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Talk TV: a thread so you never have to watch it

Online content doesn’t have to be fair and balanced, Ofcom has no remit to police it. It’s why Talk TV, and half of GB News output, is going online, so they can spew endless skewed shit, just in time for the General Election.

The radio stations and Times newspapers did OK.

News UK’s other broadcasting outlets, which include TalkRadio, TalkSport and Times Radio, posted a profit of £7.8m.

Separate accounts showed that profits at The Times and The Sunday Times fell from £73.2m to £60.8m in 2022 as a downturn in the advertising market and higher newsprint costs squeezed margins.

But, the icing on the cake...

Meanwhile, The Sun and The Sun on Sunday lost a further £66m last year, which the company blamed on algorithm changes by Facebook that hit reader numbers and digital advertising revenues.



That headline is not strictly accurate.
I flicked onto Freeview 237 just now and was redirected to Freeview 294 - and there he was. Mike Graham in all his glory discussing riots in Peckham with a very rough looking "former immigration officer" who clearly forgot to shave.
Not a hint of election results.
I have to say the picture quality on channel 294 (which I assume is a Internet feed) is much superior to the old TV signal.
Looks like Mr Murdoch had only beern paying for a half-bandwigrh Freeview slot.
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