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Good luck treelover You can do it!

Government forced into U-turn over disability benefits for chronically ill

Thought I'd stick this here as it may be relevant to some people.

A decision maker involved in my PIP claim stated that "other people manage on strong (opiod) painkillers without a problem". Needless to say I won the appeal.

Didn't see your message until just now treelover so I hope it went well and yes if memory problems are part of your disability then let them know how they affect your day to day life.
A decision maker involved in my PIP claim stated that "other people manage on strong (opiod) painkillers without a problem". Needless to say I won the appeal.

Didn't see your message until just now treelover so I hope it went well and yes if memory problems are part of your disability then let them know how they affect your day to day life.
I manage on them, but I wouldn't say without a problem. Depends on the day, dosage, pain, stress, etc...
I manage on them, but I wouldn't say without a problem. Depends on the day, dosage, pain, stress, etc...

Very much so, as is the individual's tolerance levels, lifestyle and dependence on other meds etc...
It was a very blinkered statement from them disputing the side effects of opioids on myself.
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Fuck those twats who do the exam. Not doctors, just complete cunts. I got zero points. I've been cut off and won tribunals before but this time it all seems completely bent. I guess you know the doctors have had letters asking them to look out for fake disease claims? That seems to include everything I have yet I've had countless procedures which prove some of my illness. I shouldn't have even turned up, it was false of me to do so and I had to take hardcore drugs to get there because my GP wont script even a days worth of opiates which i honestly do not want but like i say i shouldn't have gone. I lost the appeal ofc and I'm finding it impossible to get mental health to help, i've been waiting 6 months for anything from them. My psychiatrist and social worker have just gone! I was passed to drug services, poisoned for a couple of years then got off the handcuffs and by then it seems mental health has totally gone. There's no chance of getting a social worker, i just get this fkn dance around and never get back to see my shrink.
How can i be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, sarcoidosis, chronic IBS and STILL fail!!!
Those bastards (sorry for rant)
Plus due to health and safety I could never get a job anywhere, i'm drugged up to the eye balls on crap i never asked for.
Right finally my physical is coming up This week. I’m confused by what questions might be asked. Mentally I have a problems with numbers are they specific with dates. I can shuffle round the kitchen and do the washing up,many dishes broken.
My daughter works and cooks for me but sometimes a pie in the oven is a solution but that can be perilous. Also some days I am capable of doing the dusting but I’m then told to relax a lot.
I been using the savings for my daughters house to take advantage of an expensive nuero physio is that minus points ?
Got so many questions.
I got a quality mobile tariff anyone with any experience and patience . I could talk someone with them at no cost to you
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Original post from September A useful caring thread. I have just applied for PIP. Suffered left hand stroke about 18 months ago. Can now walk unsteadily sort distances, if I very careful I can shower myself , takes ages. Left hand is almost useless. Worst bit if I any form of exercise I get hit by nuero fatigue. Still have to have my groceries delivered but am capable of ordering them on line.
Two things come to mind compared to some of the awful cases on here am I really entitled to PIp and reading some of the reasons for people not receiving benefit it feels like I wouldn’t stand a chance of getting accepted anyway.​
Two things come to mind compared to some of the awful cases on here am I really entitled to PIp and reading some of the reasons for people not receiving benefit it feels like I wouldn’t stand a chance of getting accepted anyway.​
That's what they want you to think.

You shoudn't even be in the position to have to decide "am I entitled?" - we should have a system that is trustworthy enough that you can throw yourself on its mercy, and have them tell you. But you can't trust them, so you have to assume you ARE entitled, and do everything you can to ensure that they agree. Don't be brave or courageous, or put a good gloss on your life. Don't give them a good day and expect them to appreciate that your bad days are worse, because they won't: they'll pretend to be mouthbreathingly stupid, and conveniently "assume" that what you're telling them is typical. Then they'll assume you're exaggerating anyway, and discount it by 50%. Lay it on with a trowel.
That's what they want you to think.

You shoudn't even be in the position to have to decide "am I entitled?" - we should have a system that is trustworthy enough that you can throw yourself on its mercy, and have them tell you. But you can't trust them, so you have to assume you ARE entitled, and do everything you can to ensure that they agree. Don't be brave or courageous, or put a good gloss on your life. Don't give them a good day and expect them to appreciate that your bad days are worse, because they won't: they'll pretend to be mouthbreathingly stupid, and conveniently "assume" that what you're telling them is typical. Then they'll assume you're exaggerating anyway, and discount it by 50%. Lay it on with a trowel.

Absolutely agree with the above. Dont say yes I might be able to, sometimes, or it varies. Let them know what your worst days are like. However you feel on the day just describe that horrible sickly feeling you get on your bad days. It's not cheating, its letting them know how your aches and pains get to you. All the best and keep us informed how it all goes.
Original post from September A useful caring thread. I have just applied for PIP. Suffered left hand stroke about 18 months ago. Can now walk unsteadily sort distances, if I very careful I can shower myself , takes ages. Left hand is almost useless. Worst bit if I any form of exercise I get hit by nuero fatigue. Still have to have my groceries delivered but am capable of ordering them on line.
Two things come to mind compared to some of the awful cases on here am I really entitled to PIp and reading some of the reasons for people not receiving benefit it feels like I wouldn’t stand a chance of getting accepted anyway.​
Hi manji, sorry to hear about your stroke. I'm sorry the system makes ill people like you jump through such hoops.

Have someone go with you - to help you get there and for moral support. (it used to be that simply going on your own counted against you) Be aware that staff may be assessing you from the moment you arrive, as you arrive, at reception as you are waiting. I think they make people wait on purpose.

They are filling in a a sort of general form that generates a 'report'. Don't expect that they know anything about you or your condition. They are not doctors but usually a 'healthcare' professional' which could mean you are seen by someone like nurse, paramedic or physio. So spell out out what the symptoms of your condition are, even if it seems obvious to you. Be detailed be graphic. Don't be afraid to repeat things.

Tell them what its like on your very worst days. Yes maybe sometimes you can do this or that, but tell them about the bad days when you struggle or can't do this or that. Be sure to stress that even where you can do something - that you can't do it repeatedly, regularly and reliably. That is supposed to be the standard to which they assess you.

Tell them what you need help and support with - even if that help is just having someone there to reassure, prompt or remind you - that counts as needing help. It's not easy to admit when you have to rely on others - but do tell them. If you have to rely on friends on family to do anything for you at all - imagine how could you do those things with out them. In most situations most of us like to look on the bright side and say 'yes I can do that, but I may need a little help'. Don't do this in your assessment. Be pesamistic, them the worst it is for you, (sorry I know its depressing to do this and not good for your self esteem).

eg if they ask can you walk 200 meters unaided? even if you can or can sometimes - can you do that all on your own or do you need someone to steady you or to accompany you in case you fall? then the answer is NO I can't do it unaided. Can only do it if you rest half way? then the answer is NO. Can do it but then are too fatigued to do anything else? Then say so.

If they ask any question where your answer is yes I can do that - ask yourself can you do it repeatedly, regularly and reliably and if not tell them why. eg yes I can that but it causes accidents / causes me a lot of pain / utterly exhausts me and I'll need to rest.

Bizarrely they are not interested in shopping - but they are interested in daily activities like personal care, dressing, washing, communication etc. And how you can travel and how you can socialise.

Take copies of all your appointment/presciption/ any medical letters and make them take copies of them to go along with your report. Expect them to ask you questions that don't seem revelant to your condition.

I wish you all the best.
(sorry I know its depressing to do this and not good for your self esteem)

All the above is bang on but this is important. You can walk away from their "assessments" feeling awful as it kicks in how ill you really are. Try and get someone to be around after the interview to help you lift yourself up. If there's no one around come on here and chat, theres some great people on here.
Thinking of you manji and wishing you all the best.

Nothing to add really, be aware that they will observe you in the waiting room. Also, there may be innocent sounding chit chat on your way into the room 'how did you get here today?', that sort of thing. Again, don't travel alone, take someone with you.

Think about how you are on your worst day, not your best day. You might be able to walk to he shops on your good days, for example, but then need to spend two days in bed recovering.

Do not trust the assessor, not matter how pleasant they seem.

If you're up to I, plan to do something nice after the assessment. Very best of luck to you.
Thank for all the responses. Luckily my daughter is going. Does she into interview ? Does she get questions asked if she is on her own in reception.
One important thing I forgot to mention is I have been suffering from since the stroke is what I assumed is IBS I eventually had a colonoscopy on Wednesday it took for longer than I expected. I’m not expecting and results from it for a month. I’m not incontinent but in extreme pain .
If this doesn’t sum things up I went to get the letter to phone them up about parking ab the PIP is the following Friday 6th
Thank for all the responses. Luckily my daughter is going. Does she into interview ? Does she get questions asked if she is on her own in reception.
One important thing I forgot to mention is I have been suffering from since the stroke is what I assumed is IBS I eventually had a colonoscopy on Wednesday it took for longer than I expected. I’m not expecting and results from it for a month. I’m not incontinent but in extreme pain .

Your daughter can and should go into the interview with you. They should not ask her questions direct (just name/relationship maybe) and if she/you wish she can take notes. She can help you answer with prompts etc.
They will ask you how you got to the interview, how you got in and out of the car, how far you walked from where you parked. It will sound like idle chat but any info obtained will be used as part of the assessment and no doubt used against you by the DWPwhere possible.
Thank for all the responses. Luckily my daughter is going. Does she into interview ? Does she get questions asked if she is on her own in reception.
One important thing I forgot to mention is I have been suffering from since the stroke is what I assumed is IBS I eventually had a colonoscopy on Wednesday it took for longer than I expected. I’m not expecting and results from it for a month. I’m not incontinent but in extreme pain .
It's great that you have your daughter to support you, and yes, take her in with you if you both don't mind. She can speak on your behalf or add to your answers, ask things you forget to ask or take notes. Though you should be aware this may be upsetting for her too, you are probably used to taking care of her and now she has to take care of you. Does she know the full extent of your illness / symptoms? Warn her that they may be trying to trick you and that every thing either of you say should be about whether you can do things repeatedly, regularly and reliably.

Be sure to tell them about the IBS symptoms, pain and the colonoscopy - take all the appointment letters with you. You can't assume what it is until you have the results and neither should the dwp. My partner has a gut condition, which regularly means she gets caught short but they asked questions about wearing incon pads (which she doesn't) - which we both found embarrassing and odd.

Wishing you all the best - fingers crossed for you.
What about money questions ? My Father died about a year before the stroke leaving me with a reasonable inheritance. Not being materialistic I invested a good chunk away for when my daughter married. She was not aware of this. In my naivety I convinced myself I would get better so took money out of that so we would be comfortable. It never crossed my mind to apply for benefit until recently.
I had convinced myself I could go back to work. Is that going to be an issue ?
What about money questions ? My Father died about a year before the stroke leaving me with a reasonable inheritance. Not being materialistic I invested a good chunk away for when my daughter married. She was not aware of this. In my naivety I convinced myself I would get better so took money out of that so we would be comfortable. It never crossed my mind to apply for benefit until recently.
I had convinced myself I could go back to work. Is that going to be an issue ?

The general rule for benefits is that if you have over £16k capital then it's a no no. They will take anything into account over £6k ( £1 p/w notional income for every £2.50).
It gets a bit complex when you say you needed to spend and they say no you didnt, you're just taking advantage of the benefits system.
The general rule for benefits is that if you have over £16k capital then it's a no no. They will take anything into account over £6k ( £1 p/w notional income for every £2.50).
It gets a bit complex when you say you needed to spend and they say no you didnt, you're just taking advantage of the benefits system.
PIP isn't dependent on your employment status or income/savings.
The general rule for benefits is that if you have over £16k capital then it's a no no. They will take anything into account over £6k ( £1 p/w notional income for every £2.50).
It gets a bit complex when you say you needed to spend and they say no you didnt, you're just taking advantage of the benefits system.
Appreciate your help. But I’ve been told income savings aren’t taken into account. Don’t know if it’s changed.
Finally has my ESA assessment. It's only taken 6 months from filling in the form. :eek:

It only lasted 20 mins. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. She also asked me several questions that only relate to PIP and said she couldn't understand why I hadn't been awarded it last time.
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