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Boris Johnson tests positive for Covid-19

I'm no fan, but it just struck me for a second that we are wishing him dead and he's got a young child and a missus at home. Just for a second.

I assume, the comment was more about Johnson's past form as a feckless father.
Does this mean that poor Boris will now have to avoid difficult questions about Cummings for the next little while? And avoid difficult questions about the pandemic? And avoid difficult decisions about Brexit? And all on doctor's orders? How convenient!
There is talk of him doing PMQs remotely. I hope so cos he will have some awkward questions this week.

ETA he won't answer them though. 'I think what people want to hear...'
Why can't he just get a test or eight? Presumably he has access to them?

This question keeps coming up in various contexts - in my understanding the test might only show up a positive 7-10 days after exposure even if the virus has indeed been transmitted, hence the need for a longer quarantine period, and not just "test - negative - you are free to go" the day after a potential or known exposure to the virus. So the fourteen day quarantine period for contact persons is not just due to scarcity of tests.
But yes, I would imagine that he will get tested several times in this period even if he is not developing symptoms.
This question keeps coming up in various contexts - in my understanding the test might only show up a positive 7-10 days after exposure even if the virus has indeed been transmitted, hence the need for a longer quarantine period, and not just "test - negative - you are free to go" the day after a potential or known exposure to the virus. So the fourteen day quarantine period for contact persons is not just due to scarcity of tests.
But yes, I would imagine that he will get tested several times in this period even if he is not developing symptoms.
Ah, fair enough, I did wonder if it was a case of the virus not 'presenting' that soon after possible contact.
You've got to laugh...

Four more Tory MPs self-isolating after No 10 meeting with Covid-positive colleague
The four other Conservative MPs present at the meeting last week with Boris Johnson and Lee Anderson, the Tory who has subsequently tested positive, are also self-isolating.
According to the BBC, they are: Katherine Fletcher, Andy Carter, Lia Nici and Brendan Clarke-Smith.
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