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campaign against welfare cuts and poverty

91 MPs sign motion against DLA and AA cuts – has yours?

The Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance motion was sponsored by Liberal Democrat MP Bob Russell. It has so far been signed by just 91 MPs:

Conservatives: 15
Democratic Unionist Party: 4
Independent: 3
Labour: 34
Liberal Democrats: 28
Plaid Cymru: 2
Scottish National Party: 2
Social Democratic and Labour Party: 2

Ulster Unionist Party 1

Thats quite significant, though only 34 LP M.P's, disgusting...

oh and the fact the unionists are opposing it is good,they may have some say in a hung parliament.
How do you quantify this "many" of which you speak?

I would like to know that as well, because as you quite rightly point out there are no credible statistics to back up contentions of a vast army of "scroungers".
As for the latest attack on sick and disabled people, "Employment Support Allowance" brought in, in October 2008 to replace Incapacity Benefit, (eventually), the way that is being administered is a national disgrace.
95% of people being given a "medical" by the ATOS doctors are being found fit for work, including terminally ill cancer sufferers, people with multiple sclerosis, autism suffers and a lot of other very sick and disabled people.
I dunno about anyone else, but I'm sick of seeing people say "why doesn't someone do something" (yes, I know actually some people are, but y'know...).

Let's do something. I'm in south London. What I'd like to see is ideas for tactics/strategy on this thread and to arrange an initial meeting.

Anyone up for it? Or am I pissing in the wind?

I think it's time some welfare cuts were made. I know people that have been living on them for many years. They have families and the welfare dependancy goes on and on.

I most certainly will not be backing this kind of thing.

The gravy train has to end somewhere.
I think it's time some welfare cuts were made. I know people that have been living on them for many years. They have families and the welfare dependancy goes on and on.

I most certainly will not be backing this kind of thing.

The gravy train has to end somewhere.


I think it's time some welfare cuts were made. I know people that have been living on them for many years. They have families and the welfare dependancy goes on and on.

I most certainly will not be backing this kind of thing.

The gravy train has to end somewhere.

i was wondering what happened to BNP trolls

No you fuck off.

I know someone who sat back and watched the state pay his interest for the last twenty years enabling him to sell up and buy a house outright up north with no mortgage no worries.

Only people that work and pay their mortgages should have that luxury not fucking spongers.:mad:
I think it's time some welfare cuts were made. I know people that have been living on them for many years. They have families and the welfare dependancy goes on and on.

I most certainly will not be backing this kind of thing.

The gravy train has to end somewhere.
Come back when you can string two sentences together in any kind of comprehensible format eh?
No you fuck off.

I know someone who sat back and watched the state pay his interest for the last twenty years enabling him to sell up and buy a house outright up north with no mortgage no worries.

Sorry, but if you can find me anywhere on the Department of Work and Pensions website that give chapter and verse of a benefit that was available 20 years ago until the present day to pay the interest on a mortgage I will see Elvis piloting the lead pig of a squadron of flying pigs over my home.
I would also point out no bank or building society would leave someone unevicted for 20 years if they were just getting the interest paid.
I think it's time some welfare cuts were made.<snip>
The gravy train has to end somewhere.

Have a look at what the current levels of Carers Allowance, Jobseekers Allowance, Income Support, and Pensioners Credit are. These are benefits which you seem to think are part of the gravy train. Try living on just that amount for a short time, but you won't. IMHO you couldn't bear it.
No you fuck off.

I know someone who sat back and watched the state pay his interest for the last twenty years enabling him to sell up and buy a house outright up north with no mortgage no worries.

Only people that work and pay their mortgages should have that luxury not fucking spongers.:mad:

You'd rather the dole pay NOWT for his house and then he loses it and they have to pay £80 housing benefit?????
Sorry, but if you can find me anywhere on the Department of Work and Pensions website that give chapter and verse of a benefit that was available 20 years ago until the present day to pay the interest on a mortgage I will see Elvis piloting the lead pig of a squadron of flying pigs over my home.
I would also point out no bank or building society would leave someone unevicted for 20 years if they were just getting the interest paid.

the other day i negotiated with the Halifax on someone on JSA's behalf and the very maximum they would allow him to be on interest only payments was ONE YEAR.

Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story in The Sun

Have a look at what the current levels of Carers Allowance, Jobseekers Allowance, Income Support, and Pensioners Credit are. These are benefits which you seem to think are part of the gravy train. Try living on just that amount for a short time, but you won't. IMHO you couldn't bear it.

i don't think she CARES really. It's more offensive to her that someone who's worked all their life and needs a £64pw kickback from their contributions, than it is the Queen who gets millions just to look after her horses.
the other day i negotiated with the Halifax on someone on JSA's behalf and the very maximum they would allow him to be on interest only payments was ONE YEAR.

Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story in The Sun

Precisely, 20 year paying interest only is not going to happen.
No you fuck off.

I know someone who sat back and watched the state pay his interest for the last twenty years enabling him to sell up and buy a house outright up north with no mortgage no worries.

Only people that work and pay their mortgages should have that luxury not fucking spongers.:mad:

look, just fuck off
I think it's time some welfare cuts were made. I know people that have been living on them for many years. They have families and the welfare dependancy goes on and on.

I most certainly will not be backing this kind of thing.

The gravy train has to end somewhere.

Ahhh Bisto!

Come back when you can string two sentences together in any kind of comprehensible format eh?

Apart from a couple of comma's missing, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the grammar.

Not only does it make perfectly good sense but the sentiments are absolutely right too!:p
Sorry, but if you can find me anywhere on the Department of Work and Pensions website that give chapter and verse of a benefit that was available 20 years ago until the present day to pay the interest on a mortgage I will see Elvis piloting the lead pig of a squadron of flying pigs over my home.
I would also point out no bank or building society would leave someone unevicted for 20 years if they were just getting the interest paid.

Apologies seventeen years: This person was paying the mortgage at best for a year.

In May 1992 th Social Security (Mortgage Interest Payments) Act came into effect, providing for Mortgage Interest Payments to owner occupiers on Income Support to be deducted from their benefits and paid directly to the lenders.

I would like to know that as well, because as you quite rightly point out there are no credible statistics to back up contentions of a vast army of "scroungers".
There are, however, credible statistics (from the DWP and the Audit Commission), the latest being from around 2007, that can be analysed to reveal that those who are classed as "perennial work-avoiders" are about 100,000 out of the total jobless claimant population.
As for the latest attack on sick and disabled people, "Employment Support Allowance" brought in, in October 2008 to replace Incapacity Benefit, (eventually)...
Although theoretically those already on long-term IB should continue to receive IB as long as they pass (or is it fail :D) the assessment.
the way that is being administered is a national disgrace.
95% of people being given a "medical" by the ATOS doctors are being found fit for work, including terminally ill cancer sufferers, people with multiple sclerosis, autism suffers and a lot of other very sick and disabled people.
One of the interesting things I gleaned from a letter to my MP a few years ago was that the doctors ATOS uses (and indeed those contracted to do individual medical examinations for Disability Living Allowance) do all have medical qualifications, but don't necessarily have to have been practicing prior to being retained to examine claimants, so among the doubtless number who are good doctors, you've got a leavening of tossers and wasters who scraped through their hospital years and then went to work for drug companies and the like. Wonderful, eh?
I think it's time some welfare cuts were made. I know people that have been living on them for many years. They have families and the welfare dependancy goes on and on.
Let me guess, most of them are immigrants?
I most certainly will not be backing this kind of thing.

The gravy train has to end somewhere.

Do you get tax credits/child credits?
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