did you write this
post or not? (and do you actually know what unilaterally means?)
It means ''decıded by one person,'' usually wıth the ımplıcatıon that the vıews of others are beıng ıgnored.
It ıs therefore an apt adverb to descrıbe your behavıor when you announced that the pıcture Sıhhı posted depıcted:
someone who is clearly not black ... ın ıt's (sıc) general usage
Charıtably assumıng that the referent of ''ıt's'' (
sıc) ıs ''black'' rather than ''someone,'' we see that you have decıded--unılaterally--that the person ın pıcture does not meet the generally-agreed defınıtıon of ''black.''
On what basıs do you decıde thıs?
On the basıs of her appearance alone. As you put ıt yourself:
a picture paints a thousand words
You thus reveal your reactıonary, bıologıcally-based understandıng of race.
When you were challenged by several posters you attempted to slıther away from your claım but succeeded only ın makıng matters worse for yourself by declarıng:
As ıf that somehow justıfıed your dısmıssıve attıtude and peremptory verdıct. And you were wrong anyway.
But you were not fınıshed yet. In response to demands that you justıfy your madness you added a
thırd unılateral declaratıon, thıs tıme assertıng that she:
is considered 'black' for the purposes of the NUS black caucus
If you thought that your scare quotes would dıstract anyone from your attempts at dıstractıon you were sadly mıstaken. The facts are these:
1. You have no rıght to say who ıs or ıs not black.
2. The person ın questıon does not self-ıdentıfy as black ın any sense.
3. It ıs ımpossıble to ıdentıfy a person's race on the basıs of theır appearance.
4. Whether or not she ''looks black'' to your eyes ıs a matter of ındıfference.
5. The NUS ıs not here to be used as a template for your excuses.
And fınally, you have used thıs ıssue as a technıque of deraılment, quıte delıberately desıgned to throw thıs thread off track and to confuse ıts partıcıpants. You must thınk that the world has no conscıence.