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Brixton news, rumours and general chat: Autumn 2019

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All I’m saying is that Blair improved millions of people’s in the uk’s lives, Corbyn has only improved life for the resident of 10 Downing Street
Corbyn is the reason we have a conservative government imo.

well done Jezza!
I was chatting to a young women today ( compared to me:)) who joined up Labour party because of Corbyn. She was out canvassing a lot for election. A local whose involved in the community.

She was of course upset about the result.. She wasn't asking for return to New Labour.

I said to her Alan Johnson ( Blairite) he been calling for those who joined because of Corbyn to be expelled from the party.

That Momentum were a far left sect who should be treated like Militant.

Just wondering whether Big Bertha , Mr Retro or alex_ said think the same?

Alan Johnson has a point . As new leader has to be voted in by membership

After all in the good old days of New Labour was a disciplined party.

On local level the example of what happened to Cllr Rachel Heywood is New Labour way of running the party. Unlike all the other Cllrs in Lambeth she ended up being keen on Corbyn and what he was doing to the party. One of the reasons imo she got punished for it .

Keep a tight rein on the internal workings of the party. Run it top down.

Is that fine with posters?
I was chatting to a young women today ( compared to me:)) who joined up Labour party because of Corbyn. She was out canvassing a lot for election. A local whose involved in the community.

She was of course upset about the result.. She wasn't asking for return to New Labour.

I said to her Alan Johnson ( Blairite) he been calling for those who joined because of Corbyn to be expelled from the party.

That Momentum were a far left sect who should be treated like Militant.

Just wondering whether Big Bertha , Mr Retro or alex_ said think the same?

Alan Johnson has a point . As new leader has to be voted in by membership

After all in the good old days of New Labour was a disciplined party.

On local level the example of what happened to Cllr Rachel Heywood is New Labour way of running the party. Unlike all the other Cllrs in Lambeth she ended up being keen on Corbyn and what he was doing to the party. One of the reasons imo she got punished for it .

Keep a tight rein on the internal workings of the party. Run it top down.

Is that fine with posters?
No I think momentum should be left to wither on the vine, die of natural causes.

it’s got a very limited shelf life now, it’s just a matter of time
No I think momentum should be left to wither on the vine, die of natural causes.

it’s got a very limited shelf life now, it’s just a matter of time

You do realise that the present membership will have big say in the new leader? That the left in the party will put up candidate?

The present membership was increased dramatically by Corbyn..

My chats to day is that they aren't going away. Unless forced out. Several people I chatted to are local community minded people who joined the Labour party due to Corbyn.. They understandably cannot stomach the idea of the party going back to the New Labour lot. Being like me living under a New Labour Council for so many years

So if these people I know don't leave the party voluntarily your going to have to expel them. Would you do that?
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No I think momentum should be left to wither on the vine, die of natural causes.

it’s got a very limited shelf life now, it’s just a matter of time

Also I have given local example of how New Labour run a local Council.

This is what it takes to get your desired end. Being hard.

So do you support that.?

Cllr Rachel broke ranks and got destroyed by New Labour. Is that what you support?

I'm putting these questions as this is Brixton forum . Not the politics boards . I'm trying to make the discussion relevant to Brixton.

Which it is as Brixton as Lambeth Council is run for years by a poster boy for Blairism.

Which it appears "some " posters support all along.
You do realise that the present membership will have big day in the new leader? That the left in the party will put up candidate?

The present membership was increased dramatically by Corbyn..

My chats to day is that they aren't going away. Unless forced out. Several people I chatted to are local community minded people who joined the Labour party due to Corbyn.. They understandably cannot stomach the idea of the party going back to the New Labour lot. Being like me living under a New Labour Council for so many years

So if these people I know don't leave the party voluntarily your going to have to expel them. Would you do that?
I’ve already said I wouldn’t
I’ve already said I wouldn’t

You have been full and frank on your views here.

Now you don't want to support the possible hard decisions that might be made to put the Labour party back on the course you want.

Ive given you Brixton example. Did you support the hounding of Cllr Rachel out of the Council?
I'm intrigued by the latest planning application for the Effra Social -which is the third attempt by the way.
19/04477/FUL | Refurbishment of 1st and 2nd floors for residential use (Use Class C3). Erection of 3 rear dormers and 1 additional front dormer. | 89 Effra Road London SW2 1DF

The design and access statement which I've added here as an attachment has an extraoerdinary photo of the rear of the premises. It almost looks like one of those medieval terrace where the windows are all lopsided - on 89 Effra Road at least.

Deadline for comments is 8th January. The Design and Access seems to be a quick knock-up. Antic have apparently forgotten to adjust the last page when cutting and pasting. It says "This scheme takes a very run-down property above a shop, comprising of inefficiently arranged spaces, to renovate it and to provide one modernized unit"

This can't be right surely?

Does anyone know whether the Tories still own the freehold?
Does anyone know whether the Tories still own the freehold?
Can't answer that. I wonder if Antic are wanting to sell a lease on the upper floors though.

Last year there was news posted on here of 11 Anti pub freeholds for sale - the implication being that they would continue to trade as pubs under Antic. Sounds like a sort of sale and lease-back. But why? If interest rates are at an all time low, surely they could simply re-finance their mortgages at a lower rate?

Maybe Anthony Thomas needs to get out of the pub more often and toalk to the likes of John McDonnell and Sajid Javid?
You have been full and frank on your views here.

Now you don't want to support the possible hard decisions that might be made to put the Labour party back on the course you want.

Ive given you Brixton example. Did you support the hounding of Cllr Rachel out of the Council?
Tbh don’t know much about it but as far as i understand there was a vote taken to suspend her because her views were not in agreement with her peers.

that’s democracy, no?
Tbh don’t know much about it but as far as i understand there was a vote taken to suspend her because her views were not in agreement with her peers.

that’s democracy, no?

Previously you have said you have been lurking here. So I'm surprised you don't know much about the Cllr Rachel issue.
Tbh don’t know much about it but as far as i understand there was a vote taken to suspend her because her views were not in agreement with her peers.

that’s democracy, no?

Actually its not democracy. She was popular Cllr hounded out by the New Labour machine that runs Lambeth. Not the local Labour party membership. Who had no problem with her from my chats with local members. It was the New Labour senior Cllrs who got rid of her.
For anyone who knows or is from another EU country that need to use the verification service just seen that Lambeth do it for free if you are Lambeth resident:

Nationality services - EU Settlement Scheme | Lambeth Council

Its for those who cannot access up to date Android technology that works with the government crap app.

My partner fell foul of this. After a few hours looking it up and trying myself to make it work I discovered the government crap app doesn't work with older Android phones that don't have NFC.

Near Field Communication.

Lambeth do walk in service to scan passport etc to send off to our lovely government.

My partner ended up getting support from her Embassy. Some EU governments are trying hard to help their nationals deal with Brexit.
Actually its not democracy. She was popular Cllr hounded out by the New Labour machine that runs Lambeth. Not the local Labour party membership. Who had no problem with her from my chats with local members. It was the New Labour senior Cllrs who got rid of her.
They voted her out, they didn’t take her out and shoot her...
They voted her out, they didn’t take her out and shoot her...

What are you implying?

They didn't vote her out. It was chief whip and leadership who did this. Backbench Cllrs didnt have a say. Nor were they encouraged to voice an opinion. Unless I've got that wrong and you know more than me.

For someone who has been lurking here I'm surprised at your lack of sympathy for Cllr Rachel.
So why the picture of a Marinekanone? I had to look that word up. Kind of seems to me you know about German WW1 artillery.

One learns a new word everyday.
Why would you have to look up marinekonone? It pretty much means what it sounds like doesn’t it?

marine = sea
Kanone = cannon

I know Gramsci was something to do with Italian communism but that’s about it.

This ‘conversation’ is probably really boring for other people tbh. Let’s call it a day? Am happy to agree that you won & im an idiot. Corbyns great blah blah, Rachel Heywood was great etc etc.

Happy Xmas
All of brixton at this gig. Albert rammed now. See you Jake. I did read what you suggested.

Wish I was! For the last 15+ years whenever there was a December A3 gig on it was our friends Christmas get together. From FB it looks like they are having an amazing night. In fact there has been pretty much rave reviews about the whole tour
I was chatting to a young women today ( compared to me:)) who joined up Labour party because of Corbyn. She was out canvassing a lot for election. A local whose involved in the community.

She was of course upset about the result.. She wasn't asking for return to New Labour.

I said to her Alan Johnson ( Blairite) he been calling for those who joined because of Corbyn to be expelled from the party.

That Momentum were a far left sect who should be treated like Militant.

Just wondering whether Big Bertha , Mr Retro or alex_ said think the same?

Alan Johnson has a point . As new leader has to be voted in by membership

After all in the good old days of New Labour was a disciplined party.

On local level the example of what happened to Cllr Rachel Heywood is New Labour way of running the party. Unlike all the other Cllrs in Lambeth she ended up being keen on Corbyn and what he was doing to the party. One of the reasons imo she got punished for it .

Keep a tight rein on the internal workings of the party. Run it top down.

Is that fine with posters?
Seems to me that Big Bertha must be a troll, pining/pimpimg for the days of Kaiser Bill.

Regarding the fate of former Cllr Rachel Heywood, maybe Gramsci might cast their mind back
MP Reed ordered investigation of councillor emails at Lambeth

The Lambeth Council Labour group have always behaved like Bpris. If disloyalty is detected, the whip is withdrawn.

If you go back into the mythical times of Ted Knight, they even managed to bully an SDP councillor to change to hard-line Labour.

The Tory reign in Lambeth lasted barely a few months. Labour, then in the hands of Red Ted Knight and his Trotskyist entrists, were back in power by late November 82, due to the defection of SDP councillor Gordon Ley, a prime victim of squatters’ hate campaigns (he had had his lorry attacked, his shop smashed up, his car nicked and burned out), although he claimed it wasn’t fear of continuing moonlight visits that made him swap sides. Pull the other one Gordy.

source: https://pasttenseblog.wordpress.com/author/mudlark121/
My age UK befriendee likes a bit of cherry brandy and Jamaican Ginger Cake fan, so I will get her some and take it around on xmas day and see her.

Any tips on Cherry brandy buying? no idea myself.
All of brixton at this gig. Albert rammed now. See you Jake. I did read what you suggested.

Maybe just my perception - but I think I only saw one non-caucasian person in the audience, so perhaps not all of Brixton was there.

The above doesn't detract from the opinion that it was a great gig and a fitting send-off
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