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It's OK he's gonna get medical treatment. Apparently there's a cure for being a creepy gropey scumbag and not the one you're probably thinking of.
Good luck to him. The fact he was known to be what he has confirmed to be and was still put in as a whip shows that Bo Jo has only been comfortable when holding shit.
Also on Saturday, two of the alleged victims broke their silence, speaking to The Times.

One of the men recounted the "bizarre" alleged grope to the newspaper, but said he was left "furious" and "shell-shocked" by the Tory party's decision to not withdraw the whip immediately.

The second man who claimed his was groped recounted a similar encounter with Mr Pincher to The Times.

After the groping allegations emerged on Thursday, further claims have been levelled against the MP, with the Times reporting a young Tory activist received an unwanted sexual advance last year.

The activist said the MP put his hand on his knee and told him he would “go far in the party” at a party conference event last year.

Mr Pincher’s lawyers told the newspaper he firmly denies the allegation, which mirrors a complaint that led to the MP’s resignation from the whips office for the first time, in 2017.
Also on Saturday, two of the alleged victims broke their silence, speaking to The Times.

One of the men recounted the "bizarre" alleged grope to the newspaper, but said he was left "furious" and "shell-shocked" by the Tory party's decision to not withdraw the whip immediately.

The second man who claimed his was groped recounted a similar encounter with Mr Pincher to The Times.

After the groping allegations emerged on Thursday, further claims have been levelled against the MP, with the Times reporting a young Tory activist received an unwanted sexual advance last year.

The activist said the MP put his hand on his knee and told him he would “go far in the party” at a party conference event last year.

Mr Pincher’s lawyers told the newspaper he firmly denies the allegation, which mirrors a complaint that led to the MP’s resignation from the whips office for the first time, in 2017.

Here's the article from the Times - Tories rallied round ‘Pincher by name, Pincher by nature’ in spite of warnings

The first allegation in the article dates back to Nov, 2017, just weeks after he had resigned as a whip, following claims he made an unwanted pass at a former Olympic rower, and then several more including the two from last week.

“I had my drink in my hand and then he then went down and grabbed my arse and then slowly ... moved his hand down the front of my groin. I froze a little bit and it ended after about two or three seconds, but it was a very bizarre thing.” An MP corroborated this account.

His ordeal was made worse, the alleged victim claims, when Sarah Dines, a Tory whip who was also present and whom he spoke to about the incident, asked him if he was gay. “I was a bit taken aback by that and said, ‘What’s that got to do with it? But yes, I am,’ ” the man said. “And her words were: ‘Well, that doesn’t make it straightforward.’ ”


But today, Johnson finds himself under attack from all sides. Even ministerial aides expressed alarm at the apparent disregard for the alleged victims, as well as the “bonkers” response from No 10, where Johnson and his senior aides seemed determined to protect Pincher. They pointed to a meeting on Friday in which Guto Harri, Johnson’s director of communications, said colleagues should support Pincher because he had lost his career. This promptly leaked. Later, in a wider meeting of ministerial aides, Harri sought to clarify his comments.

He then compared Pincher to David Kelly, the weapons expert who killed himself after he was exposed as the source of a BBC report that the Blair government’s official dossier on weapons of mass destruction had been “sexed up”. The suggestion was that Pincher, like Kelly, was struggling to cope with the public scrutiny.

“It was unbelievable,” said one present. “You want to intervene and just say, ‘What the f*** are you thinking?’ But what’s the point?”

It turns out he is facing allegations that stretch back two decades, so I can't see him surviving as an MP now, it's just a question of timing.
Harvey Weinstein supposedly commenced sex addiction therapy, but if he'd been an MP he wouldn't have been for long because he's in now prison.
Not looking good for Pincher, and if some of these details are correct, not looking good for Johnson either.

Chris Pincher: New claims emerge against former Tory MP

Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey told the BBC that Mr Johnson had not been aware of "specific allegations" against him at the time of the appointment. She added she had not spoken to Mr Johnson herself, but had been given the assurance by "somebody from the No 10 press office"...

...No 10 has not denied a claim by Mr Johnson's former chief aide, Dominic Cummings, that the PM referred to the former deputy chief whip as "Pincher by name, pincher by nature" before appointing him.
It turns out he is facing allegations that stretch back two decades, so I can't see him surviving as an MP now, it's just a question of timing.


Boris Johnson facing Cabinet backlash over Chris Pincher sex pest allegations​

Ministers express anger at decision to appoint shamed MP to senior role and then being asked to defend the Government over sleaze crisis.
Several Tory MPs are also understood to have contacted the Whips’ Office demanding that the Prime Minister make clear that Mr Pincher should resign from Parliament, and asking them to guarantee that they will not reinstate the whip.

“I think most of us messaged demanding he lose the whip,” one backbencher said. “Many of us have said he should resign altogether, immediately.”

He can't be thrown out unfortunately I gather none of those he's accused of molesting have reported it to Plod?
Whilst whips are an accepted part of the Westminster soap opera, I think that in Johnson's government they've been particularly brutal. Withholding funding for local projects, coercion, manipulation, bribery and lies.

When a bully's on the ropes, those who've been bullied tend to be emboldened, and Boris desperately need to placate his party. So Pincher's toast. It's just a case of how long it's dragged out for and who else gets burned in the process.
bullshit are they - the media has obviously known all about this creep for years. If they were doing a good job on this he would have been done for ages ago.

Some may have heard rumours, but until people start talking directly to them there's nowt they can report, their lawyers would veto any reports.
The job of the journalist is to find people who'll talk directly to them confirm whatever the rumour is isn't it? They could probably have found someone who'd been groped by this guy by asking randoms outside parliament for half an hour by the sounds of it. Probably easier this way though.
The job of the journalist is to find people who'll talk directly to them confirm whatever the rumour is isn't it? They could probably have found someone who'd been groped by this guy by asking randoms outside parliament for half an hour by the sounds of it. Probably easier this way though.

You clearly haven't a clue how these things work, nor paid attention to the court cases that have awarded large sums of money against media outlets that have published stories without enough evidence to back them up.
I don't think any of the broadsheets had stories on Pincher in a filing cabinet somewhere. If they did, they'd have used them before the vonc.
did you read the first sentence of the post you're quoting dickhead?

It's not me being a dickhead here, chum.

The fact he resigned from his whip's job opened up the opportunity for the media to go for him, with reasonable legal cover.
whatever. they know who all the creeps, sleazes and gropers are in westminster. if they wanted to, they'd put in cash & the resources necessary to make each story stand up and go for them, but they don't want to. Obviously they'll give them a kicking when they're already done though.
killer b's ideal world............................ -v- ............................ the real world & lawyers needing to clear stories before publication, several country miles apart.
I recognise that investigations into this sort of stuff is an expensive and resource heavy business, including work by the legal department. It's the kind of thing media organisations should spend money on and commit their resources to though. and don't.
The sleaziness (obviously this goes further than minor 'sleaziness') is something of a feature of the role of Chief Whip, especially so with who is in government at the moment. Earlier this year a predecessor was in the news:

Allegations this week that party whips have attempted to blackmail MPs to protect Boris Johnson have had some clutching at their pearls in mock horror – and others genuinely distressed by what they regard as a blend of bribery and bullying that could require police investigation.

But one former chief whip looking at the current controversy claims the dividing line on legitimate persuasion is nevertheless clear. “Yes to threats on preferment and honours. No to abusing public money and private lives.” The Tory MPs who spoke out on Thursday claim the threats, including withheld investment in a school, fell into the latter category. No 10 insisted: “We are not aware of any evidence to support what are clearly serious allegations. If there is any evidence to support these claims we would look at it very carefully.”

So 'preferment and honours' are openly used to manipulate. Also, this article says a bit more about the John Major administration:

For Tory MPs facing financial difficulty, the whips’ office virtually advertised itself as a loan facility. Rather than watch a backbencher tumble into bad debt, they would lure them in to talk through the problems and organise a soft loan from a grandee (presumably that would constitute a political donation if it ever came to public attention, but I think such loans never did).
i'm not a lawyer or journalist, but don't think that 'someone told me this happened' is a complete defence against a libel action.

nothing against jimmy saville got in to the mainstream press until he was not no longer in a position to sue...
i'm not a lawyer or journalist, but don't think that 'someone told me this happened' is a complete defence against a libel action.

nothing against jimmy saville got in to the mainstream press until he was not no longer in a position to sue...
it us true that powerful men can do what they like with impunity in this country, yeah.
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