council wanted to demolish it he will soon be forced out, a gentleman, an artist and someone who unlike many others in the manor will say hello to a passing stranger and enjoy an impromptu conversation, in stark contrast to many in the area who regard anyone not in a £300 pound waxed coat, a 4 wheel drive or similar as threat [although as Ted says it's not their fault it's the way they were brought up]

anyway I can recommend Greggs by the tube as a good spot for a coffee and a bit of sketching where noone will bat an eyelid if you sharpen your pencils on the table
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Is all of that bit of Rectory Grove going?

In other related news, I got a bumper stash of Clapham local history books for £20. Mega exciting!
Is all of that bit of Rectory Grove going?

In other related news, I got a bumper stash of Clapham local history books for £20. Mega exciting!

I didn't want to be too intrusive with someone ijust met but I got the feeling the answer would be yes :(
the good news is that tt least there's now a thread where you can share discoveries from your bumper stash
The first playgroup I attended was on Rectory grove - the first few years of my life were spent in a one bedroom flat off Grafton Square. I use to be scared of one of the corners of Grafton Square. Have you been into the church on Rectory grove?
The first playgroup I attended was on Rectory grove - the first few years of my life were spent in a one bedroom flat off Grafton Square. I use to be scared of one of the corners of Grafton Square. Have you been into the church on Rectory grove?

no, do they leave it open when its not in use, I have enjoyed the peace and quiet of the churchyard, clapham junction was where I first landed in London, it's changed quite a bit
The length of time it's taking to complete the roadworks in the Old Town area is driving me nuts. Traffic has been shit for months. And they don't seem to make their mind up about whether to ban private vehicles from the stretch of road by The Sun pub and past the Sainsbury's Local. There has been a big wooden beam laying at the entrance of the road for many weeks, but is not very long and cars have been squeezing through without much of an issue. Completely pointless exercise.
Anyone know what is going to be on the site that was Belgo's on Clapham High St? Rumour mill was the owners of Infernos bought the space - which is slightly worrying...
The grand opening of the Stockwell Square / public realm takes place on 18 October. Here's hoping that no stray cars drive down Binfield Road, as they have been continuing to do so ever since the 'Square' first appeared.

the Lambeth planning database has an application for new shop fronts which would seem to confirm the rumours as it comes courtesy of http://www.mintgroup.co.uk/ owners of infernos amongst other places

They also own Bison & Bird, possibly the most generic bar on Clapham High St. after revolution... Oh, and the Oirish pub. So not holding my breath for anything interesting on that site.
To be fair I've been told that the 'Stockwell public realm' isn't quite finished. There's talk of a street market, and then more optimistically, joining up the Square with the Memorial Garden.

But that would involve major work by TfL. It seems a long way off.
It's also incredibly dangerous if you are cycling down Stockwell Road, waiting at the lights by the Swan and then turning right into South Lambeth Road. You hug the left lane, knowing that cars can't turn into Binfield Road. But the cars don't realise that this is now no longer allowed. I've had a couple of near misses when they have almost ploughed straight into me as I reach Binfield Road.
My understanding from the original consultation was that the market was essentially part of the phase one plans, so I suspect that is likely to happen pretty soon (in fact I think I saw one of the local councillors discussing it on Twitter), whereas the connection to the war memorial is a future aspiration, which will obviously need further consultation with tfl.

Aha - in fact there is a survey going on right now about what people want from the market: http://www.snapsurveys.com/swh/surveylogin.asp?k=141112632896
Just filled out the survey. Also, I noticed a load of scaffolding up over the Ladbrookes opposite the tube yesterday - it looks like they're building upwards. Anyone know what that's about?
I was going to ask that too - the structure they're building must be pretty big as there's two levels of scaffolding and platforms.
And yet the space above the bank opposite has been empty for years (as are the flats above the Swan, but that's a different story).
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