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Beware of this email (NHS Green booster pass)


Life is a horizontal fall.
Just received this email. Obviously a scam. But looks quite authentic.
Might catch vulnerable people out.
Haven't seen this one before.

government outsourcing...

contract that important you'd reckon they'd put it on their website Hamon - Premium Python software service vendor

still, Suroor looks honest enough..

Just received this email. Obviously a scam. But looks quite authentic.
Might catch vulnerable people out.
Haven't seen this one before.

View attachment 306896

Why don't they get people who can write idiomatically correct English to draft these things? It's not as if there aren't enough corrupt criminal types who've been through the good old public school system.
Why don't they get people who can write idiomatically correct English to draft these things? It's not as if there aren't enough corrupt criminal types who've been through the good old public school system.

The wonky English actually serves the function (whether by design or accident) of filtering out the kind of people who might pick up that the whole thing is a scam. These kind of fraudsters are already being targeted by scambaiters who seek to deliberately waste their time and resources, and so the crusty presentation actually helps them in that respect.
The wonky English actually serves the function (whether by design or accident) of filtering out the kind of people who might pick up that the whole thing is a scam. These kind of fraudsters are already being targeted by scambaiters who seek to deliberately waste their time and resources, and so the crusty presentation actually helps them in that respect.

Yeah I know that argument. But it seems to smack of low self-esteem on the part of the scammers. Why assume you’re going to fail if you aim too high - why not do it well, you’ll still get the ‘easy’ marks, and maybe pick up some of the others as well. I think the poor things should have a higher opinion of their scamming skills. I Am A Tiger. Rarr!
Yeah I know that argument. But it seems to smack of low self-esteem on the part of the scammers. Why assume you’re going to fail if you aim too high - why not do it well, you’ll still get the ‘easy’ marks, and maybe pick up some of the others as well. I think the poor things should have a higher opinion of their scamming skills. I Am A Tiger. Rarr!

One of the things I have noticed from watching scambaiters operate, is that a lot of scammers seem to be pretty stupid people themselves. They have effectively no awareness whatsoever of the Sunk Cost fallacy, which allows scambaiters to keep stringing them along to hilarious degrees.

So I would assume that the smarter people with an ethical deficiency go for different kinds of con-jobs.
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