No amount of cajolery...
The freedom to starve is not really an option in developed nations. Historically, a poor law and workhouses are methods used to administer and control. These methods are of course resisted.
Pick a pocket, or two?
one of my friends went into a village over here and saw kids running round half clothed playing with a hoop and a stick, straight out of the nineteenth century. i quite regularly see beggars with what llook like appalling injuries, deformed hands, etc with their hands out for a bit of money, selling pretty much everything they have basically
there's a (minimal) welfare state here in moldova but it doesn't really work very well and even if people have jobs they don't have enough to live on. the "middle classes" are frequently that way only because they are working in two full time jobs.
public sector services, what we'd think of public sector stuff anyway, the upkeep of parks, council stuff - is often organised companies like fucking Orange Telecom ffs. I fucking despair at the news coming out of the UK tbh
given the (often induced) decline of just about every viable industry in the UK during the last 30 years, i fear for the place i really do