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And next, Syria?

It's being reported that all communication with eastern Aleppo has been cut. Thankfully some of my friends who were there were able to get out yesterday, but I am worried about one who hasn't been in touch with anyone for a few days. He was supposed to be getting out on Wednesday but it didn't happen.
Congress for the first time authorized the Department of Defense to provide vetted-Syrian rebels with anti-aircraft missiles.
What could possibly go wrong?
Critics of the provision have raised concern that in providing such weapons, they could end up in the hands of groups that oppose the United States, such as Al-Nusra Front.
Ya think?
The inclusion of the provision represents a departure from previous versions of the NDAA. The original House bill specifically prohibited the transfer of MANPADS to “any entity” in Syria, while the Senate bill did not address it.
Have a nice flight, folks!

What could possibly go wrong?

Ya think?

Have a nice flight, folks!

You can, of course, show where in the bill that this is the case? Right? And you can also explain why the article says what you and it describe as a change was actually part of the 2015 bill?

And of course, when you've done that you can explain why the title of the oh so detaailed peice you link to - Congress authorizes anti-aircraft missiles for Syrian opposition - in no way matches the content. Right? Because you wouldn't just link to any old shit without fact-checking it as far as possible right. Not like the MSM.
Just a second.

Here you go, the whole article from sccreenshots.

Here is where you can contact them to ask them yourself.

Here is the wikipedia page on the sites editor
Brandon Webb (author) - Wikipedia
That's your reply to my series of question - just re-posting the aticle in a different way? I'm asking you those question as you posted the article- here they are again, come on, put the MSM to shame mikey boy.

You can, of course, show where in the bill that this is the case? Right? And you can also explain why the article says what you and it describe as a change was actually part of the 2015 bill?

And of course, when you've done that you can explain why the title of the oh so detaailed peice you link to - Congress authorizes anti-aircraft missiles for Syrian opposition - in no way matches the content. Right? Because you wouldn't just link to any old shit without fact-checking it as far as possible right. Not like the MSM.
Or, i can have a go for you. Your answers are no, you can't show where in the bill that the claim is actually the case? No, you can't explain why the article (though to call that short thing an article seems odd) appears to contradict both yourself and itself. And no, you can't explain why the title and it's claim don't match the content. And yes, you did post it without bothering to fact-check it as far as possible.

Do you think you could do any better than me mikey?
You sure feel strongly about defending the MSM, old butcher m'lad.

Here is the president green-lighting this.



Presidential Determination and Waiver -- Pursuant to Section 2249a of Title 10, United States Code, and Sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act to Support U.S. Special Operations to Combat Terrorism in Syria
Here is the objections dated just over a week ago of Rep. Tulsi Gabbard

“First, it creates the potential for dangerous ground-to-air missiles getting in the hands of ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other terrorist groups. Several months ago, as this bill was being crafted, I and many of my colleagues voted for an amendment that would have prohibited the Department of Defense from transferring any Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems (MANPAD) to fighters in Syria. In the wrong hands, these dangerous weapons are capable of shooting American planes out of the sky. The final bill that passed today allows for the transfer of MANPADs, with some weak restrictions, which could allow terrorist groups to get ahold of them and use them against the United States and our allies.

“Second, the bill reauthorizes and extends the Syria train and equip program for two years. When the Department of Defense brought this program to Congress two years ago, I strongly opposed it due to a weak vetting process, and counterproductive objectives. As predicted, the program turned out to be a failure, and resulted in the United States wasting hundreds of millions of dollars, arming poorly vetted groups who—instead of fighting against ISIS, al-Qaeda, or other terrorist groups—ended up joining these terrorist groups in their battle to overthrow the Syrian government.

Rep. Gabbard votes against Defense Authorization Bill which passes in House 375-34
Well well well, i had come across people alluding to this but not seen this before. One has to wonder why he's not banned from here. His only real purpose seems to be to goad and distract and really I can't see why this site is actually worth the trouble.
Dunno, people here don't like hitting the report button so the mods don't see it I guess, yet loons who turn up and draw from the same shitwell are lucky to last 10 posts while this freak has made it to 18k. He was brought here from utterly fucked Irish site politics.ie by Liamo and enjoys being annoying, ignorant and abusive, but at the same time imagines he's on the "left" (if wanting Ireland to be the "Lybia/Syria/Cuba of western europe" can be considered any sort of "leftist" position) so wants approval. Sad, so sad, as the Donald would say. He belongs with third positionists, not here.
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I don't doubt atrocities are being commited in Syria on both sides, I mean there's a fucking war on, you'd have to be deeply naive to think summary executions, torture, all sorts of mass-graves haven't being dug. But when you have the likes of Sam Power talking about the liberation of East Aleppo as if Assad and Putin annihilating everyone in site without pause- at the same time as cease-fires and surrenders being agreed with militants being bussed out and Aleppans celebrating on the street and waving their flag, or asserting that the Russians refuse to allow aid in to civilians that have escaped the area even as the UN tells us that the Russians have been co-operative with (or even providing) aid efforts for a while now... it's obvious to anyone that the msm is not being at all honest about events. You don't have to be one of Ike's lizardhead-beleivers to see that.
In The Spectator Why is it ok to bomb Mosul but not Aleppo?
For the past few weeks, British news-papers have been informing their readers about two contrasting battles in the killing grounds of the Middle East. One is Mosul, in northern Iraq, where western reporters are accompanying an army of liberation as it frees a joyful population from terrorist control. The other concerns Aleppo, just a few hundred miles to the west. This, apparently, is the exact opposite. Here, a murderous dictator, hellbent on destruction, is waging war on his own people.

Both these narratives contain strong elements of truth. There is no question that President Assad and his Russian allies have committed war crimes, and we can all agree that Mosul will be far better off without Isis. Nevertheless, the situations in Mosul and Aleppo are fundamentally identical. In both cases, forces loyal to an internationally recognised government are attacking well-populated cities, with the aid of foreign air power. These cities are under the control of armed groups or terrorists, who are holding a proportion of their population hostage.
Oborne rather stating the obvious.

It gets far more limited coverage than Aleppo but it's notable nobody is hysterically comparing the far larger battle of Mosul to the last days of the Warsaw ghetto or Rwanda. Parts of the GCC press might be rather sympathetic to the defenders but those are not a comparisons they'll reach for. IS after all are just another aspect of Sunni Arab resistance to weak, corrupt states that are both absent and oppressive. In some places they are well supported especially by the poor. There's rather a lot in common between Salafist Idlib and the Western Nineveh Governorate.

Oborne was also having a dig a HMG's moral low ground position on Yemen a couple of weeks ago. That appears to have if anything hardened despite an impending disastrous famine.
What is still more interesting is al-Rahmoun’s ability to predict if we are not to say his ability to give orders for the cells like him working in Aleppo. He said very clearly since 18 November that, “Aleppo said goodbye to the revolution, there are only few frills.”

There was not much attention to this back then, but Aleppo recent agreement showed how dangerous al-Rahmoun’s statement is or whoever has told him to say it.

Al-Rahmoun since he returned to the regime, he would meet with regime officers as
a leaked photo shows.

On December 11, before anyone would even think about it, al-Rahmoun stated literally, “Aleppo city will return to regime soon, and talking about Aleppo epic is empty talk.”

Remains to say that the intelligence archive owned by Zaman al-Wasl shows clearly more than arrest warrants for the rebel leader Sami al-Rahmoun in addition to 3 arrest warrants for Omar al-Rahmoun issued by the General Intelligence, Military Intelligence, and Intelligence Branch. This proves Sami’s true words about his brother Omar when he disclaimed that his brother was regime agent before.

These warrants increase the confusion regarding Omar who changed his stand from the revolution to its enemy and the enemy of the people. It makes us ask that was finishing Aleppo agreement the key for regime to be happy with Omar and the main condition to forgive him? Will what al-Rahmoun offer be enough to secure him immunity from a treachery that those who sold themselves to regime has always suffered from.
In The Spectator Why is it ok to bomb Mosul but not Aleppo?
Oborne rather stating the obvious.

It gets far more limited coverage than Aleppo but it's notable nobody is hysterically comparing the far larger battle of Mosul to the last days of the Warsaw ghetto or Rwanda. Parts of the GCC press might be rather sympathetic to the defenders but those are not a comparisons they'll reach for. IS after all are just another aspect of Sunni Arab resistance to weak, corrupt states that are both absent and oppressive. In some places they are well supported especially by the poor. There's rather a lot in common between Salafist Idlib and the Western Nineveh Governorate.

Oborne was also having a dig a HMG's moral low ground position on Yemen a couple of weeks ago. That appears to have if anything hardened despite an impending disastrous famine.
If the iraqi army had been dropping barrel bombs on mosul since the place was taken this might be worth something. It's only the last days the rats appear.
A Kurdish view on the fall of Aleppo:

The Fall of Eastern Aleppo

I have to say I don't know this Kurdish Question site - is it reputable?
Yes it is and that's a VERY VERY serious person writing on it. It's part of an ongoing battle to justify the YPG's failure to support the wider revolution and why they have in fact ended up siding with the counter-revolution. There are so many serious reasons why this didn't happen - he touches on many with a factual basis, but it's covered with the kurdish (PYD at aleast) imperative - get all the land and then negotiate when the regime wins. To which end, attacks the north alepo FSA when you can and smear all non SDF arabs as jihadis. The point of this piece is the PKK's focus on turkey.
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Concerning the recent drivel on here, I thought this might be a good place to leave this.

Gavan Titley: Filter Bubble – When Scepticism of the Mainstream Media Becomes Denial of Atrocity

Yes, this... is the logic of holocaust denial. One and the same. Modern day Leuchter's.

So many parallels with what happened in the Balkans, where so many on the left rushed to exonerate Milosevic and defend him from "big, bad, NATO", to the extent that they regarded the reality of bloodbath at Srebrenica with the same disdain that neo-Nazis have for the reality of the Holocaust. I have always found the double standards galling, especially since exponents of the latter would be readily shouted down with cries of "No Pasaran!" and "Never again!" by the same people who espouse the former.
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I am not Wells. I have not broken any forum rules. Unlike a certain poster hurling insults I could mention.

And yes I refuted your attempt to debunk the story: I proved the story is factual. Keep trying to distract from that. Reveal to everybody that you wish to keep information and debate off the forum.
I am not Wells. I have not broken any forum rules. Unlike a certain poster hurling insults I could mention.

And yes, I proved the story is factual. Keep trying to distract from that. Reveal to everybody that you wish to keep information and debate off the forum.
Yes you are, no you didn't. I shall. I swore my life to it.

I'm assuming you couldn't find any answers better then mine?
I am not Wells. I have not broken any forum rules. Unlike a certain poster hurling insults I could mention.

And yes I refuted your attempt to debunk the story: I proved the story is factual. Keep trying to distract from that. Reveal to everybody that you wish to keep information and debate off the forum.
you couldn't refute your way out of a wet paper bag, bo.
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