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Chancellor and Health Secretary quit.

Does that mean you think he’ll resign?

I think he'll try to keep going as long as possible through his usual methods (move on, nothing to see here, burble burble wubble) and hoping the 12 month respite supposedly in place from the recent confidence vote sees him through. He'll only resign if he really has to. There is a point where he will though and I don't think he'll burn everything to the ground in response.
He isn't personally fucked though, he's just politically fucked. Whatever his future plans are involve him being a tory grandee, which is something that's still open to him: if he crashed the party out of spite, it wouldn't.

There is no way anyone is going to interview him in 20 years time like they talk to hezza, Clarke or redwood.

He’s only going to be famous for being totally shit.

His ego wouldn’t let him do it, “over to mr Johnson Britain's shortest serving prime minister for his opinion”
There is no way anyone is going to interview him in 20 years time like they talk to hezza, Clarke or redwood.

He’s only going to be famous for being totally shit.

His ego wouldn’t let him do it, “over to mr Johnson Britain's shortest serving prime minister for his opinion”
away from the heat of this political moment, that's exactly what will happen.
There is no way anyone is going to interview him in 20 years time like they talk to hezza, Clarke or redwood.

He’s only going to be famous for being totally shit.

His ego wouldn’t let him do it, “over to mr Johnson Britain's shortest serving prime minister for his opinion”
They’ll interview him plenty, he doesn’t care if it’s with gravitas or just for the garbled witticisms.
He isn't personally fucked though, he's just politically fucked. Whatever his future plans are involve him being a tory grandee, which is something that's still open to him: if he crashed the party out of spite, it wouldn't.

His future plans involve getting as much money as possible from the far right culture war grift machine.

He doesn’t give a fuck about being a Tory grandee, he just wants to enrich himself as easily as possible
It's difficult to keep up with this mornings resignations.
The important one is this guy, who you may recall from when he was famous for 5 minutes for howling too enthusiastically in support of the leader. D7C1F71C-7BDD-4CE8-89A2-CA78C6E9B4A9.jpeg

He’s resigned now which might actually mean something.
nah, you've misread him. he isn't trump, or anything like him.

He’s made a career writing coquettish columns for right leaning rags, staying just the right side of bigotry to say “who me? I’m a respectable white man it’s them who are snowflakes”

Trump can’t read or write, Boris is worse.
He’s made a career writing coquettish columns for right leaning rags, staying just the right side of bigotry to say “who me? I’m a respectable white man it’s them who are snowflakes”

Trump can’t read or write, Boris is worse.
Trump has made himself a figurehead of a certain set of beliefs and a certain worldview. Johnson latched on to Trumpian language and tactics when it suited him, but he isn't a figurehead of anything at all. Brexit is the closest you get, but that's done (after a fashion, in the manner of a massive poo that won't flush).
He’s made a career writing coquettish columns for right leaning rags, staying just the right side of bigotry to say “who me? I’m a respectable white man it’s them who are snowflakes”
Which isn't the far right culture war grift machine. Honestly, once this is over Johnson won't need to debase himself to the nazis for clicks, he'll be a former prime minister with a world of easy cash available to him. Theresa May - a dull and uninspiring speaker at best - made two million quid on after dinner speeches in one year. A bit of that, a column in the telegraph, a few directorships and he'll be turning over plenty.
Which isn't the far right culture war grift machine. Honestly, once this is over Johnson won't need to debase himself to the nazis for clicks, he'll be a former prime minister with a world of easy cash available to him. Theresa May - a dull and uninspiring speaker at best - made two million quid on after dinner speeches in one year. A bit of that, a column in the telegraph, a few directorships and he'll be turning over plenty.
Spinning in his grave
They are adjacent, the difference is Boris is interested only in using the far right for Boris, while Trump thinks he's in charge but he's literally the Weekend at Bernie's corpse held up by various far right groups.

Boris is using the same tools but a different game. His main interests are solely what's good for Boris not the party or the country and he's never wanted to be a grandee as that would involve principles and commitment. He wants to be respected just for being Boris Churchill and not as part of the party.
cold war steve predictions for the end of the day

Boris has survived again , now it's up to the 1922 committee to move the goal posts , they have elections coming up.
They really fucked themselves quite significantly by not getting rid when they had the chance a few weeks ago, that at least must be clear now to loads of them, imagine plenty of 'you bastard why didn't you vote no confidence last month' going on which is nice.
Part of me suspects they realised they just needed more time to manoeuvre. Better to be a rat escaping a sinking ship than being a rat sinking in one (no offence to rats, I love rats)
Which is why his future does not lie with the far right grift machine. his peers and the people he wants to be loved and respected by are posh tories, not nazis.

I don't think he thinks he has any peers he's that fucking entitled he's not capable of working with other people from a mutual respect perspective. He wants to be top dog because why wouldn't you love him? Not as part of a system of mutual arse greasing.

It's worked so far for him and he's fallen ever upwards.
Pitt the younger, he got VONCed and refused to go. Johnson will probably think he's that same sort of a man. (P decided to go for a general election instead and it worked out for him).
27 now gone, I think, I really can't keep up. Johnson has announced he refuses to quit.
Internationally, am I embarrassed; no. I did. Not, would not, could not vote for him or his party.

"It's the final countdown......"
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