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And next, Syria?

more chaos among the rebels . A top dog commander in the FSA was invited to a meeting with the AQ commanders to plan an offensive . Turned out to be a rather short meeting as they shot him instead. And also announced they intend to kill plenty more FSA leaders as well .
No word yet if they ate him afterwards, but as its Ramadan they might have gave it a miss.
The pakistani Taliban are now admitting hundreds of their maniacs are active in Syria in the battle for democracy.

Meanwhile brother Erdogan is in a bit of a fishizzle after a number of anonymous intelligence reports indicated the blasts at a Syrian naval depot in Latakia some weeks ago were caused by an Israeli air attack that evaded syrian radar by taking off directly from a Turkish air base . Furious denials from Erdogan but then again he would, wouldnt he ?

So that makes it the Muslim brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Nato, US state department , British intelligence, CIA, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Taliban all battling for democracy in Syria. Hey ho, the gang is well and truly all here.
And the responsibility for this lies with one man....Assad, who is willing to sacrifice endless numbers of his own people to stay in power. Oh, but most of those being sacrificed aren't his people. His people are the Alawites.

hes stepping down next year you bollix

and his people are the ones who are fighting to stop syria becoming a medeival caliphate shithole run by Al Qaeda, the syrian people . Most of whom are sunni, quite a few of them christian .

jesus your such a fucking wanker .
alternatively theres these links



The commander of the Pakistan Taliban, Abdul Rashid Abbasi, has told CNN that the first batch of fighters has arrived in Syria and established a command and control center to launch operational activities alongside Syrian rebel fighters. Abbasi, a close associate of Pakistan Taliban head Hakeemullah Mehsud, told CNN that 120 fighters are already in Syria.
The Taliban commander went on to say that another batch of fighters made up of 150 men will arrive in Syria this week.
"We shall be sending more volunteers, but cannot give exact numbers at this moment, but we will provide whatever support is needed by our Syrian brothers," Abbasi told CNN.

You really believe that?

Not stepping down, running in elections. If your yet-another-warmongering regime gave a fuck about peace the focus here would be about making sure those election happen and are above board, and that Assad does what he says he'll do which is abide by their results. Bollocks to that, Syria is sovereign, independent foreign policy, debt free of the IMF, major strategic pipeline in the planning and about to exploit loads of gas off the coast... so basket-case the fucker and feed the bits to your dogs.
Dictators "win elections" all the time....at the point of a gun.

That's your reply to what I said, about holding Assad to his word up in front of everyone, the Syrian people, the UN in a legitimate political process... all that, your reply is some sort of line from a cartoon probably involving giant robots...

Fucks-ache. :rolleyes:
fucking wanker..hes a dictator who has to step down ..hes running in elections next year...north korea !!

bear in mind too some of the feudal states backing the jihadis dont even have constitutions much less elections
Uruknet article on the SNC problems:

Syrians have been patient with the political
opposition for over two years now. But their
patience has ended. The voices inside the
country have been drowned out between a
trickle of oil money and empty promises of arms
on one hand, and the bombs and bullets of the
Syrian army on the other. And people wonder
why billions of dollars are pledged to Egypt after
the overthrow of a government while Syrians
fighting a ruthless tyrant are left to beg for
crumbs of aid?

Bullets and empty promises push Syrians to the

The situation in Syria is abject. The conflict began to represent regional strifes a long time ago already.

It seems like the best-case is a negotiated settlement paving for political transition.
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