someone give me £5k and I'll get on a plane to the states and batter Malcolm Harrris personally
I'll come with you to hold your coatsomeone give me £5k and I'll get on a plane to the states and batter Malcolm Harrris personally
I'll come with you to hold your coat
In which case I'll sort him out while you hold my coat. I could take him for sure.Nah I actually need someone to do the whole "he's not worth it" thing whilst holding me back coz I reckon he'd probbably have me. Yorktown and stuff.
In which case I'll sort him out while you hold my coat. I could take him for sure.
I really don't want to be worse than pol potThe way things stand, polpots gonna look like a fucking Salvation Army Sunday school compared to the mountain of soi dissant skulls we're going to build when our nice revolution happens
I'll do it for £500 - sneak onto a container ship or something.
Two slaps. Each. Let's not waste the opportunity for fucks sake.Yeah that sounds very nice and everything but the real attraction is the opportunity to give Malcolm Harris a slap.
This is his take on Harry Potter:
Not seen the film but sounds odd: how does basically cross-gender and same-gender friendship, teenage wistfulness/possible unrequited love etc "resemble porn exposition"
Comment below says: "they dont have sex in the movie because they dont have sex in the book. j.k. rowling wrote these books for kids"
I really don't want to be worse than pol pot
I'll do it for £500 - sneak onto a container ship or something.
i want to be better . For example i dont immediately assume that anyone wearing glasses is a foppish intellectual . Some of them arent .
Nah I actually need someone to do the whole "he's not worth it" thing whilst holding me back coz I reckon he'd probbably have me. Yorktown and stuff.
Situationism is possible. A wilful mangling of British history, cod-ironic American nationalism against Brits.
Note an earlier piece by Malcolm Harris on why not being correct at stuff is OK and copying your homework helps you in the long run:
In Defense of Academic Dishonesty
What a fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking moron. An imbecile, a complete vacuum of knowledge and understanding, a pustulous wart on the face of humanity, due a shitload of tea tree oil and sandpaper scrubbing, or preferably, fire.
He's got as much knowledge of the teaching and learning process as I do of his rich kids club for proper anarchists.
The snivelling little cunt.
The book he bases his grand fucking misconception on is from 1958, the theory from 1977. The theory's got some fascinating bits on social, cultural capital from a quick flick through - but he's just ignored about forty years of pedagogical, educational and psychological progress in teaching and learning. He's a fucking windbag.
Depends on what end of the spectrum you're at - homework down my end of the school is reading with your child, working on phonics and the occasional bit of art/design work. All of it involves the child, and the parent, working together. The further you get up the system, the more independent the child - but homework where I am rarely takes the form of 'sit and do 100 sums' or 'write down x y and z' any more. Because that's ineffectual in most cases. Harris is critiquing a system that's been changed, because teachers are trying to make use that work at home is useful work.
Fair enough, but I suppose that makes the point that we're all attempting to generalise from the specific.
As a parent of older, (now adult) offspring, I can honestly say that our experience of homework was rarely as positive as the situation you are enjoying. Hence, I felt that your reaction to Harris' post was rather harsh.
Harris is so first against the wall, come the PD revolution. Then he'll wish he hadn't blocked us.
I fucking hate homework. But my kids' school is full of pushy middle class parents (we usually lose quite a few kids in primary 5 or 6 to the local private schools) so there's pressure on the teachers to set lots of homework. As an example my seven year old has reading twice a week, a reading task worksheet, a set of spelling words to copy out three times and write a sentence containing each word, and a maths worksheet. He's seven for crying out loud.
Regardless of the ins and outs of the argument, artie isn't making them to forward a social critique of teaching etc but to simply to be naughty, to say look at me everyone, i'm arguing something the opposite of the mainstream view.
Excellent new take on "Don't you know who I am?" with "Do you know all the people I named?"
No, sorry - didn't go to school/college/tea/parties with them