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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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She mentions that she's written on the EDL before, and links to an old article. But she dosen't mention she's met and interviewed Steven Lennon / Robinson / Cuntface. Why so coy all of a sudden?

I think she got a lot of shit for doing it, so keeps it a bit quiet. Not coyness, just (unusually for her) a modicum of self-awareness.
this, is why we can't have nice things

At least we all now know for sure that if La Pennionara appears beside us on the barricades, she'll be expecting us to protect her, but we won't be able to expect the same courtesy in return.

Fragging, comrade? The grenade slipped from my hand due to a surfeit of revolutionary fervour, comrade. Honest!
Sometimes I worry about you, Spiney. I'd say maybe you should get out more, but that obviously doesn't quite capture it...

(that is an interesting toilet seat innovation, but I certainly won't be travelling to Belgium anytime soon to check it out)

could be worse, my brother insists on christening all his new contract cleaning places with a wank in the bogs. Poo tourism seems so passe after hearing that
It's the sort of thing she's come out with that makes pacifism seem such a pusillanimous option. It refuses to acknowledge that sometimes violence is the only appropriate solution/reaction, rather than sitting in a circle singing kumbayah.

It sort of makes sense though, doesn't it? Her whole ideology and now career is dependent upon the worship of real and imagined victimhood. If people stand up and start fighting back against the people who are fucking them over then she's out of a job.
It sort of makes sense though, doesn't it? Her whole ideology and now career is dependent upon the worship of real and imagined victimhood. If people stand up and start fighting back against the people who are fucking them over then she's out of a job.

Fair point. Also, a claimed pacifism serves to shore up that sense of victimhood she has, when as a member of the press, she gets "oppressed" by the OB at demos, or when she does a runner from a story because it's not worth getting (in her estimation) nicked for, or having her head split for.
could be worse, my brother insists on christening all his new contract cleaning places with a wank in the bogs. Poo tourism seems so passe after hearing that

The lagger that used to work with me was that sort of dirty fucker. Used to pull the head off it in the bogs regularly, and was quite proud of the fact.

My dad was working at the same factory (but not for the same contractors) once when I was there one day when we were in the smoke hut he said to my dad, 'have you ever had a wank in the toilets by the canteen'. I was drinking a can of pop and it came out of my nose and I don't think the old man knew what to say!

He was also a thick fucker but a very good sport and so ended up more often than not being the victim of the practical jokes that make that kind of work bearable.
Interviews means talking to people then? In that case I did a whole load of EDL interviews on Saturday. Where's *my* parade?

Presumably these interviews will end up getting published somewhere or other. I meet EDL and sympathisers fairly often but I wouldn't fucking broadcast their views far and wide to build my career and repuations as a incisive journalist. It's deeply irresponsible shit. And it's all just naked careerism, someone who as far as I can tell has played absolutely no role in any anti-fascism of any kind in her life suddenly becomes an expert on the EDL stuff in the aftermath of this terror attack, so she can piggyback on the reactionary right-wing backlash in the aftermath of the murder of Lee Rigby. Soon as it dies down she'll fuck off, conscience clear, to some other part of the world to do the same thing there. It's deeply parasitic behaviour. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
I can't really see how a ketteling situation is an ideal place to conduct interviews anyway, hemmed in like battery hens, no room to take your dictaphone out or write down a dramatised and not entirely accurate transcript. More likely she's stuck in a pen with a bunch of EDL lads and is pretending to be performing interviews for her twitter audience.

Still, nice to see her surfing in the wake of the EDL, is there nothing she won't do to further herself?

She's utterly repugnant.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's wearing an EDL balaclava.

There could be some startling revelations about the relative lack of sophistication among EDL members when it comes to inter-faith matters, which I think justifies everything. They kept it so well hidden before.
That reminds me I have got some ironing to do as well.
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