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Brixton news, rumours and general chat: Autumn 2019

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You have been full and frank on your views here.

Now you don't want to support the possible hard decisions that might be made to put the Labour party back on the course you want.

Ive given you Brixton example. Did you support the hounding of Cllr Rachel out of the Council?
The big difference between Lambeth Council and the national party is that Rachel was very much in a minority of one against the entire council, whereas the situation is very different for the national party as the left are very much in a majority, and therefore there will be no chance of some sort of blairitte neoliberal candidate winning unless the left wing majority leave of their own accord. The party did not lose the election because of its progressive manifesto, but because of the relentless attacks from the media and the blairittes etc. Any leader left of Blair will encounter the same, so for me it’s a case of choosing a socialist but also thinking who will be robust enough to smash the detractors next time round
The big difference between Lambeth Council and the national party is that Rachel was very much in a minority of one against the entire council, whereas the situation is very different for the national party as the left are very much in a majority, and therefore there will be no chance of some sort of blairitte neoliberal candidate winning unless the left wing majority leave of their own accord. The party did not lose the election because of its progressive manifesto, but because of the relentless attacks from the media and the blairittes etc. Any leader left of Blair will encounter the same, so for me it’s a case of choosing a socialist but also thinking who will be robust enough to smash the detractors next time round

I see from Jack Hopkins Twitter he thinks Keir Starmer is the answer. No surprise. And no thanks.

In London the Evening Standard did its bit to discredit Corbyn. A paper know owned by Russian Oligarch.

The media in London is owned by a Russian Oligarch. There is a sizeable community of these Russian Oligarch in London.

Its not a conspiracy theory to see these new Nouveau rich having a big say in London. Not directly but through networking.

See this article . Boris went to the Russian owner of Evening Standard party just after the election.

Johnson visit to Lebedev party after victory odd move for 'people's PM'

Its not an odd move. Its how London is run. Wealthy elites networking with politicians. Notice Mandelson attended.

Boris relationship with the owner of the Evening Standard goes back to his days as Mayor.

Goes without saying Mandelson loves hanging out with the rich.

On Brixton issues CH1 reminded me that Kingsley Abrams was kicked out being a Cllr by New Labour Lambeth for being a socialist.

Steve Reed ( then leader of Council before he became MP )and Cllr Matthew Bennett ( then chief whip ) did this.
The big difference between Lambeth Council and the national party is that Rachel was very much in a minority of one against the entire council, whereas the situation is very different for the national party as the left are very much in a majority, and therefore there will be no chance of some sort of blairitte neoliberal candidate winning unless the left wing majority leave of their own accord. The party did not lose the election because of its progressive manifesto, but because of the relentless attacks from the media and the blairittes etc. Any leader left of Blair will encounter the same, so for me it’s a case of choosing a socialist but also thinking who will be robust enough to smash the detractors next time round

BTW I chatted to several Labour party members over weekend. I know you've done a lot of good work in local Labour party along with others who joined due to Corbyn.

Don't lose heart and keep up the good work is my message to party members like you. :thumbs:

I know we have clashed here on the boards but I respect what you are trying to do.

Have a good Christmas break.
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Photos from last night





In photos: Alabama 3’s triumphant Christmas homecoming at the Brixton Academy, Sat 21st Dec 2019
Horrible seeing this in Coldharbour Lane but I guess there's going more of this under racist-enabling government.

Horrible seeing this in Coldharbour Lane but I guess there's going more of this under racist-enabling government.

View attachment 193834
Seems that now Brexit is "done" the racists and xenophobes are turning their attention back to what really bugs them.

I notice there is a Stormzy Twitter storm going on right now about racism in the UK (which is being rebutted by racists and Brexiteers). Several participants are UKIP members.

Meanwhile mainstream media this morning are repeating the issue about football racist chants at Tottenham. “Racist behavior among spectators is interfering with the game,” the announcer announced in a warning to the crowd of 61,104. “Please remember in football there is no place for racism.”

That didn't work did it?
I was in Liverpool Street yesterday and there were a lot of Spurs fans there on the way to White Hart Land station. Plenty of shouts of “Yid Army”. That people can shout that in a major London station with no reprisal or fear of it is just unbelievable. While the atmosphere wasn’t exactly intimidating it wasn’t a pleasant one.

Welcome to Boris Britain. We have about 10 years of it ahead of us I think.
I see from Jack Hopkins Twitter he thinks Keir Starmer is the answer. No surprise. And no thanks.

In London the Evening Standard did its bit to discredit Corbyn. A paper know owned by Russian Oligarch.

The media in London is owned by a Russian Oligarch. There is a sizeable community of these Russian Oligarch in London.

Its not a conspiracy theory to see these new Nouveau rich having a big say in London. Not directly but through networking.

See this article . Boris went to the Russian owner of Evening Standard party just after the election.

Johnson visit to Lebedev party after victory odd move for 'people's PM'

Its not an odd move. Its how London is run. Wealthy elites networking with politicians. Notice Mandelson attended.

Boris relationship with the owner of the Evening Standard goes back to his days as Mayor.

Goes without saying Mandelson loves hanging out with the rich.

On Brixton issues CH1 reminded me that Kingsley Abrams was kicked out being a Cllr by New Labour Lambeth for being a socialist.

Steve Reed ( then leader of Council before he became MP )and Cllr Matthew Bennett ( then chief whip ) did this.
The only way to push Lambeth council to The left is for left wing voters to join the party to add their numbers when it comes to selecting candidates next time round. Same goes for the leadership election obviously. Unfortunately voting green or shouting from the sidelines will have zero impact in the one party state that is Lambeth. The selection vote for Kates’ replacement shows that the left are gaining ground, but not by enough to dislodge the blairittes. Kingsley wasn’t kicked out for being a socialist, he was cut adrift by the party, and as Rachel’s situation showed, people tend to vote for the party not the individual. I repeat, if people want a more responsive and left wing local council, the only way to achieve that is to remain in the part, recruit others and fight the blairittes from within.
I was in Liverpool Street yesterday and there were a lot of Spurs fans there on the way to White Hart Land station. Plenty of shouts of “Yid Army”. That people can shout that in a major London station with no reprisal or fear of it is just unbelievable. While the atmosphere wasn’t exactly intimidating it wasn’t a pleasant one.

Welcome to Boris Britain. We have about 10 years of it ahead of us I think.

Not coming from London, I don't understand some of these insults. Am I right in thinking that the term "Yid" is traditionally a pejorative description of Jewish people and, given Spurs large fanbase amongst the Jewish community, the people shouting this are likely to be Jewish themselves?

Or is it non-Jewish people using this as an anti-semitic slur against sections of their support?

I once was in the Golden Canton in Herne Hill and a guy in there had "Yids" tattooed up his forearm in Olde English script. I asked him about it and he said it is because he is a Spurs fan. But not sure if it also implies that he is Jewish.
Not coming from London, I don't understand some of these insults. Am I right in thinking that the term "Yid" is traditionally a pejorative description of Jewish people and, given Spurs large fanbase amongst the Jewish community, the people shouting this are likely to be Jewish themselves?

Or is it non-Jewish people using this as an anti-semitic slur against sections of their support?

I once was in the Golden Canton in Herne Hill and a guy in there had "Yids" tattooed up his forearm in Olde English script. I asked him about it and he said it is because he is a Spurs fan. But not sure if it also implies that he is Jewish.

Not historically pejorative but the mispronounciation outside Ashkenazi groups was adopted as such.

Yid - Wikipedia
I was on the tube home late last Sunday night, and a group of chaps got on (mix of Aussies, South Africans & Kiwis) and began discussing their immediate plans to go back to one of the fella's house for some after hours drinking. I also established one of them was the line manager of the others (which had me wondering who hangs out with their line manager on a Sunday night?).

Line Manager asked the fella with the house 'Is their a pub between the tube and yours, I need really need a piss'

House Fella replied 'No, only the off-licence'

Then a third fella popped up and said 'It's Brixton, man. Just piss on the street. Brixton is the worst place on Earth, people just piss in the street'

House fella backed him up on this, assuring line manager that he could piss in the street in Brixton.

I wished I had intervened and pointed out that it is not o.k to piss in the streets in Brixton, but it was late, I was tired and there was a lot of them!

I was also a little saddened by how unsurprised I was by their attitude.

I was privy to all this detail because they were very LOUD!
Why would you have to look up marinekonone? It pretty much means what it sounds like doesn’t it?

marine = sea
Kanone = cannon

I know Gramsci was something to do with Italian communism but that’s about it.

This ‘conversation’ is probably really boring for other people tbh. Let’s call it a day? Am happy to agree that you won & im an idiot. Corbyns great blah blah, Rachel Heywood was great etc etc.

Happy Xmas

Don't put words into my mouth.

I never said you were an idiot.

On ex Cllr Rachel. She was popular here. So its not just me saying it. Unless any posters disagree.

Its not about winning or losing.

You join this site the day after the election.

Your a troll.

I see you've put limits now on who can see your profile.
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Not coming from London, I don't understand some of these insults. Am I right in thinking that the term "Yid" is traditionally a pejorative description of Jewish people and, given Spurs large fanbase amongst the Jewish community, the people shouting this are likely to be Jewish themselves?

Or is it non-Jewish people using this as an anti-semitic slur against sections of their support?

I once was in the Golden Canton in Herne Hill and a guy in there had "Yids" tattooed up his forearm in Olde English script. I asked him about it and he said it is because he is a Spurs fan. But not sure if it also implies that he is Jewish.

I'm not a born and bred Londoner but lived here for decades.

Some of my fellow workers did grow up here.

Back in 70s and early 80s what football club you support said something about your politics.

Was working with a van driver recently . Life long Chelsea fan. Grew up in South London near where I now live. His family moved out due to the increase of Black population in South London. "White Flight" its called.

My other born and bred Londoner friend ( of a very mixed racial background)said that was not unusual .

Different clubs had different bases of support. Race and ethnic background played a part in which team one supported.

London in 70s and early 80s was not a multicultural/ cosmopolitan paradise. This was hard won. Why it annoys me when people outside London think Londoners have had it easy. They only support Remain because they being all "cosmopolitan people of nowhere" don't understand what its like for the rest of the country. This is , when looked at historically , rubbish.

Another Londoner I know family came over from the the Irish Republic in 70s. He grew up in Holloway. Had to deal with taunting and fighting at school as he was a "paddy". Plus Irish community here were suspect because of the IRA active campaign at the time.
That is not the point.

Did you think the Labour party economic sections of the manifesto were ok or not?

Would a future Labour party with different leader but same economic programme be ok by you?
The point is to get in and stop the Tories. Losing an election is pointless. I didn't even read the manifesto because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there would be no Labour majority, therefore no opportunity to implement said manifesto.
The point is to get in and stop the Tories. Losing an election is pointless. I didn't even read the manifesto because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there would be no Labour majority, therefore no opportunity to implement said manifesto.

You didn't take any notice of the Labour manifesto as you knew under that manifesto the Labour party would lose. I don't understand what you are driving at.
I fully take the point that the press didn't give Corbyn a chance. What's needed is a ruthless strategy to give the country a fair press. TV stations are compelled by law to be balanced and truthful and to provide news and current affairs coverage which is in the public interest. The rules say that billionaires can't buy up the stations and exert undue influence. Ofcom oversees the content and Parliament oversees the ownership. (That's why Sky's ambitions have been blunted.)

Of course the TV stations do employ some biased individuals who don't want to act in the public interest - Laura Kuenssberg seems pro Tory, John Snow pro Labour, and so on. But these people are reined in to some extent and there aren't enough of them to poison the whole public discourse. So we don't get a news programme with a lead story of "You MUST vote Tory or the country will be ruined." But the papers do this every day, and they're allowed to. And their reach is growing because they can poison people via smartphones and not just printed front pages. If the papers were policed like the TV stations I'm 100% certain we'd have voted to stay in the EU, and we'd have a Labour government well to the left of centre. Instead we have a population duped into serving the interests of Murdoch, Bubbles Rothermere, the Barclay brothers and some Russian oligarchs. It's absolutely intolerable, as bad as anything from an unhinged dystopian film plot. Nobody has a plan to stop it, as far as I know. Nobody dares take the papers on. I'd like to start a petition to get the ball rolling, but I daren't, because if it got any traction the papers would slaughter me. Anyway it would be better if it was started by someone with connections and money for lobbyists and PR and all that. Maybe a job for Gina Miller...but she might already have PTSD from the battles she's been through.
The manifesto was irrelevant. Whatever was in it, Labour wouldn't get a majority.

You keep thinking being Remain was the only option.

I've had a disagreement with local Labour party friend who said the reason that Corbyn Labour party lost the election is the Corbyn changed position from 2017. In that election the Labour party position was to respect the result of the referendum.

In this election this was not the case. By 2019 the position was a second referendum.

This in my friend evaluation of what happened is the main reason why Labour voters in seats up North switched to Tories.

The election wasn't lost because Corbyn didn't fully embrace Remain.

And also Labour MPs in areas that backed Leave ( Kinnock and Flint are examples) were warning leadership of this. These MPs were not "Corbynites". Kinnock in Wales was personally a Remainer who changed due to his constituents voting Leave. He argued that Labour party should respect the result of the referendum.

So in my friends view it was Labour party changing from respecting result to going for second referendum that lost Labour party seats outside London.

Boris campaign realised this and capitalised on it.

I think there is a lot in this view.
Blair brought us the Iraq war. A foreign policy which sent young people to their deaths. For what? Going to war is the single biggest decision the leader of this country can make.

This was not an aberration of New Labour thinking. Being seen to be supporter of US was intrinsic part of the Third Way.

Even Harold Wilson , to his credit, refused to sent a token force to Vietnam. Despite a lot of pressure from US.

Corbyn led Labour party was accused of not being "patriotic".

Its how far to the right this country has moved that Corbyn could be portrayed as a danger to this countries security if elected.

So what kind of leader do you want for this country?

Exactly this. The ground that Blair conceded to the right has become irrecoverable, at least in the short-term. Corbyn is just a social democrat, nothing more radical than that. If Blair hadn't moved so far one way, it wouldn't seem so weird to people.
You keep thinking being Remain was the only option.

I've had a disagreement with local Labour party friend who said the reason that Corbyn Labour party lost the election is the Corbyn changed position from 2017. In that election the Labour party position was to respect the result of the referendum.

In this election this was not the case. By 2019 the position was a second referendum.

This in my friend evaluation of what happened is the main reason why Labour voters in seats up North switched to Tories.

The election wasn't lost because Corbyn didn't fully embrace Remain.

And also Labour MPs in areas that backed Leave ( Kinnock and Flint are examples) were warning leadership of this. These MPs were not "Corbynites". Kinnock in Wales was personally a Remainer who changed due to his constituents voting Leave. He argued that Labour party should respect the result of the referendum.

So in my friends view it was Labour party changing from respecting result to going for second referendum that lost Labour party seats outside London.

I think there is a lot in this view.

What I'm trying to say is that even before the manifesto was published, there was no chance of a Labour majority. The only thing we couldn't be sure of was the scale of the defeat - was there to be a Tory majority, or a hung Parliament.
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