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And next, Syria?

Indeed, even the NYT has reported "skepticism".
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/07/world/middleeast/aleppo-twitter-girl-syria.html?action=click&contentCollection=Times Insider&module=RelatedCoverage&region=EndOfArticle&pgtype=article

Or lack of skepticism, in some cases

Butchersapron is very fond of reminding us how little we know about what is really happening in Syria, but the implication is that he/she does. Which, of course, he/she has not proved.

Southpark nails it yet again.

Bana the immortal starts a twitter account . Within minutes her very first follower is an Al Jazeeera journalist who immediately begins retweeting her to other journalists on a daily basis . It's a scam and often a laughable one . The high point being her " death " followed by her resurrection when her mum announced " whoops..that wasn't bana who died after all ..it was somebody else " .
Blatant scam .
butchersapron As the disingenuous clown that is CR will claim that he has you on ignore I will repost this without the quotes, but thanks where it is due.

Finding Bana – Proving the Existence of a 7-Year-Old Girl in Eastern Aleppo

As they won't bother to read the piece i shall post the conclusion:

Using the open source information available to us we can draw several conclusions about Bana and her Twitter account:

Bana Al-Abed is a real 7 year-old child who resides in East Aleppo.
Her Twitter and Periscope accounts have consistently posted videos from the same locations in East Aleppo.
Her accounts are run by her mother, Fatimah.
Fatimah has experience of journalism and appears to be very social-media savvy.
Bana and her mother have come under sustained attack from critics using lies, misinformation and deliberate misunderstanding in order to delegitimise them.
By far the most likely scenario is that @AlabedBana is an account run by Fatemah which tells the story of her daughter, a young child in East Aleppo. This story cannot be told without including the daily horrors which affect the residents of that city. This in itself does not make @AlabedBana some kind of Jihadi plot, nor a propaganda account seeking to spread a false narrative: due to the events occurring in Aleppo, any account of daily life becomes inherently political. The account has posted more obvious political messages, as well as occasional frustrated outbursts, but for the majority of its existence it has posted the simple hopes and fears of a young girl and her mother. Bombs are falling on East Aleppo and young children are suffering, and Bana represents a microcosm of that suffering.
In the same way, the fact that Fatemah, who clearly and openly runs this account, is adept at using social-media, and posts from a particular viewpoint, does not necessarily discredit this account either: being adroit at informing the world about the plight of those in East Aleppo does nothing to detract from that suffering. Some have argued that Fatemah has used Bana in an exploitative manner, and while the mix of political statements and simplistic messages could certainly be criticised, it appears to be an entirely rational approach for a family attempting to raise awareness of the dire situation in East Aleppo.
Unless one lacks any kind of empathy, it is clear that @AlabedBana is an attempt to show the world an aspect of the suffering of real people in a real situation, including their fear of death and frustrated outbursts. Putting aside political affiliations and partisan politics, it is impossible to reject the truth that there is a small girl called Bana suffering under the fear of death because of the conflict in Aleppo, an existence shared by many other children on all sides across this conflict.

Next up from them will be a link to the ready made - since the MH17 downing at least - smears of bellingcat as simple NATO tools, western tools - whatever phrase they feel happiest uncritically parroting. Smears produced by exactly the sort of people these clowns think they're warning others of and are that they are the few with the ability to see through the machinations of.
If only there were fairly large numbers of Syrians current residing in the U.K. that could tell us what has been going on there for the past 4 years.
View attachment 97168What motivated this Doctor(pictured here in Edinburgh back in April) to send a template letter to Refugee action groups in Scotland to ask our MP's to call to stop the aerial bombardment and allow safe passage for people to leave Aleppo, yesterday? View attachment 97169

Plainly his motivation is to have NATO do to Syria what it did to Libya in the face of the jihadists inability to take over without their direct intervention . And in order to secure that he's playing the humanitarian card . Which is why we are constantly bombarded by fake news . His motivation sucks , as does his Bush/Bin Laden type logic of being with us or against us .
butchersapron As the disingenuous clown that is CR will claim that he has you on ignore I will repost this without the quotes, but thanks where it is due.

Finding Bana – Proving the Existence of a 7-Year-Old Girl in Eastern Aleppo

As they won't bother to read the piece i shall post the conclusion:

Using the open source information available to us we can draw several conclusions about Bana and her Twitter account:

Next up from them will be a link to the ready made - since the MH17 downing at least - smears of bellingcat as simple NATO tools, western tools - whatever phrase they feel happiest uncritically parroting. Smears produced by exactly the sort of people these clowns think they're warning others of and are that they are the few with the ability to see through the machinations of.

So now....after much scepticism they slowly admit it's a fake but a morally upstanding fake account . The mother told us a bomb dropped on their house ...again..and killed her child . Then a day later said whoops shes not dead afterall...tweeting from the same fucking house..

It's a blatant propaganda scam sponsored from the outset by Al jazeera. There's zero proof these people even live in east Allepo..or Syria for that matter .
interviews with the head of a state whose words we should just take at face value because he's a head of state

The interview with Bashar Assad is a 100 percent accurate portrayal of what Bashar Assad had to say in the interview. Make of what Bashar Assad had to say what you will, but at least we know it's what he said. It's surprising how unusual that is these days,

I can imagine how it will be reported in the msm "War like a video game!" gloats Assad in defiance, while Russian nods in agreement.
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All that aside, it's good that butchersapron, teqnic, that carrot bloke and others are willing to do their bit to make the case.
Samantha Power of the United States daring to speak truth to power at the UN...

Amazing compassion for the Syrian civilians all of a sudden....nothing to do with losing the war. Do they think war is like American football where you can call a time-out when things don't go to plan?
Amazing compassion for the Syrian civilians all of a sudden....nothing to do with losing the war. Do they think war is like American football where you can call a time-out when things don't go to plan?

In my opinion the concept is to keep the war going for as long as possible. Syria is already the loser regardless of air-superiority or Russian or Iranian allies because the war takes place in Syria, the 'rebels' entrench themselves in Syrian cities amongst Syrian civilians leading to the destruction of Syrian infrastructure and dead Syrians where some of those fighting to effectively bring an end to the Syrian state are themselves Syrian.

"Strategy is the use of the engagement for the purpose of the war. The strategist must therefore define an aim for the entire operational side of the war that will be in accordance with its purpose. . . . The aim will determine the series of actions intended to achieve it."

-On War.

Tactically it often doesn't even matter whether a battle is won or lost or a city is taken or not, the principal is that battles and sieges exist and continue to exist, that casualties and destruction is inflicted and that the scars of all this should become the seams for future partitions, that the society is divided as much as possible.

Rather sums it up: yellow Party of God banners are all over East Aleppo claiming their sort of Jihadist victory.

Yeah but when it's jihadists backed up by strong man leaders who bomb civilians indiscrimantly taking on the big bad west who, of course, are to blame for absolutely everything terrible in the world then it's ok, more than ok in fact it's actively worth celebrating on a message board.
Amazing compassion for the Syrian civilians all of a sudden....nothing to do with losing the war. Do they think war is like American football where you can call a time-out when things don't go to plan?
The US is just going through the outraged motions. Other Western actors giving it the Warsaw ghetto yada yada.

For all the Sturm und Drang rebel East Aleppo so far appears to be ending not much differently from a typical Iraqi siege. Some folk disappearing. Some being shot out of hand. I'd can't recall Iraqi insurgents ever being bussed out in large numbers to fight again. The Occupation's way was to capture or kill. That is not the way the IS defence of Mosul will end.

It's the show boating Russians who kept on calling time outs to natter pointlessly with Kerry. Not a pattern of imperialist behaviour that endeared them to the Iranians.

The odd thing here is how quiet the main foreign actors on the rebel side have been about Aleppo lately. The GCC made far more PR noise about the fall of previous rebel enclaves. The Turks are off spoiling the PKK's Syrian land grab. It stinks of the rebels being sold out. That's probably down to Russian diplomacy. Something they've done well with in Syria.
All of this "criticise the aggressive foreign policy and you criticise the West" is very reminiscent of the Republicans during Dubya's administration.

At some point New Satesman reading reading "moderates" became Fox News watching Karl Rove clones.

Why do you love Putin 2016? = Why do you hate America 2003?

Bashar is a cheeky bugger; always undermining Russian diplomacy like they were The Help. Of course to the Assad's that's what they are.
The interview with Bashar Assad is a 100 percent accurate portrayal of what Bashar Assad had to say in the interview. Make of what Bashar Assad had to say what you will, but at least we know it's what he said. It's surprising how unusual that is these days,

I can imagine how it will be reported in the msm "War like a video game!" gloats Assad in defiance, while Russian nods in agreement.

It's not that unusual when you consider he's been interviewed by various US media outlets, BBC, Danish TV, Dutch, Czech, Spanish, Italian, French etc and that's just outlets who'd be considered hostile to him, and yet they've all been conducted in the exact same format and they all feature him saying the same sort of things. Actually he's been rather busy chatting away, helps keep the gullible convinced I guess.
Interpretation of the Battle for Aleppo from YPG spokesperson Polat Can. Anti-Assad, anti-islamist, anti-AKP (& pro YPG) perspective that includes rare economic/class analysis.

(quoted in full below in case link fails)

The fall of Eastern Aleppo

Polat Can

December 13, 2016

Eastern Aleppo has fallen today, but looking at the root causes that paved the way to that fall you will realize it was inevitable not because the Baath forces and their allies are stronger or the Islamist factions are weaker but because the tens of factors that accompanied the first fall in 2012 lead to the second fall today.

The first fall was quick, unorganised and came early while the second fall came late, was painful and destructive, in other words; the first fall was a preface to the second.

First: we need to remember that the revolutionaries mocked the people of Aleppo for not Taking part in the revolution against the Baath regime, but they fail to understand that Aleppo is the city of commerce and industry which needs safety, stability and open roads.

Second: Aleppo is divided into two districts; eastern and western Aleppo which is not only a geographical division but a social and cultural one. Eastern Aleppo is home for the poor, devout and pious Sunnis, Kurds from villages, Kobani and Afreen and also Turks. All are poor and working class from construction and textile industries. On the other hand; Western Aleppo is home for the middle class government employees, the rich and the landlords who don’t care about political slogans and only looking for stability in order to thrive.

Third: There are districts with Christian majority (Armenians, Assyrians, …etc.) who never sympathize with the Islamists slogans that hijacked the revolution since mid 2011 and always felt suspicious about the revolutionaries coming from the villages.

Fourth: Districts with Kurdish majority, especially Al Ashrafia and Boustan Al Pasha who were the first to fight and expel the regime’s forces and its thugs “Shabeeha” in the spring of 2012 but were suspicious of the extreme nationalistic and chauvinistic slogans of the opposition and its armed allies that is supported by the historical enemy of the Kurds…Turkey.

Fifth: The fall of eastern Aleppo in 2012 was not an internal dynamics or self-development, it was a result of the occupation of armed north villagers to Aleppo (Andan, Hritan, Azaz and Hian)

Sixth: The Islamic factions fought and destroyed prominent families and tribes in eastern Aleppo which led many to ally with the regime.

Seventh: Once Islamic factions took control of eastern Aleppo they stole and looted everything and exported it to Turkey for very low prices leading to the destruction of the economy and employment opportunities that people rely on them for their existence.

Eighth: The armed opposition were divided into so many factions fighting each other for the spoils of looting and stealing from factories. These factions were scattered based on their ideological, political, geographical or religious background, also based on their loyalty to states, political parties or to a specific person.

Ninth: The penetration of these extremist Islamic factions into Aleppo and to the body of the armed opposition imposed a new life style on the people and on other factions. The control of “Ahrar Al Sham” and “Al Nusra” gave the Assad regime and the Russians the reason and legitimacy to destroy the city and kill its inhabitants.

As we indicated in the beginning; the second fall of eastern Aleppo has lots in common with the first fall. But why did Aleppo fall despite all the support to the tens or maybe hundreds of factions with tons of weapons from Turkey and finance from Saudis and Qataris with media propaganda about establishing a common operation room from all factions accompanied by threats and promises, but again why did Aleppo falls?

First: The divisions between different factions based on who is the sponsoring state and what are their interests of these states in the fighting.

Second: The control of the extremist Islamic factions especially al Quada tarnished the image of the armed resistance globally especially in the west.

Third: Street vendors, sheep and barley merchants became military strategists who decide military plans and leading tactical and strategic expeditions and later on became warlords and local authorities who embezzle their subjects.

Fourth: These extremist Islamic factions didn’t fight the regime instead they instigate four years’ war against the Kurdish people in “Sheikh Maksoud” (Sida Mountains) sieging hundreds of thousands of Kurds and Arabs, bombarding them with chemical and gas bombs and preventing food and medicine supplies. This in my opinion was the most important cause of the fall of the armed opposition as well as the fall of eastern Aleppo.

Fifth: The armed resistance became a de facto agent to the Turkish Intelligence Service who follow the orders from their masters and the war in Sheikh Maqsoud” was a clear indication about these orders.

Sixth: The opposition factions started fighting each other and they committed atrocities against civilians, against each other and against Kurds and Christians similar to what ISIS did. They slaughter and execute civilians on the streets, kidnaping and destroying churches and targeting Kurds.

Seventh: Because of the infighting between these armed factions the regime was able to reach “Al Nobel” and “Zahraa” and disconnect Aleppo from “Azzaz” and the northern and eastern villages and as a result from Turkey.

Eighth: Many armed resistance factions left their positions to the regime after a Russian-Turkish memorandum of understanding, thus the regime was able to siege and fight in eastern Aleppo.

Ninth: Turkey and the Syrian opposition in Turkey bluffed the armed resistance telling them lies like the unconditional Turkish support against the regime and the support in the negotiation with the regime that will achieve victory. Unfortunately the armed resistance believed these lies and stayed under the hysterical bombardment of the Russians and the regime without any gains on the ground.

Tenth: The Turkish intelligence used the armed resistance for their own gains and supporting them to take over the military academy, “Ramosa” and Damascus Road before Erdogan’s scheduled visit to Russia so he can be in a strong position to negotiate with Putin, but after the meeting Erdogan ordered the cease of military operations in Aleppo.

Eleventh: At the time when the armed opposition was gaining grounds in western Aleppo cutting the roads to Damascus, Erdogan ordered them to leave Aleppo and head towards Jerablus. This move was the last straw that broke the camel’s back and lead to their defeat and the victory of the regime.

Twelfth: instead of the thousands of armed resistance heading towards Damascus to bring the Assad regime down they headed to Sheikh Maksoud, Afreen, Jerablus and Al Bab to fight the Free Syrian Army and the Kurds following their Turkish master’s order.

Thirteenth: Couple of years ago, a meeting was held between tens of factions and as a result they left their battle fields and headed towards Kurdish cities to occupy them, but the result was their defeat in Sere Kaniye, Ramaylan, Qamishlo, Gre Spi and Afrin.

Not only did Eastern Aleppo fall, it was completely destroyed. The economy of the biggest economic centre of the middle east and one of the oldest in the world was destroyed. The fall of eastern Aleppo is also the fall of the armed resistance project and their supporters in Turkey, it is the fall of the political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood and the agents of the Turkish state and its mercenaries and the fall of any forces who fight the Kurdish people. I said it before and say it again “no one will succeed in antagonizing and fighting the Kurdish people”.

At last, the only viable project is the secular and real patriotic project of the Kurdish people, the project of the democratic Syrian forces and the people’s protection units. It is the federal and democratic project that can stand against ISIS and the regime and all the dictators and will also guarantee a free Kurdistan and free Syria.
butchersapron As the disingenuous clown that is CR will claim that he has you on ignore I will repost this without the quotes, but thanks where it is due.

Finding Bana – Proving the Existence of a 7-Year-Old Girl in Eastern Aleppo

As they won't bother to read the piece i shall post the conclusion:

Using the open source information available to us we can draw several conclusions about Bana and her Twitter account:

Next up from them will be a link to the ready made - since the MH17 downing at least - smears of bellingcat as simple NATO tools, western tools - whatever phrase they feel happiest uncritically parroting. Smears produced by exactly the sort of people these clowns think they're warning others of and are that they are the few with the ability to see through the machinations of.

Tell you what it's fucking great to see these western hipster lefties, anarchists etc going into histrionics and somersausaults insisting the western MSM , NATO , US state department and it's laughable sources are the real deal . Libya, Ukraine and Syria..the same fucking hymn sheet even when it's utterly laughable.

The fifth column . Out in the open .
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The 12 year old kid they dragged from his hospital bed and sawed his head off for moderate fun won't see Allepo again either . He never got the green bus option .


Their days of swanning about doing that kind of thing in Allepo are over now, thanks be to god . Finally liberated from these vermin . And the head chopper was finally caught and dealt with by the Syrian Arab Army too, on the spot . Like a rat in a trap . His mates can fuck off now . The final round will be upon them soon enough now in Idlib .
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