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And next, Syria?

Golden Dawn say "The Syrian army, the Revolutionary Guards, Hezbollah and Russian Special Forces liberated Aleppo".

golden dawn assad.png

Are there any european far right groups that aren't pro-Assad?
Report from the ground in Aleppo - unlike any mainstream media outlet who feed us the narrative dictated to them by the inelligence agencies.

Aleppo: The truth that the western media refuses to report
Where else has he been? Oh yes, on a paid visit to meet and kiss the hand of Assad himself, along with arch loon beeley and some other mad priests. And now he's on another Assad funded jaunt to regime held areas to provide more propaganda.

I wonder why people now utterly dependent on the regime, a regime that has shown it will violently crush all dissent, murder all criticism, flatten the homes and kill the families of these people don't publicly say a word against it to an assad hireling surrounded by armed men. I wonder. These people with their superior investigative skills don't though.

At least you're in the right country this time eh growbag? Have you found assanges murdered body yet BTW or have you let that one go?

Drowning in freaks.
Golden Dawn say "The Syrian army, the Revolutionary Guards, Hezbollah and Russian Special Forces liberated Aleppo".

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Are there any european far right groups that aren't pro-Assad?
No. I think this has shown that the sort of left conspiracy theories after 911 based on suspicions and rejections of US and allies foreign policy have now been 100% totally absorbed by the far right. Without even knowing it they've assumed the infantile anti Americanism of classic European fascism now presented as anti imperialism.

In the same way that under pressure the classic non conspiracy left has been defeated by old school Stalinism since 911 and been fully absorbed into their infantile anti Americanism as anti imperialism.

And both have met on the common ground of defence of strongmen and dictators at the expense of the working class and wider populations. And the far right has now easily taken the dominant role in this new coalition and, like classical fascism, it now has the lefts rhetorical repertoire at its disposal to cover it's back. And chumps like the above goons are being eaten alive
No. I think this has shown that the sort of left conspiracy theories after 911 based on suspicions and rejections of US and allies foreign policy have now been 100% totally absorbed by the far right. Without even knowing it they've assumed the infantile anti Americanism of classic European fascism now presented as anti imperialism.

Without knowing it? I think in a lot of cases it has been a very conscious appropriation.
Without knowing it? I think in a lot of cases it has been a very conscious appropriation.
I don't think those coming from the left conspiracy direction even realise it now, never mind making a conscious decision to move in that direction. They won't accept where they are now is in the bosom of the far right.
I don't think those coming from the left conspiracy direction even realise it now, never mind making a conscious decision to move in that direction. They won't accept where they are now is in the bosom of the far right.

I misread what you originally wrote, I thought you meant it the other way round. I think you are right
Just noticed that the new loon idol Eva Bartlett has a youtube interview on "The Richie Allen Show In Association With David Icke". 500k views. Half of them casuallyredbrown and camo probably amirite?
Just noticed that the new loon idol Eva Bartlett has a youtube interview on "The Richie Allen Show In Association With David Icke". 500k views. Half of them casuallyredbrown and camo probably amirite?

Haram-opinion is barged off the mainstream to step in the gutter where the crap is, just how these things work. Probably the idea behind having a maintsream and a fringe in the first place... fragglify anyone that doesn't agree with orthodoxy, the crap and the gold alike. Wanna be heard, fine- go shout from among the babble of freaks over there. From the BBC (or whatever) goodnight.
Golden Dawn say "The Syrian army, the Revolutionary Guards, Hezbollah and Russian Special Forces liberated Aleppo".

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Are there any european far right groups that aren't pro-Assad?

Here we go, you must be really desperate for people to not read that talfazine link (set's time aside to give it a good read later) your unseemly scramble to discredit the link, followed by the old fascist shit-stick applied to Assad.

Forget Assad anyway, he says ok things on camera but leave him aside for a moment and read "Syria" when they write "Assad" in the media, in my opinion it reveals what's going on a lot more clearly.
Just noticed that the new loon idol Eva Bartlett has a youtube interview on "The Richie Allen Show In Association With David Icke". 500k views. Half of them casuallyredbrown and camo probably amirite?

On the same fraudster:

So a conspiracy theorist with a blog who briefly visited Syria as a guest of the regime is declaring that everything you know about Syria is wrong.

Bartlett was recently a guest of the Assad regime, attending a regime sponsored PR conference and going on a tour of regime-controlled areas herded no doubt by the ubiquitous minders (the regime only issues visas to trusted journalists and no visitor is allowed to travel without a regime minder). On her return, the regime mission at the UN organised a press conference for her and three members of the pro-regime US “Peace Council” (The organisation has the same relationship to peace as Kentucky Fried Chicken has to chicken)

Very useful collection of links in the 2nd half of the takedown. The highly skilled and fearless minds won't even look at them. Here for example is her central claims being taken down.
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From The Washington Institute Will Assad Target Idlib After Aleppo?

Although the situations in Deir al-Zour and Idlib are equally urgent, the Syrian army does not have the means to launch two large-scale offensives simultaneously. And while the Euphrates anti-IS option would be better received by Western powers than an Idlib campaign, leaders in Moscow, Damascus, and Tehran do not seem to care much about Western perceptions at this point.

Vladimir Putin seems most concerned about Turkey's calculus, since Ankara could usher in early resolution of the conflict by depriving the rebels of their logistical support. It seems clear now that Putin and Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed a nonaggression pact when they met in Saint Petersburg on August 9, essentially confirming the partition of Syria into zones of influence. The application of this presumed pact has been gradual. First, pro-Turkish rebels disassociated themselves from JFS, facilitating the encirclement of East Aleppo. Meanwhile, the same rebels conquered territory between Azaz and Jarabulus earlier this year with backing from the Turkish army. Then, once the Syrian army's victory in Aleppo was assured, Turkey launched a direct offensive against al-Bab.

Therefore, if Assad decides to attack Idlib province next, he would benefit from the benevolent neutrality of the Turks, who for their part could try to seize Manbij or even Tal Abyad from the Kurds. By cutting more roads between the Kurdish cantons of Afrin, Kobane, and Qamishli, Turkey would definitely put an end to the Kurdish dream of territorial unity. This would also be a palatable outcome for Assad (who has long refused to grant Syrian Kurds autonomy on the Iraqi model) and Putin (who finds the Kurds too closely aligned with Washington).

Yet a wider Turkish-Kurdish confrontation would have a number of negative consequences for the United States, such as reinforcing the Islamic State's position in Syria, damaging American credibility in the region, and highlighting Washington's perceived unwillingness to protect its allies. These considerations may give U.S. officials further reason to seek understandings with Russia on targeting IS and al-Qaeda while protecting civilian populations and moderate rebels. Renewed consideration of various "safe zone" proposals in northern and southern Syria may also be in order.
Until the regime secures the countryside around the commercial capital won't be safe from another Jaish al Fatah assault out of Idlib. Like some other parts of provincial Syria the revolt in Idlib is very well supported. Holding such turf will be a challenge. It's ideal social infrastructure for a long Salafi-Jihadi insurgency. What the Russians did to subdue Chechnya (more than once) was drive out a large chunk of a hostile population.

Much of Aleppo has been flattened and what's not has been repeatedly looted by rebels and regime forces anyway. Damascus is skint and has little spare resources for eventual reconstruction. If it's secured they'll end off flogging much of the best real estate off cheap to speculating Iranians as has happened in Damascus; a more gentile sort of looting.

Assad will try to hold too much of Syria. It is what he's repeatedly promised to do. The regime is going to end up playing Whackamole around fronts as the offensive forces it can deploy are relatively small and liable to be eroded. Assad's allies ambitions look far more limited. They sensibly would probably prefer to strike a bargain with enemies from a position of strength but can't stop Syria's strongest warlord trying.

There's a Jordanian/Israeli security zone on the Southern border that the Iranians will certainly mess with despite Russian promises. Another disputed Turkish-PKK zone on the Northern border. IS's Caliphate reduced but perhaps remaining in the East with the Iraqi Hashd maybe reaching out to Deir after Mosul falls. They used to talk about Greater Syria the Assad clan's chewed over fiefdom will be a much lesser thing.

What's developing is really Western Useful Syria as an Iranian-Russian dependency. That's an inherently uneasy alliance with the Russians holding the airpower/air defence cards. The Iranians will work to undermine the Russians in Damascus just as they did the mighty Americans in Baghdad. Flashy airpower conquers but the patient Persians capture. A dense web of Khomeinist influence stretching from Kabul to Beirut and sniffing at al Quds. No small achievement for a 3rd world revolutionary power. As the Iranians say Allah has made their enemies foolish. And soon they'll face a Trump Whitehouse engaged in the ultimate inshallah operation: wanting to make nice with slippery Putin.
On the same fraudster:

So a conspiracy theorist with a blog who briefly visited Syria as a guest of the regime is declaring that everything you know about Syria is wrong.

Very useful collection of links in the 2nd half of the takedown. The highly skilled and fearless minds won't even look at them. Here for example is her central claims being taken down.
I advise interested people to read or bookmark these pieces as they'll be sunk under pages of mess by teatime. Similar piece on Beeley and the far right on the way I believe.
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Haram-opinion is barged off the mainstream to step in the gutter where the crap is, just how these things work. Probably the idea behind having a maintsream and a fringe in the first place... fragglify anyone that doesn't agree with orthodoxy, the crap and the gold alike. Wanna be heard, fine- go shout from among the babble of freaks over there. From the BBC (or whatever) goodnight.

He knows this . Sooner or later the penny will drop why he's so obsessively smearing all those voices who aren't with the states narrative and programme .
Here we go, you must be really desperate for people to not read that talfazine link (set's time aside to give it a good read later) your unseemly scramble to discredit the link, followed by the old fascist shit-stick applied to Assad.

Forget Assad anyway, he says ok things on camera but leave him aside for a moment and read "Syria" when they write "Assad" in the media, in my opinion it reveals what's going on a lot more clearly.

Paulo Di Canio used to play for Celtic . Who have a celtic cross as an emblem . Ergo TAL are closet fascists so don't read it .

Dead easy this stuff .
On NPR In A Pro-Assad Stronghold, Security Comes At A Heavy Price
He used to make things like signs for cafes. Now most of his work is producing these posters of dead men. One is propped up in his print shop, the young man's eyes gazing into the middle distance amid rolls of paper and ink cartridges. Another dries out on the floor.

"At the beginning of the crisis, we used to publish between 10 and 17 posters every day," Jadeed says. "At the beginning, I felt like I had lost one of my family." He used to cry, watching the posters rolling off the printers.

I ask if most families in Tartus have someone in the military.

"I think yes," he says, guessing 90 percent. "Tartus — because it's the Mother of the Martyrs."

A lot of people here use that grim nickname. Officials in Tartus say proportional to population, more men from Tartus have died fighting for Assad than from any other city.
My bold, that's ~3.5-6K men killed PA from a heavily loyalist city of just over 100K. Fighting age male population practically being decimated year by year.
On MEE Iranian leaders hail Aleppo 'victory'
However, the former director of West Asian affairs at the Iranian foreign ministry took a more cautious approach. Mir Mousavi warned of a "rather bleak" future for Iran and rest of the region after the fall of Aleppo.

“The success of the military operations in Aleppo will only be a couple of nights of happiness. We will then be worrying for the next 30 years,” Mousavi said in an interview with the Iranian Al-Sharq newspaper on Tuesday.

Mousavi stressed that "killing 300,000 people and displacing 12 million others [in Syria] could only beget hatred and violence".

"Ten million families will live through hatred, and this is a problem that may take two decades to resolve," he said. "The Syrian and Iraqi conflicts have not ended. They have [merely] taken a new turn."

More than 310,000 people have been killed since the Syrian conflict began, and half the population displaced.

The former Iranian diplomat went on to compare the situation in Syria with what happened in Afghanistan.

“When the US displaced the Taliban in Kabul amid Iranian silence or even support, some of us expressed happiness thinking that our problems were over,” explained Mousavi, who had also served as the Iranian ambassador to India and Pakistan. “But I was sure that problems had only just started that moment,” he added.

During the interview, Mousavi explained that Iran’s interests required stability throughout the region.

“In order for security to be maintained within our own borders [inside Iran], security and peace must prevail in Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan,” he said. “If these countries do not enjoy security and stability, our nation will be threatened and our progress and prosperity will become rather difficult.”
My bold, an interesting comparison.

The Iranians nearly invaded Taliban ruled Afghanistan in Bill Clinton's time after Terry carried out a huge massacre of Shia and lynched Iranian diplomats. Teheran was initially rather helpful when we attacked the Taliban after 9-11. Fifteen years later after a long ISF occupation the Taliban is resurgent. It was kept going by GCC funding and Pakistani military support. It's very hard to suppress an insurgency with secure rear basing. Turkey has a similar role in the Syrian revolt and has even intruded into Syria with apparent Russian collusion.
Coplicker, what's your criticism here... the guy went to Cambridge?

You've now been officially christened a " loon " . Henceforth nobody must click on your non approved , non mainstream links . You'd almost think he was coached in these textbook smear tactics . I'm sure it's nothing more than obsessive behaviour though .
His mate for example thinks people she stalks on Facebook are overreacting for blocking her when she tells them they'll burn in hell .
Who are the REAL nazis eh? Oh it's you. Fash cunt.

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(can we get barney_pig back please? instead of more and more freaks and conspiraloons?)
Well well well, i had come across people alluding to this but not seen this before. One has to wonder why he's not banned from here. His only real purpose seems to be to goad and distract and really I can't see why this site is actually worth the trouble.
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