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And next, Syria?

I dunno. I'm pretty useless at spotting retuning posters under other names. I did find it interesting that as soon as he was banned Don Troooomp put in a reappearance and was shortly banned thereafter. Coincidence? Maybe.
i have said elsewhere here that trump has not engaged in foreign adventures to the extent that the neocons had. perhaps i was wrong.

(i trust davis, but i'd like to see his reasoning still.)

full disclosure: it was the bushites who re-radicalized me.

but her emails! because the deaths of americans in charlottesville or el paso or minneapolis, or kiwis in christchurch, are worth less, according to our posturing urban leftists, than those of people in libya.
Worth a read. Penned by an anuymous journalist living in Damascus:

This is grubby as fuck. The Trump administration looking to secure Tice's release and subsequently spin it a diplomatic coup pre-election (good luck with that), whilst the regime is looking for American departure as the asking price. Meanwhile who even knows if he's still alive? - he probably is is my feeling otherwise why all the kefuffle with arresting officers.

Fuck's sake. :mad:

Have only listened to a little bit of it so far, but A-Radio Berlin have just done an interview about the Syrian revolution with a participant:

Frustratingly, from what I've heard, the audio quality doesn't sound great, so it's not the easiest of listens. It'd be nice if they did a transcript but dunno how likely that is.
Haven't looked at New Politics for a while, but the stuff they publish tends to be decent on Syria (first one is by Leila Al-Shami, the others are a three-part series, dunno why the middle one doesn't have the series title in the header but I'm not the New Politics sub-editor):

I did a bit of a double take with this, but yes it's only just been published today. How is this possible? I largely learnt about the disinformation campaign as a starting point from here and then Twitter. How has it taken so long for a major news outlet to run this?

I did a bit of a double take with this, but yes it's only just been published today. How is this possible? I largely learnt about the disinformation campaign as a starting point from here and then Twitter. How has it taken so long for a major news outlet to run this?

Chloe Hadjimatheou ran a story about this last year.
I did a bit of a double take with this, but yes it's only just been published today. How is this possible? I largely learnt about the disinformation campaign as a starting point from here and then Twitter. How has it taken so long for a major news outlet to run this?

"Since 2020, journalist Aaron Maté at the Grayzone is said by the report to have overtaken Beeley as the most prolific spreader of disinformation among the 28 conspiracy theorists identified."

That bastard. :mad:
Got an email from the Syria Campaign today. Looks like hopefully, better than usual news.

This lady, Fadwa Mahmoud, her husband and son were forcibly "disappeared" ten years ago, like many thousands of people. This is an excerpt of what she wrote, full article here.

"I can finally say that after years of campaigning, knocking on politicians’ doors and telling our painful stories to anyone who’d hear us, our efforts are paying off. This week the UN Secretary General published a landmark report backing our demands. This is a direct result of our work, after the UN requested a study in response to our proposal.

Having the UN’s backing is a hugely important step and crucially the Secretary General has stated that the new mechanism must involve and support us families, because we refuse to be on the margins anymore. Now the UN must turn its words into action, and it will prove itself when all our loved ones are found. We know there is still a huge struggle ahead, so please sign and share our petition to help strengthen our movement.

I also invite you to explore ‘Syria Waits’, a photography project that offers families of Syria’s disappeared a space to tell their stories, because we are still here and we are still fighting to be heard."
Really sad news. 100 people are known to have died after the boat they were in sank off the coast of Syria.

Syrian authorities have recovered 100 bodies from a Lebanese migrant boat that sank off Syria last week, state media reported about one of the deadliest recent shipwrecks in the eastern Mediterranean. The first bodies were found last Thursday and only 20 people were rescued out of as many as 150 passengers, officials said.

"The number of victims of the Lebanese boat has reached 100 people so far after another body was recovered from the sea," Syria's official news agency SANA on Monday quoted the head of Syrian ports Samer Kbrasli as saying.

All survivors have been discharged from hospital, SANA said.

Nearly three years of deep economic crisis have turned Lebanon into a launchpad for migrants, with its own citizens joining Syrian and Palestinian refugees desperate to flee rising poverty via dangerous sea voyages.

Authorities have recovered 100 bodies from Lebanese migrant boat that sank off Syria: "Heart-wrenching tragedy"
As anyone who has kept an eye on Syria will already know, there is a major issue with the production and distribution of Captagon, a stimulant related to amphetamine. This production and distribution is believed to be run by the Syrian regime, from the top and is worth vast sums. As if any more evidence was required, a short thread by Charles Lister:

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