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Fair enough, but I suppose that makes the point that we're all attempting to generalise from the specific.

As a parent of older, (now adult) offspring, I can honestly say that our experience of homework was rarely as positive as the situation you are enjoying. Hence, I felt that your reaction to Harris' post was rather harsh.

Impossible to be too harsh with this one.
He is writing about plagiarism at a university - OFSTED doesn't inspect universities! He at one point calls for more tests in the sciences at least (English Lit students like him probably get off). Tests mean even more homework or work at home because you are never ever properly ready. His arguments make little sense to me.

Cheating or plagiarsm isn't struggle against homework - it's forcing teachers to be bad teachers and authoritarians who plough on with curriculum because they see students correctly completing homework which they haven't mastered properly or competently.

Struggle against homework comes from serious schoolstudent unions - who collectively reduce homework production to its essentials cutting out the heavy unnecessary bits and the ideological impulse (by forcing the teacher body to more genuinely collaborate with students rather than impose a middle-class norm).
Post-humanism is - I think - the age the western world is entering with the rise of instant communication - smart phones, apps, twitter and the like - being part of a larger machine.

Partly. It has a lot to do with Post-Darwinist trends like evolutionary psychology too. Basically the argument is that the boundaries between the human and the non-human are being eroded at either end: between humans and animals on the one hand; between humans and cyborgs on the other.

Americans always think of sex. Their minds are constantly in the gutter. Far worse than any other nation ime.
Situationism is possible. A wilful mangling of British history, cod-ironic American nationalism against Brits.

Note an earlier piece by Malcolm Harris on why not being correct at stuff is OK and copying your homework helps you in the long run:

In Defense of Academic Dishonesty

That's quite an amusing read, if not for the reasons Harris might like.
That he somehow translates the Bourdieu et Passeron quote as meaning that pedagogy is purely a transmission line for inculcating a reliance on pedagogues to mediate information isn't surprising (although it is risible - they say a lot more than that :) ). What is surprising is his apparent embrace of a similar educational trope - that some form of "natural learning" will suffice (if you're as naturally-talented as Malcolm believes himself to be, anyway).
As for the comparison of education to production, while there are some confluences, his comparison is so reductive as to be almost meaningless (although I suppose his paraphrases of Marx will win him some high fives from those in his orbit). The intent of education may reside partially in the "production" of a literate, numerate subject, but it isn't necessarily "productive" of anything "useful" to capitalism, beyond another body in the pool of reserve labour.
That's quite an amusing read, if not for the reasons Harris might like.
That he somehow translates the Bourdieu et Passeron quote as meaning that pedagogy is purely a transmission line for inculcating a reliance on pedagogues to mediate information isn't surprising (although it is risible - they say a lot more than that :) ). What is surprising is his apparent embrace of a similar educational trope - that some form of "natural learning" will suffice (if you're as naturally-talented as Malcolm believes himself to be, anyway).
As for the comparison of education to production, while there are some confluences, his comparison is so reductive as to be almost meaningless (although I suppose his paraphrases of Marx will win him some high fives from those in his orbit). The intent of education may reside partially in the "production" of a literate, numerate subject, but it isn't necessarily "productive" of anything "useful" to capitalism, beyond another body in the pool of reserve labour.

The transmission line shit's pretty risky for Mr $5,000 a time to talk about a few parties he hung out at. I trained in pedagogy, and will tan your hide seven days from Sunday. He wouldn't last ten minutes in a classroom ;)
Remember the context for his remarks on teachers - calling on other teachers to scab against teachers involved in an ongoing strike - which itself, apart from being politically ridiculous, is a logical dogs dinner. If, as he argues teachers role make them the moral equivalent of prison guards (i.e it's a characteristic of the role full stop), then why would having teachers replace teachers make a blind bit of difference?

As for the return to natural education type stuff (people like Bey/Lamborn WIlson esp), always rather too close to hey kids, why don't you take all your clothes up, look i'm not a teacher or your parents, or a nasty adult, look i'll do it too!
Remember the context for his remarks on teachers - calling on other teachers to scab against teachers involved in an ongoing strike - which itself, apart from being politically ridiculous, is a logical dogs dinner.

His very cleverly constructed phrase was done precisely to avoid this kind of charge - sort of got away with it isn't seen as a fruitloop as a result - it was simply a situationist critique of capitalist education.

Look at the flow of the argument after that post https://twitter.com/BigMeanInternet/status/245516465481080832

He says: "only people less elite than Chi teachers are Chi students..."

It was politically dangerous - the whole angle for w/class consumption of the Rahm Ehmanuel offensive against the AFT was that they were blocking Charter schools and Green Dots because they happily keep south side black Chicago in an educational prison of low expectations.
I fucking hate homework. But my kids' school is full of pushy middle class parents (we usually lose quite a few kids in primary 5 or 6 to the local private schools) so there's pressure on the teachers to set lots of homework. As an example my seven year old has reading twice a week, a reading task worksheet, a set of spelling words to copy out three times and write a sentence containing each word, and a maths worksheet. He's seven for crying out loud.
Yep, reading with your child = fine, but any art/design projects that the parent has to do with them is totally ridiculous imo. If the child can't do their own homework then what is the point of it?
Yep, reading with your child = fine, but any art/design projects that the parent has to do with them is totally ridiculous imo. If the child can't do their own homework then what is the point of it?

It's an 'impose costs of art education onto unpaid parents and carers' strategy.
The norm as it is now mostly blocks the school from genuine extended art and craft sessions so that part of it is thrust into the home.
It's an 'impose costs of art education onto unpaid parents and carers' strategy.
The norm as it is now mostly blocks the school from genuine extended art and craft sessions so that part of it is thrust into the home.
Actually (at primary school at least) I think it's because teachers/schools think it is important to encourage feckless parents to be more involved with their children, have some quality time where they are engaging with them instead of just sticking them in front of the TV. It doesn't have to be an art project, it can be any homework that the child needs parental support to do.
I think that you're thinking of human beings...

Could anyone but an American write this? I think not.

"Sex (as I endeavor to have it, at very least), is an innovative act because, like Wittgenstein’s example of the required height of a shot in tennis, it is neither against nor within the rules, a practice of normality rather than norms."
Actually (at primary school at least) I think it's because teachers/schools think it is important to encourage feckless parents to be more involved with their children, have some quality time where they are engaging with them instead of just sticking them in front of the TV. It doesn't have to be an art project, it can be any homework that the child needs parental support to do.

At KS3, first bit of secondary, art and craft is very limited. Heavy out of school long projects is often how it's done.
Could anyone but an American write this? I think not.

"Sex (as I endeavor to have it, at very least), is an innovative act because, like Wittgenstein’s example of the required height of a shot in tennis, it is neither against nor within the rules, a practice of normality rather than norms."

Yeah I know plenty of British pretentious idiots that have disappeared up their own arses while reading post-modernist articles about English literature. If you told me any number of people I know at uni wrote that I'd believe it.
Yeah I know plenty of British pretentious idiots that have disappeared up their own arses while reading post-modernist articles about English literature. If you told me any number of people I know at uni wrote that I'd believe it.

I don't know man, he sounds practically French there....
His very cleverly constructed phrase was done precisely to avoid this kind of charge - sort of got away with it isn't seen as a fruitloop as a result - it was simply a situationist critique of capitalist education.

Look at the flow of the argument after that post https://twitter.com/BigMeanInternet/status/245516465481080832

He says: "only people less elite than Chi teachers are Chi students..."

It was politically dangerous - the whole angle for w/class consumption of the Rahm Ehmanuel offensive against the AFT was that they were blocking Charter schools and Green Dots because they happily keep south side black Chicago in an educational prison of low expectations.

Are you saying he was trying to shill for Rahm Emanuel while retaining radical credentials?

Some of his later interventions are interesting:

Malcolm Harris@BigMeanInternet@OaklandElle@laurenriot@akerfoot @OaktownMike @OakScott I got the best public education in the country and kids killed themselves a lot.

Malcolm Harris@BigMeanInternet@OakScott @OaktownMike I've seen teachers enforce a system and produce situations that literally makes kids kill themselves
Having recently completed my GCSEs, can I just point out what a load of wank our education system is. I ended up quite ill from the stress at one stage, and it was seen as my health getting in the way of my education, not the other way around. It completely ruined my life, and I know that sounds like an overreaction but it's just how it is. Just because something's the norm, it doesn't make it right.
His very cleverly constructed phrase was done precisely to avoid this kind of charge - sort of got away with it isn't seen as a fruitloop as a result - it was simply a situationist critique of capitalist education.

Look at the flow of the argument after that post https://twitter.com/BigMeanInternet/status/245516465481080832

He says: "only people less elite than Chi teachers are Chi students..."

It was politically dangerous - the whole angle for w/class consumption of the Rahm Ehmanuel offensive against the AFT was that they were blocking Charter schools and Green Dots because they happily keep south side black Chicago in an educational prison of low expectations.
I suspect that he probably spotted the danger in what he was saying and had enough suss to work out some semi-plausible path out of it, but if he has got away with it (i don't know if he has) i wouldn't put it down to the content of his argument, more that the people he writes for have no understanding of what politics actually is. They think it's just a word-game, a parlour game and no effects beyond the rhetorical are to be expected from what ever you argue.

They are the sort of people who would consider it devilishly delightful to argue in the antebellum US that slavery must be preserved because it was the clearest demonstration possible of the unfree nature of that society. And once that's done, onto the next petty verbal provocation. As such these people are easily seen through by the wider class (esp that politically (formally) part of it, and have no social weight - are not really relevant.

But before someone replies if they have no social weight then why are you going on about them? If they don't matter then wtf are you on about? It must be remembered that it's their ideas that have no social weight , their arguments. The role they play in putting people off this public-left is very very real though, that's where they have some social weight (even if negatively from our perspective). The two are part of one rotten whole. Their ideas have to be idiotic, self-centred and socially meaningless if they're going to be able to play this second role of alienating people from active political participation.
excellent post. do you mind if i quote it on my blog?

i've said before that i think that these people would have been - and the 30s equivalents of them were - the intellectual "bohemian" "liberal" apologists for fascism, who think it's wonderful that there's so much vitality and action going on whereas in the UK it's rainy and depressing etc. and of course the stuff about the "proletarian nation" having a right to fight back against the "imperialist nations". dilletantes who may have read a few books but know nothing, understand nothing, who are simply using this stuff as parlour games without any wider significance. i despise people like this.
Slight aside. Not really relevant to Harris, but the vultures circling around him and his Share or Die:Forward! ideas are worth noting.
'On Monday, June 4, 2012, SharedSquared NY is holding a meetup called Trust: the Key Element to Success in Sharing. It features Andrea Howe of Trusted Advisor Associates; Sheila Karaszewski, Community Manager at Airbnb; and Anna Thomas, Loosecubes Chief Happiness Officer. The event will focus on the difference between trust, reputation and influence; how trust differs between sharing economy businesses; and rules for how companies can create trust.'

An internet company CEOs get-together is what Malcom Harris wrote about here


Scott Heiferman who hosted the event was for a while Sony's "Interactive Marketing Frontiersman" expert. He left the high corporate world said 'f you' to big capitalist firms by setting up several of his making a little money hitting the jackpot with MeetUp which is pretty big in the USA:

his twitter today:
120,552 RSVPs to 19,073 Meetups today (all-time highs)... Lotsa new friendships will be made. See your town: http://meetup.com/find

It started out free but then began charging organisers of 'meetups' in Apr 2005, it went to make money some background here

An NYT bio of him here, he is an anti-corporatist, his website analysing a book by Doug Rushkoff called Life Inc has countless leftist clarion calls:

"personal freedom would become the rallying cry of one counterculture or another, only serving to reinforce the very same individualism... we were either individuals in thrall of the masquerade, or individuals in defiance of it. corporatism was the end result in either case."

Rushkoff (a media professor writer who coined the phrase 'viral' for internet-led popularity and 'digital native' describing Western teenagers who only know life with multi-media) himself is an advisor to Meetup:

Advisory Board
Jim Cashel, Steven Johnson, Kenneth Lerer, Robert Putnam, Ira Rosen, Richard Rowe, Douglas Rushkoff, Andrew Shapiro, Clay Shirky, Brian Sroub, Jeffrey Stewart.
excellent post. do you mind if i quote it on my blog?

i've said before that i think that these people would have been - and the 30s equivalents of them were - the intellectual "bohemian" "liberal" apologists for fascism, who think it's wonderful that there's so much vitality and action going on whereas in the UK it's rainy and depressing etc. and of course the stuff about the "proletarian nation" having a right to fight back against the "imperialist nations". dilletantes who may have read a few books but know nothing, understand nothing, who are simply using this stuff as parlour games without any wider significance. i despise people like this.
Of course, no worries.
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