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British and Irish Lions

Oh, and DaRealSpoon - only one more Worzle-free test before a 'pint' gets donated to the server fund. If McGeechan is looking for a creativity-free, sloth-speed tackling machine to restore pride in the third test, now's the time to unveil our secret weapon ;)
Oh, and DaRealSpoon - only one more Worzle-free test before a 'pint' gets donated to the server fund. If McGeechan is looking for a creativity-free, sloth-speed tackling machine to restore pride in the third test, now's the time to unveil our secret weapon ;)

Don't worry I hadn't forgotten :D I tell ya, I was damn close, if all those injuries had been elsewhere in the scrum rather than the bloody front row... Who knows :rolleyes:
Doesn't wash though does it. They gave the card for that offence, so they clearly felt there was enough evidence. However, the automatic punishment for that 'offence' is a red.
Doesn't wash though does it. They gave the card for that offence, so they clearly felt there was enough evidence. However, the automatic punishment for that 'offence' is a red.
Agreed. Woodward puts it best for me.

He and others are also saying sensible things about what else the Lions need to be given to have a fair chance against professional teams.
Burger got 8 weeks.

8. Fucking. Weeks. For. Deliberately. Putting. His. Fingers. In. The. Eye. Of. Another. Player.

Compare that to the 11 weeks that Gav got when a Leicester player climbed all over him a few seasons back and Gav tried to shrug him off!!
Paddy O'Brien has said thatthe TJ didn't see fingers in eyes, just hand on face.

A likely story!

Paddy O'Brien can't have been watching the match. Bryce Lawrence clearly told Berdos that he had seen 'illegal contact with the eye' and then recommended 'a minimum yellow'. It was the latter sentence that was fucking criminal.
Stephen Jones meanwhile seems to be defending the ref, which is a bit odd given his other comments on the subject:


Stephen Jones is a twat, and not to be taken seriously. He gave a 10 to Shaw, FFS. Conveniently ignoring the three or so penalties that he gave away. He has also consistently championed Sheridan above Jenkins. Myopic doesn't even start to get there. He's a fucking loon.
Stephen Jones is a twat, and not to be taken seriously. He gave a 10 to Shaw, FFS. Conveniently ignoring the three or so penalties that he gave away. He has also consistently championed Sheridan above Jenkins. Myopic doesn't even start to get there. He's a fucking loon.
I agree. Weird he still seems to be allowed to write so much.

Stuart Barnes on the other hand writes very well, which is weird when he's such an appalling commentator.
I agree. Weird he still seems to be allowed to write so much.

Stuart Barnes on the other hand writes very well, which is weird when he's such an appalling commentator.

Strangest thing about Jones is that he, a Welshman, gets so, err, moist about English forwards. You can almost hear the quiet fap, fap, fap as he drivels on about 'the pumping piston thighs of the mighty, oak-tree-like yeoman, Sheridan" in another of his sub-Biggles, manlove diatribes. An odd chap.

you might appreciate the irony bendy

bryce lawrence is a fucker
he made his decisions in the first test and this, based purely on what jersey the 'culprit' was wearing
there is being a poor ref
and there is being a corrupt shithead

it would have been nice to have played the springboks on a relatively equal footing
as equal as it can be to have a motley crew of players rock up a month or so beforehand and decided to take on the world champions on home turf

this tour is sour

much like the last one

perhaps lions tours are doomed
whats the point in turning up if our opponents arent interested in playing rugby eh?
you might appreciate the irony bendy

I might, but BOD has rocketed in my estimation this tour. Dorrty bastard or no, he gave his all for the Lions both on and off the pitch. Every inch the captain that should have been. I doubt not for a second that there is a vague whiff of hypocrisy in his utterances regarding De Villiers, but he's been phenomenal this season for club, country and Lions, and as a result I am withdrawing my use of the monicker 'O'Stampy' until at least the next time he pisses me off:)

bryce lawrence is a fucker
he made his decisions in the first test and this, based purely on what jersey the 'culprit' was wearing
there is being a poor ref
and there is being a corrupt shithead

it would have been nice to have played the springboks on a relatively equal footing
as equal as it can be to have a motley crew of players rock up a month or so beforehand and decided to take on the world champions on home turf

this tour is sour

much like the last one

perhaps lions tours are doomed
whats the point in turning up if our opponents arent interested in playing rugby eh?

As for the rest: my faith has been at least partially restored. We should have won at least one of the tests. We should have been going into the last one with the chance of a series victory. We would have but for some cowardly reffing. I don't think corrupt comes into it; because we couldn't have SA or British/Irish refs, and because of injuries to other candidates, we ended up with low grade dross from NZ and France, some of whom had never reffed a major test before the Lions. That is farce and should never be repeated.

The corruption comes in the obvious order from on high for SA to rough the Lions up properly. PdV's statement that gouging is ok leaves no room for doubt as to what he had ordered his 'boys' to do before the second test. They are a team with little honour, IMO, and have set themselves up as a target for all NH sides from now to eternity. Yes, the tour has left a bad taste, but not from the Lions side. We just witnessed two of the most enthralling games of rugby seen outside the NZ/France quarter finals. Phenomenal, adrenaline stuff. We could have won both, but fate and novice match officials didn't smile on us.

I just hope against hope that somehow we smash the bastards in the next test, and hospitalise a few in the process. And yes, I mean that.
Oh, and rumours from the Lions camp that Hook will start on the bench in front of Onan, apparently. No surprises there.
The corruption comes in the obvious order from on high for SA to rough the Lions up properly. PdV's statement that gouging is ok leaves no room for doubt as to what he had ordered his 'boys' to do before the second test.

my abiding memory of 2005 was all the talk beforehand about how NZ would look to pressure BOD and make their presence known, and lo and behold
within a minute he had been spear tackled, lucky not to have had a broken neck

and the perpetrators got nothing

neither the attitude of the officials, the players, nor the fans (NZ in particular)
can be said to have been 'in the spirit of the game'

two tours in a row- alright this one wasnt directed at one particular individual, more the idea of roughing up the team

part of me wishes we'd had a 99 call

if you want to take part in a rugby match, fine
if you want to take part in a boxing match, fine

but to call what they did 'rugby' :mad: :mad:

We just witnessed two of the most enthralling games of rugby seen outside the NZ/France quarter finals.

id say france argentina at the last world cup beats that (both games!)

I just hope against hope that somehow we smash the bastards in the next test, and hospitalise a few in the process. And yes, I mean that.

thats a pretty sad sentiment you know
but thats karma hey
fuck them
Strangest thing about Jones is that he, a Welshman, gets so, err, moist about English forwards. You can almost hear the quiet fap, fap, fap as he drivels on about 'the pumping piston thighs of the mighty, oak-tree-like yeoman, Sheridan" in another of his sub-Biggles, manlove diatribes. An odd chap.


He fancies himself as being controversial and somebody who stimulates debate. In fact all he is is a tosser who is often wrong and frequently contradicts himself.
Lions: Kearney; Monye, Bowe, Flutey, S Williams; S Jones, Phillips; Sheridan, Rees, Vickery, Shaw, O'Connell, Worsley, M Williams, Heaslip.
Replacements: Ford, Hayes, Alun-Wyn Jones, Wallace, Croft, Ellis, Hook.

Hmmm. Second string side doesn't look so good! Boks have made a load of changes too, but fancy them to win comfortably.

South Africa: Kirchner (Bulls); Ndungane (Sharks), Fourie (Lions), Olivier (Bulls), Nokwe (Cheetahs); M Steyn (Bulls), Du Preez (Bulls); Mtawarira (Sharks), Ralepelle (Bulls), Smit (Sharks), Muller (Sharks), Matfield (Bulls), Brussow (Cheetahs), Smith (Cheetahs), Kankowski (Sharks).
Replacements: B du Plessis (Sharks), Steenkamp (Bulls), Carstens (Sharks), Sykes (Sharks), Spies (Bulls), R Pienaar (Sharks), F Steyn (Sharks).
Lions: Kearney; Monye, Bowe, Flutey, S Williams; S Jones, Phillips; Sheridan, Rees, Vickery, Shaw, O'Connell, Worsley, M Williams, Heaslip.
Replacements: Ford, Hayes, Alun-Wyn Jones, Wallace, Croft, Ellis, Hook.

Hmmm. Second string side doesn't look so good! Boks have made a load of changes too, but fancy them to win comfortably.

South Africa: Kirchner (Bulls); Ndungane (Sharks), Fourie (Lions), Olivier (Bulls), Nokwe (Cheetahs); M Steyn (Bulls), Du Preez (Bulls); Mtawarira (Sharks), Ralepelle (Bulls), Smit (Sharks), Muller (Sharks), Matfield (Bulls), Brussow (Cheetahs), Smith (Cheetahs), Kankowski (Sharks).
Replacements: B du Plessis (Sharks), Steenkamp (Bulls), Carstens (Sharks), Sykes (Sharks), Spies (Bulls), R Pienaar (Sharks), F Steyn (Sharks).

HAaaaaa ha aha ha ha ha ha!! I knew it, knew Geech couldn't resist throwing in his loyal Wasp hound at some point :D

I really should bet on these things.. Oh wait, I did! :D:D
but yeah agreed we are gonna get stuffed a winger player in the centre :(

I wouldnt base a judgement that we are going to get stuffed on the basis that Bowe is playing in centre. He played plenty of rugby there last year for the Os and wont let us down. I'd be more worried abouyt the wing playing on the wing(Monye)!
I wouldnt base a judgement that we are going to get stuffed on the basis that Bowe is playing in centre. He played plenty of rugby there last year for the Os and wont let us down. I'd be more worried abouyt the wing playing on the wing(Monye)!

I note you had to say which one - I'd say Ickle is more of a concern at present.

I never thought I'd say that.

Agree about Bowe, although I actually think we'll miss him on the wing, he's been very effective on this tour.
I note you had to say which one - I'd say Ickle is more of a concern at present.

I never thought I'd say that.

Agree about Bowe, although I actually think we'll miss him on the wing, he's been very effective on this tour.

Class and permanent!
With the Saffers making ten changes, it's going to be a novel old match. No idea how it'll pan out. I just want to see Hook get some decent game time off of the bench and maybe see Shane break his duck. What a difference a year makes.
Well, it's a relatively petite midfield we've got there.

Bowe frequently plays at 13 for the Os, where he often impresses. I'd worry less about him than the sloth at six and Mr. Straightline at 11. Why the fuck are they playing him there and Shane at 14. I can only hope to god that it's Geech who's picking the team, because if Gats and Edwards have had a say it'll be mutiny when they get back to Wales, just like the Henry tour:rolleyes:
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