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campaign against welfare cuts and poverty

Worm spelled CUNT.

Thing is, I reckon the guy/worm/cunt actually believes what he's doing is for the best - The rest of them are just upper class thugs delighting in the fact that they've got carte blanche to vandalise the bandstand. He took a trip to Easterhouse and saw the poverty and hopelessness and, being an imbecile, thought the way to eradicate the poverty is to withdraw benefits & council housing. As if all the problems in places like Easterhouse didn't exist in days prior to council housing and benefits - They did exist and would've been a fuck of a lot worse in a single ended tenement shared with about twelve family members & assorted hangers on.

Hopefully, his zealotry will prove to be his undoing and the rest of the bullingdon boys will later him off as a liability - Oh well, we can always hope.
I saw this on the Guardian website, don't read if you're prone to getting angry. The headline is slighty inflammatory but yeah, even so.
What about, I don't know, proper local planning to promote public health, a policy of encouraging small local shops which sell healthy food, whatever?
FFS! If the government (local or national) really gave a toss about the health of benefit claimants, they'd subsidise leisure centres & swimming pools a lot more than they do now, not to mention providing free public transport there and back.

As it is, the red tape just to get a discount is ridiculous.
I think he's been raiding the bank.

And put a tie on you scruffy fuck.

Suffering fuck: http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/10138097.Councillor_in_attack_on_food_bank/

Get rid of food banks, it just means people can afford booze and ciggies. :ffs:
There are some good comments, such as
once they make foodbanks look acceptable to the voters, they will pull benefits to save money for a new golf course.
They made another good point about people (not) realizing soaring crime will affect them at some point. That said, not that many would go as far as that swine. It's like a game of pogo.
There are some good comments, such as They made another good point about people (not) realizing soaring crime will affect them at some point. That said, not that many would go as far as that swine. It's like a game of pogo.
Another comment...
Perhaps as a follow up to this story The Press could arrange for Cllr Steward to swap with a family who uses a York food bank for a week as an experiment.

Either he'll be proven right or he will have discovered a new found understanding of the lives of those who are not fortunate enough to share in his experiences of morbid obesity.
I know his size shouldn't have anything to do with it, but the sight of a hugely over fed man telling people that there's no such thing as hunger in the UK is really beyond the pale.
Another comment...

I know his size shouldn't have anything to do with it, but the sight of a hugely over fed man telling people that there's no such thing as hunger in the UK is really beyond the pale.

but he's not the only overfed one, there's a few of them at it. Look at how happy he is that's he's probably just scoffed his face with expensive food courtesy of us taxpayers


Seeing as he's so happy to probe other people's personal spending and finances, he presumably wouldn't mind people looking at his. Would it be terribly intrusive to make an FOI request or pop down to the council offices and enquire how much public money he claims in expenses as a councillor? Also, any interesting share dealings on his part? Arms companies and the like?

After all, if he's so keen on judging other people's financial situation he won't mind sharing his, now will he?
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