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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Excellent new take on "Don't you know who I am?" with "Do you know all the people I named?"


No, sorry - didn't go to school/college/tea/parties with them :(

I suspect you didn't waltz into highly-lucrative pretend journalism based on who you had lunch with that's also part of the Oxbridge wiberal bubble, either, but that didn't stop Penny Dreadful from doing so.
She suffered from anorexia didn't she? Let's hope she gets no abuse at all with regards to her weight. It's good she gets upset about losing weight!

Yes but why tweet that given her history with anorexia? It's an invitation for arsey comments...I don't tweet about the things that are THAT personal and could be THAT affecting. :/

Personal boundaries and emotional safety are not something one has to give up to be relevant, edgey, likeable, or interesting.... There is a massive whiff of martyrdom in the air.

These people really need to understand that somebody not liking something you've written or painted is valid criticism, not misogyny. They don't hate women, they just don't like your work.

It is possible to give LP the benefit of the doubt - but looking through @pennyred tweets I don't see any generalised anti-women or belittling comments.

There's a large number of people looking for shout outs or promotion. A few being all let's joke about science fiction-fantasy. A few asking questions about her misrepresentations, a few asking questions about her politics.

LP stated:
For example: recent meeting with London radicals wanting to expand media platform. Refused to consider lack of women editors a major problem

This was a half-truth - at best - or outright lie. For a start it emerges that there are no editors (lie-o-meter swinging). And were those radicals actually untroubled by having few women participants - did they refuse to consider it?
Was there other things going on?

Let's note: LP has a talk to give in Germany in a couple of weeks' time called Cybersexism about online misogyny.

Laurie Penny
6 Mai 14:45 - 15:15
30 Minuten

The internet is changing the rules of sex and power, but just as gender takes new forms online, so does misogyny, rape culture and sexual violence. A talk on the structure of sexism online, and how women are fighting back.

A week ago this tweet - could it be an attempt to kick up a (non-)storm to lead in on with in speech/written story.

Anyone have a story of online sexism/harrassment they want to share with me for a piece I'm working on? Get in touch. laurie.penny@gmail.com
Vaguely seems like he's trying to be ironic or something.

What a prat.

Situationism is possible. A wilful mangling of British history, cod-ironic American nationalism against Brits.

Note an earlier piece by Malcolm Harris on why not being correct at stuff is OK and copying your homework helps you in the long run:

In Defense of Academic Dishonesty

Every piece of information from a teacher also comes with an affirmation of the “pedagogical act;” we are always learning to be taught. Rather than reducing the need for authorities through some sort of knowledge-is-power liberation, the classroom teaches students through experience to be reliant on a teacher.

Cheating is a challenge to pedagogical authority, a rejection of Miss Arnold’s demand that Danny “take her word for it.” Far from stealing, plagiarism in the context of schoolwork is about the reclamation by students of their own work-time. And more power to them.
New BBC magazine features to look forward to:
"How a medieval book of home remedies could keep you out the GP's waiting room."
"Housing crisis, what housing crisis? Make a bijou shelterette for you and your children with just a few cardboard boxes and some traditional British brio."

Bootstraps - A gameshow from this criminally neglected book by Rochdale's own Trevor Hoyle.

Vail is a black comedy set in a dreary, futuristic Britain. The work tells of how the title character loses both his wife and daughter in a highway accident and later arrives in London, where he is drawn into a sinister, scheming world.
Populated by the off-beat, the bizarre, and the morally corrupt, the city defies conventional urban activity. While Vail seeks to sustain his belief in a larger order of things through much of the work, he is ultimately engulfed by the growing anarchy surrounding him.
Note an earlier piece by Malcolm Harris on why not being correct at stuff is OK and copying your homework helps you in the long run:

In Defense of Academic Dishonesty
Every piece of information from a teacher also comes with an affirmation of the “pedagogical act;” we are always learning to be taught. Rather than reducing the need for authorities through some sort of knowledge-is-power liberation, the classroom teaches students through experience to be reliant on a teacher.

Cheating is a challenge to pedagogical authority, a rejection of Miss Arnold’s demand that Danny “take her word for it.” Far from stealing, plagiarism in the context of schoolwork is about the reclamation by students of their own work-time. And more power to them.
that's pure cringe inducing stuff isn't it - makes penny appear fairly sensible & grounded in comparison
Is it me or is this quite creepy? Not the sort of message that young women should be receiving imo

It's fine if it's from a sound class, feminist or anti-racist basis but if it's spurious and blaming people for things that they cannot control then it can be damaging.

The blog which supported it and hosted it was having a discussion with Laurie Penny earlier:


#BlackPrivilege is always having to remember that white people's feelings come first and foremost when discussing racism
PennyRed: lulz. Btw we must talk about the left. Email?
that's pure cringe inducing stuff isn't it - makes penny appear fairly sensible & grounded in comparison

He's arguing from a socialist position - the importance of not quoting people's ideas, cheating to allow one party to do work while another to pretend they have competence over something which they don't, and allowing students to repeat themselves aimlessly (what the UMD restriction on students' wholesale repeating their previous work - from one tutor to another - is about).
hmm...that exchange has more to it:

Reni Eddo-Lodge@renireni 5h
#BlackPrivilege is always having to remember that white people's feelings come first and foremost when discussing racism


Reni Eddo-Lodge@renireni 5h @PennyRed they are of course incredibly important so feel free to derail just far enough to shift the topic away from racism

Laurie Penny@PennyRed 5h @renireni lulz. Btw we must talk about the left. Email?
Malcolm Harris is the worst one out of all of them I reckon. Worse than Laurie, Molly, Owen, Sunni and Elly Mae all rolled into one.

He must be stopped. I don't care how it's done but the man is an affront to decency.

This is his take on Harry Potter:

Every scene between two characters is suffused with enough sexual tension so as to resemble porn exposition. Harry and Hermione, Ron and Hermione, Harry and Ginny, Harry and Malfoy, Ron and Lavender, Harry and Ron, Harry and Dumbledore, Harry and Malfoy

Not seen the film but sounds odd: how does basically cross-gender and same-gender friendship, teenage wistfulness/possible unrequited love etc "resemble porn exposition"

Comment below says: "they dont have sex in the movie because they dont have sex in the book. j.k. rowling wrote these books for kids"
This is his take on Harry Potter:

Not seen the film but sounds odd: how does basically cross-gender and same-gender friendship, teenage wistfulness/possible unrequited love etc "resemble porn exposition"

Comment below says: "they dont have sex in the movie because they dont have sex in the book. j.k. rowling wrote these books for kids"

If he's not a paedophile then he's giving an awfully good impression of one.
hmm...that exchange has more to it:

Sorry wasn't trying to misrepresent just trying to keep the focus on LP - the cross-Atlantic journalist and editor - not other bloggers who haven't done anything dishonest.

My feeling is the acceptance of privilege politics by people like LP (once accused posters on this thread "of left-flavoured unexamined straight male privilege") let's it sink in where it would otherwise not be. LP attempts to cultivate supporters on the basis of her fighting media (very occasionally) male privilege (as a crude summary).
If he's not a paedophile then he's giving an awfully good impression of one.

I strongly doubt it - instead there's a shade of revolutionary sexuality - (a wilder idea of the 1970s developed after late 1960s - the sexual revolution is happening but if people start to simply have sex with lots of people in many different ways, the desire for marriage will erode and a key linchpin of capitalism - the nuclear family can also be eroded)

Here is where he discusses sex and capitalism:

Berardi is old. Besides the “you kids need to slow down” crap, I object to the way he describes sex as something that requires withdrawal from the (sometimes literal) circuits of production. One need not go to Damn You Autocorrect to know sexting provides more potential for the play of libidinal flows than a room with two sets of doors gave Moliere. He assumes post-humanism means the death of sensuality rather than its queering, which doesn’t seem right to me.

Post-humanism is - I think - the age the western world is entering with the rise of instant communication - smart phones, apps, twitter and the like - being part of a larger machine.

Damn you... is http://www.damnyouautocorrect.com.

Sex (as I endeavor to have it, at very least), is an innovative act because, like Wittgenstein’s example of the required height of a shot in tennis, it is neither against nor within the rules, a practice of normality rather than norms. David Sedaris writes in his memoir Naked of losing his virginity as a process of production: “‘You kids think you invented sex,’ my mother was fond of saying. But hadn’t we? With no instruction manual or federally enforced training period, didn’t we all come away feeling we’d discovered something unspeakably modern?” If we can reject the shitty scripts we get from men’s and women’s magazines as well as bad porn, sex can be productive as, well, fuck. It’s important not to confuse fooling around with revolutionary praxis - despite what Andreas Baader may have said, fucking is not the same as shooting – but the exploration of unknown and unnamed potentials in the bedroom (or wherever) need not stop there. Sex can potentially serve as a model for innovative action that, unlike Berardi’s automaton-swarms, doesn’t follow instructions. Instead of a retreat from, sex can be an act of sabotage against and appropriation of capital’s machinery of subjective production. Hell, even riot police can be used as a sex toy.
Sorry wasn't trying to misrepresent just trying to keep the focus on LP - the cross-Atlantic journalist and editor - not other bloggers who haven't done anything dishonest.

My feeling is the acceptance of privilege politics by people like LP (once accused posters on this thread "of left-flavoured unexamined straight male privilege") let's it sink in where it would otherwise not be. LP attempts to cultivate supporters on the basis of her fighting media (very occasionally) male privilege (as a crude summary).

Personally I found the exchange even stranger given that the tweet preceeding the one LP responded to said this:

Reni Eddo-Lodge@renireni 5h
#BlackPrivilege is biting your tounge when watching white feminists don the cloak of white victimhood. They feel bullied, apparently.

Not sure she actually got it at all!

Having read the blog it all becomes a little clearer.
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