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Shrinkflation watch

Quite an extensive list in this beeb item ...

It also pointed out situations where the % of certain ingredients are reduced to save the producer money ... which is the third way to actively screw the consumer.

Checking on the unit price [per 100g or whatever] seems to be one way to try and avoid the steeper rip-off ...

and swerving the branded products when possible.
I went to buy some printer paper yesterday, price has gone up, I get that, everything's expensive now. But the packet looked wrong. It's only 400 sheets now. Price has increased, quantity has decreased. A double inflationary blow.
Wait till you see the cost of the official ink cartridges!
should try buying irish chocolate from Sainsburys


Despite much of the production being moved to Poland, Cadbury still have two factories in Ireland and a number of UK lines are still produced there - incl Wispa, Star Bar, Flake, Delights, Buttons, Dairy Milk - incl Salted Caramel and Limited Edition, Whole Nut, Selection/Gift Boxes and a portion of the Creme Egg production.

Plus a number of Irish-only chocolate bar lines.
What are these Irish only chocolate bars?!

I know Ireland has cool stuff like Taytos, Red lemonade and Barrys tea, but I'd no idea there was Irish only lines of Cadbury chocolate bars :hmm:

Pretty-much they are versions of Cadbury products that we haven't seen in the UK for years. In slightly different packaging/sizing - although I don't know how many survived the closure of the third factory a few years back.
flavours include mint crisp , tiffin and golden crisp

used to be more. you can buy the above in Sainsbury's world.food isle for stupid prices

but Irish chocolate is very tasty :)
Despite much of the production being moved to Poland, Cadbury still have two factories in Ireland and a number of UK lines are still produced there - incl Wispa, Star Bar, Flake, Delights, Buttons, Dairy Milk - incl Salted Caramel and Limited Edition, Whole Nut, Selection/Gift Boxes and a portion of the Creme Egg production.

Plus a number of Irish-only chocolate bar lines.
When hitching a couple of decades back I got picked up by a guy who was quite senior at Cadbury’s, had a very interesting conversation about chocolate. They made flakes in Ireland because the chocolate is creamier, this is because the cow’s milk is creamier due to a different grass than in Britain. Grass is different in pretty much every country, probably why stuff in the US tastes like turd. He denied that Wispas are made from floor sweepings which is what my housemate’s Nan claimed (who worked at Bourneville) though I think his actual words were along the lines of ‘not quite’.
When hitching a couple of decades back I got picked up by a guy who was quite senior at Cadbury’s, had a very interesting conversation about chocolate. They made flakes in Ireland because the chocolate is creamier, this is because the cow’s milk is creamier due to a different grass than in Britain. Grass is different in pretty much every country, probably why stuff in the US tastes like turd. He denied that Wispas are made from floor sweepings which is what my housemate’s Nan claimed (who worked at Bourneville) though I think his actual words were along the lines of ‘not quite’.

Yes, I remember that the availability of quality/cheap dairy was one of the factors that brought and kept them in Ireland for so long.

For a long time, you could tell the Irish flakes from other production because they kept the old twisted ends wrappers for years longer than any other factory.
Almost every time I hear HP printers being mentioned elsewhere online, it's a total horror story. HP's reputation is well and truly in the toilet and if even half of what I've heard is true, it's thoroughly deserved.

At the very least they are fucking stupid enough to design printers that accept ink cartridges that HP claim could be potential vectors for malware. Which is why they brick your printer for using third-party cartridges. Cunts.

Fuck HP, get a Brother printer instead.
Out of interest do you know of any good HP compatibles? Asking for a friend as they say ;-)

i don't have a HP printer (and have not tried using HP sauce as an alternative) but do have an ageing epson inkjet. i've been running it on compatible cartridges from these people for the last few years with no problems.

with mine, it occasionally comes up with a snarky message that i'm not using proper cartridges, but there's a 'shut up and get on with it' button. can't say if yours will be the same.
M&S teacakes have shrunk by half since the new year - now sold in packets of eight instead of 16 previously. Was too aghast to check any price differential. If I buy any more, it will be the cheap-shit Lidl ones, smaller but still less than a pound for 14!
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