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Boris Johnson tests positive for Covid-19

You don't think it was preferential treatment that put him there? You don't think it was his wealth and position that ensured he jumped straight to the front of the queue?

Probably, but I also think that even if he jumped the queue he was pretty close to fucking off to the great unknown. Its not like they would have welcomed it being public knowledge johnson was in intensive care, he was there for the same reason anybody else is, cos its shitty pants about to die time
The Johnson cohorts would have been queuing to hammer nails into the NHS coffin if he’d died in a general ward.
The Daily Maul would be crowing, we told you for years the NHS is rubbish
Proactive damage limitation by the NHS in my opinion and the correct action for someone seriously ill.
Thankfully I survived two ICU episodes and I’m nobody. Thanks to a great NHS.
Probably, but I also think that even if he jumped the queue he was pretty close to fucking off to the great unknown. Its not like they would have welcomed it being public knowledge johnson was in intensive care, he was there for the same reason anybody else is, cos its shitty pants about to die time
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I don't believe he anywhere near as bad as some people are making out.
That was my thoughts as well. I know he always looks rough and unkempt but he looks particularly peaky at the moment. He really should have an extended time off to properly recover from being really ill.

See I was in a minority on here in that I thought it would be bad politically if he died from the rona but if he instead dies a short while after from being a dickhead then that is very good
Probably, but I also think that even if he jumped the queue he was pretty close to fucking off to the great unknown. Its not like they would have welcomed it being public knowledge johnson was in intensive care, he was there for the same reason anybody else is, cos its shitty pants about to die time
Yes and no. There is a clear escalation of treatment (well, support, not really treatment) that ends with ventilator in ICU. He never made it to that end stage, and may not even have made it to the stage before that of pressurised oxygen - the sources are unclear on that point of what 'standard oxygen' means. He was probably whisked into ICU a day or two earlier than others would have been, and at that point, nobody could know whether or when his difficulty breathing would get worse or get better.

So he was on the same escalator as those who have died, but he jumped off it before getting right near the top, as loads of other people have done tbf, which is why I'm resistant to the idea put around by some that 'we' can learn anything from Johnson's Covid19 year other than that he caught it through being a twat, so the rest of us should probably avoid being twats.
Yes and no. There is a clear escalation of treatment (well, support, not really treatment) that ends with ventilator in ICU. He never made it to that end stage, and may not even have made it to the stage before that of pressurised oxygen - the sources are unclear on that point of what 'standard oxygen' means. He was probably whisked into ICU a day or two earlier than others would have been, and at that point, nobody could know whether or when his difficulty breathing would get worse or get better.

So he was on the same escalator as those who have died, but he jumped off it before getting right near the top, as loads of other people have done tbf, which is why I'm resistant to the idea put around by some that 'we' can learn anything from Johnson's Covid19 year other than that he caught it through being a twat, so the rest of us should probably avoid being twats.

I dunno, I'm sure you're right on the technical stuff, I have no idea. Still sounds pretty close to death to me and if there was any political pressure than that would have been in the direction of presenting it as less likely it was serious than more likely imo. If they put him in ICU at all then that was cos there was a good chance he was gonna go.
He was given a bottle of oxygen and a face mask, then, because he's who he is, he was given a bed in ICU. He was never put on forced oxygen or a ventilator, so he was never anywhere close to croaking.
He was given a bottle of oxygen and a face mask, then, because he's who he is, he was given a bed in ICU. He was never put on forced oxygen or a ventilator, so he was never anywhere close to croaking.

But they wouldn't have wanted him in ICU if they could have avoided it, so the only reason he was there was a clinical decision. And the only reason a clinical decision to put somebody in ICU is made is that they will probably die if they aren't.
But they wouldn't have wanted him in ICU if they could have avoided it, so the only reason he was there was a clinical decision. And the only reason a clinical decision to put somebody in ICU is made is that they will probably die if they aren't.
He was put in ICU because of who he is. I just wish he'd died in there, to prove you right.
You ignored the question:

"Please explain why any rational person should be celebrating the return of such an incompetent fuckwit?"

Want to have a go at that before asking unrelated questions?
He wasn't asking unrelated questions. He was desperately trying to divert the line of debate - as is his wont - by using a kind of "When did you stop beating your wife?" line of what, in a normal human being, might pass for "reasoning". #banworthy
Nope, "all the predictions" weren't that he was 'fighting for his life'. Some of the predictions were that he was fighting for his life. Other predictions were that he was pretending to be ill, and yet other predictions were that he's a cunt who deserves everything he gets.

hth :)

Personally I’m in the he’s a cunt who hasn’t deserved most of what he’s got but has been given it on a silver platter anyway camp.
I've given you two chances to explain your viewpoint and both times you've refused with what are, frankly, pathetic excuses and you have a heap of 'previous' here. It's clear you have no interest in engaging, so off this thread you fuck.

If you continue your increasingly transparent tactics of disrupting threads by posting unsubstantiated tosh and then refusing to support the point you're trying to make, you will be issued warnings and we all know where a load of them gets you.
I am quite liking this "death of a thousand cunts" way of banning people like Marty1. Should we have a sweepstake on what the last thread he's left to be able to post on would be?
Was a reason given for Boris not giving the evening briefing, or can we just assume he couldn't be fucked and made someone else do it?
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