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Blackpool South byelection

A tight timetable if any U75er has £500 to spare for the deposit and a sudden need to leaflet drop around the Pleasure Beach.

From the council's website:

"Nominations papers must be delivered by hand to the (Acting) Returning Officer at Number One, Bickerstaffe Square, Talbot Road, Blackpool, FY1 3AH on any day after the date of this notice, Monday to Friday 10.00am to 4.00pm (excluding bank holidays) but no later than 4.00pm on Tuesday 9 April 2024."
Cheers editor . I plum forgot about creating the first thread. Since getting back on the anti-d's, my memory is shot, I showed someone at work yesterday a notepad I'd found in a drawer and she looked straight at me and said, "I gave it you the other week"
Statement of Persons Nominated

Stephen BLACK (Independent)
Mark BUTCHER (Reform UK)
Andrew CREGAN (Liberal Democrat)
Howling Laud HOPE (Official Monster Raving Loony Party)
David JONES (The Conservative Party Candidate)
Kim KNIGHT (Alliance for Freedom and Democracy)
Damon SHARP (New Open, Non-Political, Organised Leadership)
Ben THOMAS (Green Party)
Chris WEBB (Labour Party)
Damon SHARP (New Open, Non-Political, Organised Leadership) is standing for the “First UK Non-Political Party”.

“While China have recently commission numerous coal fired power stations they have no intention on reaching anywhere near net zero in decades, but are happy to watch the rest of the western world tank their economies on the stupid net zero woke mission. When will the western world wake up to the fact that once we have wasted trillions on climate change and disseminated our economies, the Chinese will be come the global economic power, if they are not already.”

And there is more such bollocks on its website.
Damon SHARP (New Open, Non-Political, Organised Leadership) is standing for the “First UK Non-Political Party”.

“While China have recently commission numerous coal fired power stations they have no intention on reaching anywhere near net zero in decades, but are happy to watch the rest of the western world tank their economies on the stupid net zero woke mission. When will the western world wake up to the fact that once we have wasted trillions on climate change and disseminated our economies, the Chinese will be come the global economic power, if they are not already.”

And there is more such bollocks on its website.

I was just going to Google what form of howling loon this chap was, and you've saved me a trip down a rabbit hole.

They want not to shift the Overton Window to the left, but to shift it "up" in a "non-political" direction.

It's always a time saving way of identifying a drooling nutter when they describe what others do as 'political', but what they think as non-political, or common sense, or indeed basic morality - in this case he's well off to the right, but there are plenty on the left - or in the centre - who do the same.

It's like when a state puts ' People's Democratic Republic' in its name - you instantly know it's none of those things.
It's always a time saving way of identifying a drooling nutter when they describe what others do as 'political', but what they think as non-political, or common sense, or indeed basic morality - in this case he's well off to the right, but there are plenty on the left - or in the centre - who do the same.

It's like when a state puts ' People's Democratic Republic' in its name - you instantly know it's none of those things.
Like United Kingdom or Great Britain
Damon SHARP (New Open, Non-Political, Organised Leadership) is standing for the “First UK Non-Political Party”.

“While China have recently commission numerous coal fired power stations they have no intention on reaching anywhere near net zero in decades, but are happy to watch the rest of the western world tank their economies on the stupid net zero woke mission. When will the western world wake up to the fact that once we have wasted trillions on climate change and disseminated our economies, the Chinese will be come the global economic power, if they are not already.”

And there is more such bollocks on its website.
And to think they called the left loony
C4News did a Blackpool South candidates & vox pop piece this evening. They seemed keen to explore the notion of RefUK beating the vermin to second place and putting them into third place.

The vox pops were pretty depressing with a fair few vermin fans, a few swing voters from their 2019 preference and a general array of low information observations.
Labour won South Blackpool with a 25% swing, and a 7000 majority over the previous Tory majority of 3000+. Huge Reform vote, they got within a few hundred of the Tories - 16% or so.

Turnout was low compared to some recent by-elections, at only 32.4%.

Sadly Reform will be very happy with their 16.9% vote share, higher than recent polling, which has been around 10-15% maximum.


Turnout was low compared to some recent by-elections, at only 32.4%.

Sadly Reform will be very happy with their 16.9% vote share, higher than recent polling, which has been around 10-15% maximum.
Their voters are more likely to turn out, given that they’re typically older, and motivated by whatever imagined oppression has been peddled at them. In a general election this wouldn’t be replicated - more people will turn out reducing their vote proportionally, and some of their number will switch back to the Tories in fear of ‘letting Labour in’, although with Labour looking a dead cert maybe they’ll stick with the protest vote .
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