Q122 Sheila Gilmore: Could I just ask about older people? It appears that people who turn 65, when this all starts, will be reassessed. Is that correct, even though the assessment will not start until later?
Simon Dawson: Yes. People who turn 65 and are in receipt of DLA after 8 April this year will be still in the reassessment pool, so will be selected for reassessment at some point between then and when those reassessments start in October 2015 and October 2017.
Q123 Sheila Gilmore: We were originally told that that age group would not be affected.
Simon Dawson: I think we have always made clear that for people over age of 65 who are in receipt of DLA, from April, PIP will not be applied to them. It is those in the reassessment pool, I think, to whom this applies.
Q124 Sheila Gilmore: If you are 65 in May this year, or when this starts, you can be reassessed.
Simon Dawson: If you are in receipt of DLA.
Sheila Gilmore: Yes, if you are in receipt of DLA now, if we had not had this change, you would go on getting DLA into retirement. You are now saying that that group will be reassessed, which is, I think, different from what people had understood to be the situation.
Simon Dawson: Can we take that one away?
Q125 Chair: Can you take that one away, because that is actually quite important. Does that mean that somebody who is 60 today, who is already in receipt of DLA, will-no, I suppose everybody would be assessed anyway. It might be worth clarifying exactly what is happening.
Simon Dawson: We will clarify that.