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Atos Medicals - Questions, Answers and Support

Sorry missed this.
Mental health. Depression, anxiety, OCD and PTSD are the official diagnoses.
Be prepared that they may ask about suicide. They can do this so be prepared. It is weird to be asked such question in what is not a supportive / clinical setting and not easy to answer even when prepared.

And can I say she's already in a state about it. By Thursday she'll be a complete mess.

And who has to pick up the pieces? Yep me. With no help from anyone.

Merry fucking Christmas DWP
I'm so sorry you have to go though this, it really is shit. I wish you all the best x
Well its done. Assessor did a lot of digging to get quantitative answers, led the daughter frequently in providing answers that actually support her claim. I saw the report she had written and I was satisfied with what I saw

But we will see - I'm certainly not counting chickens yet.

I didn't know that her report is then audited by another HP before going to the dwp for consideration, and that they can make changes to it. Without having seen the claimant!! That's outrageous
Be prepared that they may ask about suicide. They can do this so be prepared. It is weird to be asked such question in what is not a supportive / clinical setting and not easy to answer even when prepared.

I'm so sorry you have to go though this, it really is shit. I wish you all the best x
The really shit thing about non-specialists asking the "suicide question" is that it's often a source of great shame to people to admit to feeling suicidal. So they don't. Which means the assessor gets to tick the box that says "not suicidal", which is bullshit.

And history is replete with examples of the crass insensitivity deployed towards people who answered the question with "yes". Cunts.
Fingers crossed for your girl Felix, the waiting is shite but try not to let it interfere with your festivities. They do this shit deliberately. Bastids nearly always sned me a form in December
Going back to 2012 .. I was 60 years of age type 2 diabetic, completely deaf on the right hand side with severe tinitus, rapidly losing my eyesight because of cataracts. I was found fit for for work by an alleged medical professional who never even saw me. I appealed and in December 2013 my appeal was heard by a Judge and doctor (actually a retired anesthetist) .. who looked to be the best part of 100 years old. He asked me to read a sign above one of the court room doors .. I said that I could only see that it was blue. I lost the appeal .. reading through it I lost it basically because he thought that I was highly intelligent.
The impression I got throughout whilst dealing with the DWP is that they wanted me to kill myself. I never saw any hint of compassion. What was also very noticiable was that once I reached retirement age the attitude of the people a the local job centre changed from entirely negative and unhelpful to very helpful (the same individuals).
The impression I got throughout whilst dealing with the DWP is that they wanted me to kill myself. I never saw any hint of compassion. What was also very noticiable was that once I reached retirement age the attitude of the people a the local job centre changed from entirely negative and unhelpful to very helpful (the same individuals).

Actual staff I have found helpful... Ministers however, wrote a humdozy of a reply to one only for her to resign over Brexit before I could send it
Actual staff I have found helpful... Ministers however, wrote a humdozy of a reply to one only for her to resign over Brexit before I could send it
I did get called into the local Job Centre in 2009 where I was told that it was obvious that my condition would never improve and that I might get called in once before I was due to retire (in 2014)and the individual I saw was very helpful. I got the infamous ATOS letter in 2012 and having filled the form in I heard nothing more for four months when I received a copy of the report in which the "medical professional" in spite of not seeing me and noting that it was unlikely that I would be fit to work in the long term found me fit for work. I found the attitude of the staff at the same job centre entirely different and hostile. Ultimately they managed to do me out of about four weeks money before I became eligible for the state pension.
I did get called into the local Job Centre in 2009 where I was told that it was obvious that my condition would never improve and that I might get called in once before I was due to retire (in 2014)and the individual I saw was very helpful. I got the infamous ATOS letter in 2012 and having filled the form in I heard nothing more for four months when I received a copy of the report in which the "medical professional" in spite of not seeing me and noting that it was unlikely that I would be fit to work in the long term found me fit for work. I found the attitude of the staff at the same job centre entirely different and hostile. Ultimately they managed to do me out of about four weeks money before I became eligible for the state pension.
that is depressing - what is the matter with these people - do they get a bonus for stopping peoples money?
I'm in the middle of a PIP "review", they literally make you do a new claim, as if long term problems like asthma and arthritis just pop in to see you later on in life.
Anyway, I was gonna ask them for more time as there was a 9 day time lapse from when I phoned to when I received the a/f. So, lo and behold I received a letter from them saying that my form was due in but they were giving me an extra fortnight (without me asking, that's a first for me).
Most likely as a result of the creeping chaos that cornovirus is bringing. Which makes me think, over the next few months, how on earth are they going to carry on their pointless face to face assessments. How are we as claimants supposed to gather evidence, attend things like pain management clinics where vital consultation letters are produced.
It's going to cause a lot more stress and anxiety so they need to increase the "how does it affect you" section there.

Sorry for rambling, I've been self isolating for a week since a flu jab left me groggy and paranoid. Ive been staring at the PIP form all week thinking what's the point, I'm picking up now though and remembered someone on here who's Daughter in Law was due a home visit and wondered how that was going but couldn't find/remember who. Would be nice to get an update and from all the others in here who may be affected in the coming months.
I'm in the middle of a PIP "review", they literally make you do a new claim, as if long term problems like asthma and arthritis just pop in to see you later on in life.
Anyway, I was gonna ask them for more time as there was a 9 day time lapse from when I phoned to when I received the a/f. So, lo and behold I received a letter from them saying that my form was due in but they were giving me an extra fortnight (without me asking, that's a first for me).
Most likely as a result of the creeping chaos that cornovirus is bringing. Which makes me think, over the next few months, how on earth are they going to carry on their pointless face to face assessments. How are we as claimants supposed to gather evidence, attend things like pain management clinics where vital consultation letters are produced.
It's going to cause a lot more stress and anxiety so they need to increase the "how does it affect you" section there.

Sorry for rambling, I've been self isolating for a week since a flu jab left me groggy and paranoid. Ive been staring at the PIP form all week thinking what's the point, I'm picking up now though and remembered someone on here who's Daughter in Law was due a home visit and wondered how that was going but couldn't find/remember who. Would be nice to get an update and from all the others in here who may be affected in the coming months.
I found this.
I'm in the middle of a PIP "review", they literally make you do a new claim, as if long term problems like asthma and arthritis just pop in to see you later on in life.
Anyway, I was gonna ask them for more time as there was a 9 day time lapse from when I phoned to when I received the a/f. So, lo and behold I received a letter from them saying that my form was due in but they were giving me an extra fortnight (without me asking, that's a first for me).
Most likely as a result of the creeping chaos that cornovirus is bringing. Which makes me think, over the next few months, how on earth are they going to carry on their pointless face to face assessments. How are we as claimants supposed to gather evidence, attend things like pain management clinics where vital consultation letters are produced.
It's going to cause a lot more stress and anxiety so they need to increase the "how does it affect you" section there.

Sorry for rambling, I've been self isolating for a week since a flu jab left me groggy and paranoid. Ive been staring at the PIP form all week thinking what's the point, I'm picking up now though and remembered someone on here who's Daughter in Law was due a home visit and wondered how that was going but couldn't find/remember who. Would be nice to get an update and from all the others in here who may be affected in the coming months.
Was my DiL BCBlues
Sorry to hear about your last week; completely get what you feel looking at the form.
Anyway, to update...yes, her (unrequested) home assessment did go ahead yesterday and (as you know) we won't be told of the outcome for some weeks...whilst she's supposed to live on air?
My partner was able to take notes during the assessment and we 'unofficially' recorded the whole thing in order to supplement the notes taken. We made sure that the ATOS goon acknowledged that notes were being made.
Interestingly, before the assessment day, DiL's carer did receive a number of texts & calls confirming the assessment but also, apparently attempting some basic 'duty of care' to their employee checks, asking about the health situation in the household, claimant's travel history and any Covid-19 symptoms etc.
Will post further when we hear.
Hope you feel better soon.
Was my DiL BCBlues
Sorry to hear about your last week; completely get what you feel looking at the form.
Anyway, to update...yes, her (unrequested) home assessment did go ahead yesterday and (as you know) we won't be told of the outcome for some weeks...whilst she's supposed to live on air?
My partner was able to take notes during the assessment and we 'unofficially' recorded the whole thing in order to supplement the notes taken. We made sure that the ATOS goon acknowledged that notes were being made.
Interestingly, before the assessment day, DiL's carer did receive a number of texts & calls confirming the assessment but also, apparently attempting some basic 'duty of care' to their employee checks, asking about the health situation in the household, claimant's travel history and any Covid-19 symptoms etc.
Will post further when we hear.
Hope you feel better soon.

Thank you.
I'm glad that's out the way for you. I hope the anxiety levels can ease a bit now for you all even tho like you say it will be some time before you hear. Keep us posted.
A quick update on my PIP claim. I've had a letter from Capita today saying that due to the current Coronavirus outbreak, instead of a face to face assessment they will phone me. Should be interesting.
At least there wont be no snide "oh he walked to the interview room ok" or from a friends last face to face, " she brushed her hair out of her face so she should be able to dress herself ok" ( she was awarded full rate on both elements at MR stage).
On the other hand they have no doubt got a scripted list of mind numbingly stupid questions to ask. We'll see. I'll keep you informed.

Edit to add that they have gave me a date and time.
A quick update on my PIP claim. I've had a letter from Capita today saying that due to the current Coronavirus outbreak, instead of a face to face assessment they will phone me. Should be interesting.
At least there wont be no snide "oh he walked to the interview room ok" or from a friends last face to face, " she brushed her hair out of her face so she should be able to dress herself ok" ( she was awarded full rate on both elements at MR stage).
On the other hand they have no doubt got a scripted list of mind numbingly stupid questions to ask. We'll see. I'll keep you informed.

Edit to add that they have gave me a date and time.
I think that's progress of sorts. Will you record the conversation if possible?

It will be slightly humourous if they start off with 'and how was your journey here today?'...
Thank you.
I'm glad that's out the way for you. I hope the anxiety levels can ease a bit now for you all even tho like you say it will be some time before you hear. Keep us posted.
Heard from DiL this evening that she's been re-awarded what she was on for the last 2 years. There's been a bit of shuffling of points (a couple down & a couple up...presumably for the assessor's benefit to justify the assessment process) but the aggregate award is similar.

Big thanks to all on here that advised and reassured when I was getting concerned and fraught about the process.

My take away from the whole thing is that the preparation of paperwork evidence appeared to pay off and my partner certainly learnt from the previous tribunal appeal and threw back their own words against them this time.

Best wishes to all still going through this.
Heard from DiL this evening that she's been re-awarded what she was on for the last 2 years. There's been a bit of shuffling of points (a couple down & a couple up...presumably for the assessor's benefit to justify the assessment process) but the aggregate award is similar.

Big thanks to all on here that advised and reassured when I was getting concerned and fraught about the process.

My take away from the whole thing is that the preparation of paperwork evidence appeared to pay off and my partner certainly learnt from the previous tribunal appeal and threw back their own words against them this time.

Best wishes to all still going through this.

Great news. Well done to you all for battling through that difficult process.
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