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Chancellor's statement live

Exactly; even if you thought so little of your health that you maxed out on Sunak's deal, you'd only 'save' £130, (there being 13 M/T/Ws in August with max £10 discount per head).

But hold on...no...it's better than that, isn't it?
If you went for the full-on my 600lb hell and went for 3 meals out on each of those days that's £390 'savings'.
Great news for NHS staff who are being charged for parking again.
I used to buy Biltong from an African butcher’s shop in Leeds market and expats would be queueing up to buy big bags of chicken feet. Not my idea of dinner tbf but some people must love them (they were one of his biggest sellers) 🙂
I know they are really popular across the world... I had them in soup once at a Chinese place, it is just a bit of skin on a small bone no meat at all... and they look horrific sticking out.
Interesting that it took the New, New Labour response from Anneliesse Dodds to point out to Sunak that his BOGOF-style offers and 'job creation' schemes count for nothing unless the 'government' can give punters the confidence to go out. The economic crisis is not primarily an economic issue, but a public health one.
Why the hell would they have talked to journalists about the £500 voucher idea before announcing this crap?
If you look at the original story in the Guardian, the headline
Sunak considers £500 vouchers for all UK adults to spend in Covid-hit firms
and the opening sentence
Radical plans to give all adults £500 and children £250 in vouchers to spend in sectors of the economy worst hit by the Covid-19 crisis are being considered by the Treasury
suggest that it's actively being considered, but if you read the story a bit more closely, the nearest it comes to any substantive comment from the government is this
Last night, ahead of a "summer update" on the state of the stricken economy by the chancellor Rishi Sunak on Wednesday, the Treasury refused to rule out introducing a similar scheme in the short or medium term.
Another one for the "why the Guardian is shit" thread, I fancy
If you look at the original story in the Guardian, the headline
Sunak considers £500 vouchers for all UK adults to spend in Covid-hit firms
and the opening sentence

suggest that it's actively being considered, but if you read the story a bit more closely, the nearest it comes to any substantive comment from the government is this

Another one for the "why the Guardian is shit" thread, I fancy
TBF, a quick Google tells me it was mentioned as being considered in a whole raft of papers.
andysays Have you not noticed a constant stream of anoyinsements from them that just seems to fade away I believe its called spin. I'm sure DC et el are using a few psychology papers when pumping out this stream of shite.
TBF, a quick Google tells me it was mentioned as being considered in a whole raft of papers.
Yeah, but the "Why the Guardian and lots of other papers are shit" thread doesn't have quite the same ring to it (and it was on the basis of the Guardian article that it was being discussed here, see OU's thread)
andysays Have you not noticed a constant stream of anoyinsements from them that just seems to fade away I believe its called spin. I'm sure DC et el are using a few psychology papers when pumping out this stream of shite.
Their psychologists are a bit shit if they think widely floating the idea of giving everyone five hundred nicker is a good way to impress people with your policy of half a free pizza.
Their psychologists are a bit shit if they think widely floating the idea of giving everyone five hundred nicker is a good way to impress people with your policy of half a free pizza.
The usual way of spinning is to suggest you're going to do something bad, and then everyone is (supposedly) relieved when you do something not quite so bad.

If it was deliberate spinning, they seem to have got it arse about face this time.
I was so looking forward to a £500 bung, seeing it as frivolity money and easily spendable. I have just been paid £260 for some gardening work. It is sitting on my computer desk right now but I find I am completely paralysed about actually spending it. Having been so spectacularly penniless for years, I have trained myself out of buying stuff (apart from food and bills) so I find myself unable to choose how to spend this...even though I have been employed for the forseeable future, I am a bit alarmed that I am going to lose my ability to be cheerfully skint...and thrown back into that frustrating world of consumer participation but still not having quite enough to do so without guilt. It is a conundrum (first world problems).
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