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Therese Coffey Health Secretary your time is up

I'd certainly agree it's a ridiculous thing to be judged on. After all, being a bit wrinkly makes no odds whatsoever to how well you can, for example, do your job. All that "middle aged spread" stuff eh? Unnecessary. If only there was some way to raise the conversations we have beyond such frippery.
Wrinkly? No, not me, I've had a little subtle Botox in each side of the jaw, a chemical peel at 30 and another booked in for next year, and I slather on the eight hour cream as I have for years - highly recommend each. Middle age spread, no, not me - I only eat when I'm hungry, work out a bit, and use a belt I've had since I was 18 as my guide - if I go up a notch, I take my efforts up a notch to get down a notch. It's not hard, and it's no huge hassle. I don't believe in denying yourself pleasure.

Frippery, yes perhaps, but like many women I live in a world where you are judged on that frippery, and as I freely said, I have a conflicted relationship to it - which is not uncommon. You cannot be openly judged from a very early age without it warping your psyche, and it's equally impossible to say how much of that is internal and would've been there anyway, and how much of it is external. If Rob denotes you are male, you have the privilege to more easily dismiss it as 'frippery' better than I can.
Wrinkly? No, not me, I've had a little subtle Botox in each side of the jaw, a chemical peel at 30 and another booked in for next year, and I slather on the eight hour cream as I have for years - highly recommend both. Middle age spread, no, not me - I only eat when I'm hungry, work out a bit, and use a belt I've had since I was 18 as my guide - if I go up a notch, I take my efforts up a notch to get down a notch. It's not hard, and it's no hassle. I don't believe in denying yourself pleasure.

Frippery, yes perhaps, but like many women I live in a world where you are judged on that frippery, and as I freely said, I have a conflicted relationship to it - which is not uncommon. You cannot be openly judged from a very early age without it warping your psyche, and it's equally impossible to say how much of that is internal and would've been there anyway, and how much of it is external. If Rob denotes you are male, you have the privilege to more easily dismiss it as 'frippery' better than I can.
I don't think coffey's gone up a notch in the last 30 years
you have the privilege to more easily dismiss it as 'frippery' better than I can.
I do have that privilege, which is why I try not to judge either weight or wrinkles as pertaining to the character of the person I'm talking to. You do indeed seem conflicted on the matter, happy to condemn with one hand and primed to take mighty personal offence with the other. But this is something for another thread, I'd venture.
I do indeed have that privilege, which is why I try not to judge either weight or wrinkles as pertaining to the character of the person I'm talking to. You do indeed seem conflicted on the matter, happy to condemn with one hand and primed to take mighty personal offence with the other. But this is something for another thread, I'd venture.
We'll, lucky you then. I am honoured to have had all this mansplaining about what a dreadful misogynist I am. It's been of enormous value to me, and no doubt to the many 'vapid' others who've also never considered these concepts on any level at all. I didn't actually link her character to her weight.
Hopefully this evil fat cunt will end up having a heart attack or something. I saw her months ago in a restaurant - I'm sorry I didn't give her more than an ice cold glance as she waddled past on the way to her trough.

No, clearly you didn't link her character to her weight. Aside from that very first sentence there. :thumbs:
Oh not a bit of it, posters like maomao and tanya1982 operate far beyond anything I've ever done. I'm just glad pedantry here has a rosy future with newbies like tanya1982 very happy to wear the pendants' mantle
I don't wear pendants or mantles - that would be a very middle aged look.
I am honoured to have had all this mansplaining about what a dreadful misogynist I am. It's been of enormous value to me, and no doubt to the many 'vapid' others who've also never considered these concepts on any level at all. I didn't actually link her character to her weight.
I'll quite happily stand by the view that snarking about someone being fat is vapid, but I haven't used or particularly aimed to imply the word misogynist at any stage. If I've been mansplaining I can only apologise.
No, clearly you didn't link her character to her weight. Aside from that very first sentence there. :thumbs:
Well, you read what you want to into it Tony. I didn't link her character to her weight, I merely used both words as descriptors of her. They sit side by side - the only relation they have to each other is that in this case, they were about the same person. Them being side by side in her case doesn't preclude the clearly obvious truth that many fat people are lovely characters.
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I'll quite happily stand by the view that snarking about someone being fat is vapid, but I haven't used or particularly aimed to imply the word misogynist at any stage. If I've been mansplaining I can only apologise.

You mean like I took full responsibility ages ago, freely admitting that I could be bitchy and flippant, and accepting that I'd caused a unfortunate and irrelevant tangent by doing so? But which only led to continuation of the same, and even more mansplaining about what a dick I am, how contrary, how misogynist, how inconsistent I'd been, how ignorant, how unwilling to learn, how dreadful my politics were, how unwelcome I am. Bearing all that in mind, why should I accept that apology? You stood by and let it happen, finding great fault with only me - that's as good as saying/doing it all yourself. Don't apologise, just reflect, as I will.

Apologies for the bolding of the entire post. Not sure why that happened.
Funny how prickly people can be while making their whole shtick about being a bluff straightforward sort who tells it likes they sees it really.

Bottom line here, Tanya, is that quite clearly the culture on this board doesn't welcome mean-spirited comments about people's weight. So if you want to be treated seriously either work around that, or don't and get into a bunch of unnecessary arguments in which you take enormous offence at being criticised, I suppose. The latter seems like a waste of time to me, and on that note I'll leave you to it.
Funny how prickly people can be while making their whole shtick about being a bluff straightforward sort who tells it likes they sees it really.

Bottom line here, Tanya, is that quite clearly the culture on this board doesn't welcome mean-spirited comments about people's weight. So if you want to be treated seriously either work around that, or don't and get into a bunch of unnecessary arguments in which you take enormous offence at being criticised, I suppose. The latter seems like a waste of time to me, and on that note I'll leave you to it.
Right, exactly, there's the sanctimony again - with extra projection, and the flourish of righteousness complete with 'that's enough now' - it was enough a long while ago. You're not sorry, so don't bother with the dishonest 'I can only apologise' bullshit. You play until you get bored, then make out it was one way traffic. That's just nonsense. I haven't complained about not being 'taken seriously' - it doesn't bother me. That's your thing obviously, don't put it onto me. I haven't taken great offence at being criticized - I criticized myself, and went much further in explaining and reflecting on that than anyone else did. You wasted your own time, Rob. Reflect, as you proudly said is your way - or don't.
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Right, exactly, there's the sanctimony again - with extra projection, and the flourish of righteousness complete with 'that's enough now' - it was enough a long while ago. You're not sorry, so don't bother with the dishonest 'I can only apologise' bullshit. You play until you get bored, then make out it was one way traffic. That's just nonsense. I haven't complained about not being 'taken seriously' - it doesn't bother me. That's your thing obviously, don't put it onto me. I haven't taken great offence at being criticized - I criticized myself, and went much further in explaining and reflecting on that than anyone else did. You wasted your own time, Rob. Reflect, as you proudly said is your way - or don't.
We're all wasting our time here as we dander along on the way to the grave.
Give the Tories long enough and they'll make 35 middle aged again.
I thought like expectancy had actually declined, and was doing so for a number of years before Covid, just as with the USA, but with no other industrialized nation. I'd be interested to hear Coffey confronted about that. It's not something there's been very much publicity about at all.
I thought like expectancy had actually declined, and was doing so for a number of years before Covid, just as with the USA, but with no other industrialized nation. I'd be interested to hear Coffey confronted about that. It's not something there's been very much publicity about at all.
Likes are definitely on the decline
Good lucking bucking the trend. Therese Coffey works very closely with the grim reaper. Back in the 1960s the ministry of war became the ministry of defence, soon the ministry of health will become, more honestly, the ministry of death
All true. I was reiterating the importance of your comment about life. We arent born for an infinite number of millions of years, then we are born and are alive for around, as you say, 81 years, and then we are dead forever. Some people dont seem to fully wake up to this.
Good lucking bucking the trend. Therese Coffey works very closely with the grim reaper. Back in the 1960s the ministry of war became the ministry of defence, soon the ministry of health will become, more honestly, the ministry of death
While some investors are calling it the Ministry of Wealth - but maybe all ministries call be called that.
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