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Calvin Robinson Watch


"Red Guard"(NLYL)
"Devoted" to monitoring the right wing politics and theological acrobatics of Father Calvin ex GB News
this was an interesting post feat. Steve Chalke of Oasis Baptist Church Kennington - a notorious liberal expelled from the Evangelical Alliance
Let’s not call him by his first name eh?
There’s too much of this happening these days, talking about people we don’t know as if we do.
But also, because Calvinism. It just confuses the issue, considering both Calvins promulgating a rather gloomy outlook on humanity that we can do without.
Let’s not call him by his first name eh?
There’s too much of this happening these days, talking about people we don’t know as if we do.
But also, because Calvinism. It just confuses the issue, considering both Calvins promulgating a rather gloomy outlook on humanity that we can do without.
You feel he is more of an "Anne Robinson" Robinson type?
Let’s not call him by his first name eh?
There’s too much of this happening these days, talking about people we don’t know as if we do.
But also, because Calvinism. It just confuses the issue, considering both Calvins promulgating a rather gloomy outlook on humanity that we can do without.

100%. Also the man is already promoted way above his actual importance (in terms of his office), and the honour of having his own thread is undeserved.
He was the special guest at a farRight fringe Anglican conference in the USA called Mere Anglicanism" and offended them by being too far right and misogynistic, so they "cancelled" him.

Here's an article by someone who is more concerned about him not being Protestant enough.

The overlooked scandal of the Mere Anglicanism Conference | Anglican Ink © 2024

All sorts of shits have their own threads here.I don't see why he should be excluded.
Apparently he was due to make a speech on GB News around Christmas one year and it had to be toned down because it was originally very fire-and-brimstone, 'you're all going to hell'. Also, he was one of the governors of Michaela Free School, so my feelings about it are...conflicted at best.
Yeah well that podcast top of thread is odd in itself. "Chaired" by Luke Martin - apparently a refugee from spiritual abuse and narcissistic behaviour from his late teens pastor

I should clarify in this case spiritual abuse and narcissistic behaviour means that the Pastor's teaching not to be questioned - which seems to be Calvin's position really.
This from a year ago show Calvin has not shifted in his anal religious interpretation. Steve Chalke was obviously onto a loser.
or… ignore him and he might fuck off, and even if he doesn’t we don’t have to think about him.
Such characters are only going to get more attention in the internet era, as the internet fuels the erosion of traditional political discourse.

This kind of stuff may not become predominant, but it will contribute to the fracturing of society which, when the climate crisis begins to bite deeper, alongside the 'war-footing' we're being increasingly put on as a distraction from it, is only set to continue. And the small but vociferous minority who overtly oppose it can only offer their own contribution to the fracture, if only because they, largely through the identity politics they've embraced, fall into the trap whereby they can easily be depicted by the rich and powerful who control everything as a patronising minority, speaking for an (over) educated elite. The 'war of all against all' began some time ago in western societies-we only have to look at election results across the western world for confirmation. In some countries at least, it's likely to produce civil war when the climate refugees' plight gets really desperate, and the crisis begins to bite at everybody's living standards.

Those of us around today would probably struggle to understand the kind of society that will emerge from it all, and that's assuming that a world war has been averted. All sorts of lunatics will be having their say, and commanding mass audiences.
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After the BBC predicted that Khan would win the London Mayoral election mid-afternoon yesterday Calvin took to x-twitter:

Britons are in a minority in our capital city.
Brits have no voice because an incompatible invading force has drowned us out.
Voting does not work. Democracy is a false idol.
Knife crime is at an all time high.
London is a den of iniquity. It is lost.
London has fallen.
London no longer represents England.
We should move the capital elsewhere.
London is a reminiscent of a third world country, these days, full of foreign drama.
Import the third world, become the world.
The Caliphate of Londonistan is no longer civilised, for the most part.
All this talk of civil war is rubbish. We gave our guns up the very same year Labour opened the floodgates. We have been disarmed.
We have no legitimate way to reclaim the cities.
The options are to leave the cities and protect the country.
Or to leave the country entirely.

4:12 PM · May 4, 2024 -- x-twitter link
I love how much Khan being elected boils their piss. Guy is a technocrat dullard not Che fucking Guevera. They’re lost in some alternate reality dreamland. Do you think Calvin even beleives such nonsense or is it just grift?
I love how much Khan being elected boils their piss. Guy is a technocrat dullard not Che fucking Guevera. They’re lost in some alternate reality dreamland. Do you think Calvin even beleives such nonsense or is it just grift?
Wouldn't surprise me if he believed it all, firmly rooted in the looncho chamber that he is.

And yer, sadiq khan ffs🤣
I love how much Khan being elected boils their piss. Guy is a technocrat dullard not Che fucking Guevera. They’re lost in some alternate reality dreamland. Do you think Calvin even beleives such nonsense or is it just grift?
Calvin a is a grifter, until he got rumbled he had a nice little grift with getting onto advisory grouips, then demanding a pay off when his bigotry was exposed or when he started abusing members / service users of the organisation
After the BBC predicted that Khan would win the London Mayoral election mid-afternoon yesterday Calvin took to x-twitter:

4:12 PM · May 4, 2024 -- x-twitter link
Can't see him getting back onto GB News.
This is an odd exchange -Calvin vs Nick Griffin
I would have expected them to be on the same wavelength, what with Calvin's Union Jacks, St George's flag and crusader helmet as backdrop on his videos
But apparently not - at each other's throats (in the replies)
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