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Cilla Black dies, 72

1984 quote- the pigs to man passage at the very end. Left it out cos it felt a bit off to reference that in reference to two women. Even if both are proper vile.
i'm all for sensitivity and making appropriate concessions to feminism and its various considerations.

But both Thatch and Cilla were women i believe. One a vicious tory w/b itch, the other, probably a Mail reading got rich through luck tory with some popular appeal.

The remark about pigs was fair comment i reckon.

But i'm so liberal these days that i think its fair enough for dcommie to withdraw the pic etc.
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i believe that Dionne gave Martha (and the Vandellas) a call, explaining the situation, and they decided there should be 'Dancing in the streets'.
We only do that when they're still alive you Fucking pervert.

If you are so concerned with right wingers and nonces take your stalinism and murder them, instead of using gobshite heroism.
You are all gob and you have no HUMAN integrity, you are a stand at the back posse builder.
You have problems, when you sound more obnoxious than bleeding Cilla Black.
The amount of dianaesque wailing over this woman is hilarious, especially as the luvvies gushing over her used to spread stories about her obnoxious personality. Cilla's public persona was a carefully crafted ploy in the manner of Saville. Now she was no abuser, but she was utterly horrid. Piers Morgan who gushes over her here even wrote in 2007 that she was obnoxious and hated even exchanging pleasantries with her chauffeur and she couldn't get back on ITV as she was resoundly hated by the head honchos. She was also infamous as being the scourge of cabin crew, on top of BA's unofficial list of worst celebrities to cater for.

My condolences to her sons but she is not deserving of respect so I refuse to contribute to the cult of grief and I apologise of this offends the hive mind. However unforgivably when her son knocked over a young lad in her car she milked this incident for publicity and sympathy for her, she left her aunt to die penniless in a high rise and she was obsessed with money so far as to betray her roots. Yes she was a Tory, and this does not discredit her by itself - however my aunt from Merseyside clearly remembers striking dock workers writing to black asking for support and to help publicise her cause as her relatives had worked with them. She wrote back saying she wouldn't and had no qualms about working people starving and being worse off.

Despicable woman

posted elsewhere, very revealing.
If you are so concerned with right wingers and nonces take your stalinism and murder them, instead of using gobshite heroism.
You are all gob and you have no HUMAN integrity, you are a stand at the back posse builder.
You have problems, when you sound more obnoxious than bleeding Cilla Black.

ta-ra pet
Q. Next year will be your 50th anniversary in the business. Any plans? A. Well, if God spares me…. Both ITV and BBC are in talks. But I don’t sing any more. I went to a 60s party last night, with Savage. There was a tribute band, and the singer came over and asked would I like to go up, they know all my stuff. I said No, I don’t do it any more. I don’t even sing in the shower these days…



From Digital Spy article, does she mean Jon Savage? I would be suprised
The contrast between the public image and the actual reality of the person is always fascinating don't you think? Celebrities assist (the media) in the creation of particular personas, obviously to generate more public interest in order to bolster the main task, that of acquiring more wealth. All too often the ordinary life of the subject in question (whoever they might be), spectacularly fails to match the falsehoods of the media image. Reading the obit' above, and comparing it to the anecdotal evidence provided by treelover, certainly gives two completely different insights into Cilla's character.

It seems our suspicions about her are very well founded.

Its good here init :)
Jesus lets not make a big issue of this, I really don't give a shit I was just wondering why this non-story was in the politics section.

No doubt like all such stories to divert the minds of the sheeple away from the real stories like fracking, TIPP, GMOs, The slash 'n' burn job on our public/social services, Calais Immigrants, establishment peadophiles, illegal bombing raids etc etc etc
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