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British and Irish Lions

To be fair as well, it was three tries to one, and the Lions weren't close to scoring another. Irritating that two were almost identical moves, one from line-out and one from scrum. But great lines and pace from the two wings.
They're a fucking dirty team, the Boks, and I've never understood it as they're a good team with it :confused:, it's not like they're a shit team who has to scrap
Drunk and too gutted to make sense but ....

O'Gara fucked up badly, badly at the death. I don't blame him for the try because he is just too small to make that tackle stick. However when Jones took the penalty kick to draw the game rather than going for the corner and a lineout the message was we're playing for the draw.

So why why why why was he trying for the win, keeping the ball in play with the up and under, rather than drilling it into touch? I don't think he deliberatly took the man out in the air but thats irrelevant. Put it in touch you fucking idiot. What in the name of fuck were you thinking about?
Its probably in their teams culture i guess.

The Boks were a clean team under Jake White, The last time I saw them play this dirty was pre 2003. Seem de Villiers has brought this aspect back, which is a pity.

But the Lions were not playing clean either, Sheridan punching Andries Bekker in the nuts, allegations of eye gouging on Jacque Fourie, punches thrown by o driscoll. Either way, play hard, bend the rules as far as you can, but eye gouging is too far.

Burger getting banned for 6 weeks might actually improve the team for the Tri nations, Brussows starts.
I used to rate McGeechan very highly, but the truth is he has cost us the series. We could and should be 2-0 up now. In the first test he should have put Adam on as soon as the Vickery popped up in the first scrum. Yesterday the bench should have included Hook to provide more positional cover. Imho these two decisions cost us the series.
I know it's a bit of a moot point, but thoughts on team for Saturday? Assuming O'Driscoll and Roberts don't make it either (Jenkins and Jones ruled out)...

For me: Sheridan, Rees, Hayes, O'Connell, Shaw, Williams, Croft, Heaslip, Phillips, Jones, Hook, Flutey, Fitzgerald, Bowe, Kearney.

(Which incidentally doesn't look to me like a side that's got a hope in hell of beating the Boks, particularly if they bring Steyn and Brussow in).
I used to rate McGeechan very highly, but the truth is he has cost us the series. We could and should be 2-0 up now. In the first test he should have put Adam on as soon as the Vickery popped up in the first scrum. Yesterday the bench should have included Hook to provide more positional cover. Imho these two decisions cost us the series.

I couldnt have put it better myself. This is exactly what i think as well. O Gara was the conservative, easy choice replacement that maintained the status quo. It cost us big time. Hook had done everything asked of him in the warm up games, whereas O Gara had been his usual boring self.
I know it's a bit of a moot point, but thoughts on team for Saturday? Assuming O'Driscoll and Roberts don't make it either (Jenkins and Jones ruled out)...

For me: Sheridan, Rees, Hayes, O'Connell, Shaw, Williams, Croft, Heaslip, Phillips, Jones, Hook, Flutey, Fitzgerald, Bowe, Kearney.

(Which incidentally doesn't look to me like a side that's got a hope in hell of beating the Boks, particularly if they bring Steyn and Brussow in).

I think he will go with flair players in the backs and quick players in the forwards. Williams, Powell in i reckon along with Flutey, Moyne, and Shane - possibly move Bowe to another position. Nothing to lose so may as well go for a really open game.
Peter de Villiers is a disgrace to South Africa; did you hear him claim afterwards that Burger shouldn't be punished, because 'this is sport'? He should be done for disrepute.


Welcome to the alternate universe of Pieter de Villiers, the man is a complete and utter oddball. This is just one of the classics so far this tour, the racial explanation of why Rickie Januarie was chosen is an absolute must read.

"I am not concerned about Ricky’s form. Look, if you go to a black mechanic and he doesn’t fix your car, you don’t go back. If you go to a white mechanic and he doesn’t fix your car, you go back and make sure he fixes the problem. What I am saying is give Ricky a chance.”

What he is trying to say is any ones guess. I am wondering if he suffers from Tourets.
It was disappointing all round, the game was there for the taking. Wonder if it was a Bok tactic to fuck up both props. Burger deserves longer than 8 weeks, 8 months more like. Didnt see what Botha did but obviously it hurt.
Dont think Geech got much wrong, both tests could have been won. The first they missed 3 try scoring opportunities & a few kicks.

Wow. Boy has he got this one wrong. Every Saffer fan even knows this was obscene.

De villiers is the one who needs citing for saying shit like that, the guy is a twat. Just hold your hands up and say your man got caught ffs!

Theres not really much to be added about the game... It sucked, in some ways I'd rather we were completely thrashed in both tests.
Im gutted. I reckon the last 20 minutes of the first test and the first half of the second test we played better rugby than the boks have done in both matches. The boks are dirty fuckers too. Quite a lot of argy bargy going on and there was no need for it really.
O'Driscoll's out for Saturday. Disappointing but unsurprising. Looks like Roberts is in with a shout of being fit, though which would be good.
This is Botha on Jones:-

I actually don't see much wrong with it, same sort of clearing out charge was going on at most rucks all game, AJ pretty unlucky to get badly injured from that.
This is Botha on Jones:-

I actually don't see much wrong with it, same sort of clearing out charge was going on at most rucks all game, AJ pretty unlucky to get badly injured from that.
Yeah, I don't really see anything wrong with that at all. Too much of the shoulder perhaps? But it is a ruck. I'd expect that to be cleared on appeal. Which is annoying, because I can't stand Botha.
This is Botha on Jones:-

I actually don't see much wrong with it, same sort of clearing out charge was going on at most rucks all game, AJ pretty unlucky to get badly injured from that.

The Welsh player who try to clean out Botha comes in from the side, at least Botha came in through the gate.

This should not have been cited at all, let alone sanctioning him. it is technically illegal, as the player should bind on to his own player when joining a ruck, but it is not enforced in any part of the world. Much like the straight scrum feed, it is on the law books but very few, if any refs blow it.

Good words from both O'Driscoll and Jones:
O'Driscoll said, "Being a part of the 2009 British and Irish Lions squad has been one of the highlights of my career.

"We were unbeaten leading into the Test matches and it is a shame that the results in the Tests did not go our way but sport comes down to fine margins at times.

"We could easily have won the first two Tests but it wasn't to be. I have decided to return home to my family this week after a very long season and to ensure I give myself every opportunity to recuperate."

Jones said: "It is always disappointing to be ruled out of a Test series through injury but I am proud of what the squad and I have achieved on the tour.

"Personally I will always remember playing in the two first Tests and especially running on for my debut in the starting XV at Loftus Versfeld. My heart will be with the boys on Saturday."
Nice to see people putting it into perspective.

And the Doc says Roberts and Bowe could both make it on Saturday...
Burger got 8 weeks.

8. Fucking. Weeks. For. Deliberately. Putting. His. Fingers. In. The. Eye. Of. Another. Player.

WTF is it with the IRB's discipline? What we're witnessing is a disgraceful, collective cop out when it comes to applying the appropriate sanction for the worst misdemeanours to the highest profile players. Dylan Hartley's 6 months was spot on. Quinlan's less so. This.......I'm at a loss for words. Gouging can cause permanent damage to the eye; detached retina, etc. If the sport's governing body does not have the cojones to protect its players from the unconscionable behaviour of others then where does the sport go?

Not only the pitiful cop out regarding the on field decision, but the cheating, gouging cunt won't even miss the tri-nations.

I don't say this lightly, but I hope the bastard is targeted when he comes to the UK in the Autumn, and I hope he's made to pay in a way that 'takes him out of the game' for a while. If the ruling body is incapable of enforcing its own edicts then it may be down to the players to take matters in hand.
Yep, its rediculous. Loads of people calling for longer sanctions.

What is truely baffling, waaaay more so than the length of the ban is that the gouge was seen and only yellow carded. That is fucking criminal, really.

Yup. Cowardice of the first order. Neither ref nor touch judge should be allowed near a test match for a good long time after that.

Whatever you think if woodward, he's spot on in this interview.

I think he's a cock, but yes, he is.
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