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Talk TV: a thread so you never have to watch it

Flicking through the listings earlier I saw that Jake Berry is standing in for Mad Nad this evening. It's impossible to know if it'll be an improvement, or indeed whether anyone will watch to find out.
I went the gym recently and they had Talk TV on one of the tellies, and the World of Woke segment featured Gwyneth Paltrow's cunt candles. I'm...really not sure what's 'woke' about that. Pretty sure your average leftist wouldn't buy one.
I went the gym recently and they had Talk TV on one of the tellies, and the World of Woke segment featured Gwyneth Paltrow's cunt candles. I'm...really not sure what's 'woke' about that. Pretty sure your average leftist wouldn't buy one.
The presenters don't want to see one of their own being burnt.
Nadine on Friday yesterday had a whole hour of people (Kevin Maguire, Rachel Johnson to name but two) toadying up to "Nadine" and her analysis of why and how "Rishi" has wrecked the Tory Party.
When you're losing a ratings war with GBeebies, you know it's not going well

TalkTV’s viewing figures have lagged well behind those of rivals, with some parts of the schedules registering no audiences at all.

Figures from ratings body Barb, seen by The Telegraph, show TalkTV’s audience averaged just 11,100 on Monday. That compares to more than 58,000 for GB News, 62,500 for Sky News and 76,000 for BBC News.

He added: “Talk will continue broadcasting as a livestreaming news and opinion channel, distributing through streaming platforms to include YouTube, Amazon Fire, Samsung, LG and others.

“A large proportion of our live viewing is already through streaming on televisions and we intend to continue to grow this.

Currently there's 7866 watching the Sky News youtube channel, 1726 for GB News, and 700 for TalkTV. :D
As someone with a fair bit of insight into the costs to exist on linear TV in the UK, this is no massive surprise. For what limited ad revenue Talk TV would be getting with their audience, it would probably be dwarfed by the combined EPG costs to be on Sky, Virgin, Freesat and Freeview. That will only be exacerbated by people quitting these platforms entirely in favour of other online only platforms. Morgan was their only star talent and losing his show was probably the death knell. If I was in charge I'd have called time on the traditional TV platforms too.
I didn't realise morgan had quit. Did anyone else notice? :D

How long do we give before it folds completely? :D
I didn't realise morgan had quit. Did anyone else notice? :D

How long do we give before it folds completely? :D

I doubt it will fold, it's always basically been the old TalkRadio with a camera in the studio, then a few hours of 'made of TV' programming in the evenings Mon-Fri, and the only real TV element of that was Morgan's show.

Currently there's 7866 watching the Sky News youtube channel, 1726 for GB News, and 700 for TalkTV. :D
And half of those watching GBeebies and TalkTV are probably journalists, political bloggers, and left wing members of public watching out of morbid curiosity and repulse.
It was always a weird proposition. Mostly radio on the TV, and then Morgan's nightly interview show. It didn't even have any selling point to it unlike GB News which is obviously now the 'anti-woke' channel for morons but Talk TV never had that clearly identifiable brand.

And even though Morgan himself is a big name and could get interviews like Trump and Ronaldo, they were so few and far between he struggled to fill the space on a nightly basis. I watched occasionally just to see what an average night looked like and there was a lot of filler and some of the bookings looked desperate. One of the last ones I saw was that youtube piano guy who got in a spat with some Chinese people and went viral. It was never going to sustain.
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