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Shrinkflation watch

I think they did a pile of this shrinkflationing in the meat section in lidls this week, but I'm not going to check because it will drive me insane.
is there a better thread for prices going up?
just been to co-op, theyve gone mad in there - £3.80 for a small jar of lloyd Grossman tomato pasta sauce! £2.70 for some oat milk! oat milk is just water with a tiny bit of oats in it, too expensive at the best of time

its still at £1.25 in asda

is this standard across co-ops across the country?

Went once into the co-op to buy a lotto ticket about a year back (no luck), and decided to have a browse around while I was there. Never again. The prices were just astronomical. No wonder it was virtually empty. My first and last time there.
Went once into the co-op to buy a lotto ticket about a year back (no luck), and decided to have a browse around while I was there. Never again. The prices were just astronomical. No wonder it was virtually empty. My first and last time there.
Our local co-op is promoting their 'Honest Value' brand, which I haven't seen before and haven't tried, but some of these prices look pretty good: baked beans 42p, chopped tomatoes 38p, 500g dry spaghetti 75p etc.
Dunno, might all be rubbish but looks worth a try
Went once into the co-op to buy a lotto ticket about a year back (no luck), and decided to have a browse around while I was there. Never again. The prices were just astronomical. No wonder it was virtually empty. My first and last time there.
its not uncommon for some areas to only have a co-op within a walking distance...yes they have a few own brand cheaper items but £3.80 for a small tomato sauce! id expect that in Chelsea not an average suburban Coop
its not uncommon for some areas to only have a co-op within a walking distance...yes they have a few own brand cheaper items but £3.80 for a small tomato sauce! id expect that in Chelsea not an average suburban Coop
That copper who is in the news at the moment used to work in a Co-Op
I like the fact that (I think) Waitrose have a budget range called Hubbards.

Look pretty swank and then when you get home you remember the nursery rhyme.

That's awesome brand awareness.
Blimey. I usually shop there as it's cheaper and better than the Co-op, but haven't seen that. I thought their special brand was Essentials, much mocked for things like 'Essential Balsamic Vinegar'.
is there a better thread for prices going up?
just been to co-op, theyve gone mad in there - £3.80 for a small jar of lloyd Grossman tomato pasta sauce! £2.70 for some oat milk! oat milk is just water with a tiny bit of oats in it, too expensive at the best of time

its still at £1.25 in asda

is this standard across co-ops across the country?
The mini pizzas in the fridge used to be 55p, two for a quid for years. A staple for my kids. They scrapped the two for one in the last couple of years, then a while later jumped to 65p. Successive price increases have them at a quid now. I think we can still get similar in Lidl/Aldi for 49p. Food inflation is nuts.

The bread is good though and not much more expensive than the big supermarkets, we still mostly buy it there.

When I lived in London there was a small coop about 100m from the entrance to our block of flats, it was part of the evening routine to go in and see what was marked down just before it closed at 11. Reductions were really good, stuff for pennies. The one round where I am now seems to just clear out the reduced section at about 8pm so they can piss off quicker at the end of their shifts. In the daytime stuff is only marked down by about 10%.
When I first tried Sheldons oven bottom muffins. Not all that long ago. A packet of 6 was 95p.

Imagine my horror to see that same size pack in my local tescos is now £1.45

That's in less than 2 years
When I first tried Sheldons oven bottom muffins. Not all that long ago. A packet of 6 was 95p.

Imagine my horror to see that same size pack in my local tescos is now £1.45

That's in less than 2 years
Bloody hell. I've just checked Sainsburys and coop and they're more expensive again. Topping out at £1.65 FFS
You could also make your own High Voltage

There's also a small bakery chain with stalls in Ashton and Oldham markets that do them - you could combine your shopping with a day out.
A 400'odd mile round trip for a day out and some buns . . . I don't think so . . . not at 35-40mpg average any rate
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