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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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No, that was posted two hours ago so around 6pm. If you look at the screenshot I posted the time is 1pm. That is someone pretending to be me.

Anyone want to own up?

In fairness it could have been anyone who's read bits of this thread.
Christ, I read all the comments. She's getting a bit of a pasting. Can't be pleasant for the lass to be mocked and receive so much criticism; probably why she turned up here full of piss and vinegar.

Easily solved though (and not with a cup of tea).

In fairness it could have been anyone who's read bits of this thread.
It is someone who calls her Laura, I have my suspicions. There's only a handful of people who call her Laura. She usually gets Laurie, Penny, Dave or Gobshite.
It can't be easy getting that much negativity on a regular basis, to be fair, but living a life in the public eye will invite comment whether it's warranted or not.
It can't be easy getting that much negativity on a regular basis, to be fair, but living a life in the public eye will invite comment whether it's warranted or not.

Especially when your mate Owen gets praise from the same people who rubbish her work.
Christ, I read all the comments. She's getting a bit of a pasting. Can't be pleasant for the lass to be mocked and receive so much criticism; probably why she turned up here full of piss and vinegar.

I suspect she understands that a negative reaction is a lot better than none. It can even be better than a positive reaction. Julie Burchill would be forgotten today if she hadn't driven the entire readership of the NME absolutely insane with rage throughout the late '70s. Good journos thrive on hostility.
At the risk of a pasting, isn't he genuinely a better journalist who means it more than Laurie?

Feel a bit nervous about possible replies.

Owen has his faults but he is. I think he's strongest when he is on the spot, live radio / TV. He's always well researched, informed and can debate. Where as Penny calls people a cunt on a public platform or stands there like like 1 O'clock half struck.


On being called a cunt by Laurie Penny

Last night I attended a debate between AWL organizer Ed Maltby and journalist-cum-activist Laurie Penny. I won’t pretend it was the most interesting debate in the whole world, but nonetheless it was one of a number of fora in which activists are coming together to discuss theoretical issues in the emerging anti-cuts movement. The event culminated, though, with Laurie Penny saying, “we all have to work with people we don’t agree with” and then gesturing at me, “for example, I think Jacob is a cunt.” When it was suggested, after the meeting, by another activist that she offer some kind of apology, her response was, “no, he is a cunt.”
One thing I notice when I read her articles is that you don't even have to be thinking very hard or even know that much to find the mistakes. Wasn't "managed decline" a term used with specific reference to Liverpool in a government document? It wasn't about inner cities areas in general and certainly not about inner London ones.

It's all so clumsy.
Owen has his faults but he is. I think he's strongest when he is on the spot, live radio / TV. He's always well researched, informed and can debate. Where as Penny calls people a cunt on a public platform or stands there like like 1 O'clock half struck.


On being called a cunt by Laurie Penny

Last night I attended a debate between AWL organizer Ed Maltby and journalist-cum-activist Laurie Penny. I won’t pretend it was the most interesting debate in the whole world, but nonetheless it was one of a number of fora in which activists are coming together to discuss theoretical issues in the emerging anti-cuts movement. The event culminated, though, with Laurie Penny saying, “we all have to work with people we don’t agree with” and then gesturing at me, “for example, I think Jacob is a cunt.” When it was suggested, after the meeting, by another activist that she offer some kind of apology, her response was, “no, he is a cunt.”

What a tosser.
One thing I notice when I read her articles is that you don't even have to be thinking very hard or even know that much to find the mistakes. Wasn't "managed decline" a term used with specific reference to Liverpool in a government document? It wasn't about inner cities areas in general and certainly not about inner London ones.

It's all so clumsy.

You also get the impression that whatever you think about his conclusions Owen actually cares about what he writes, he is from a trade unionist background, whereas Laurie could be writing about anything it just so happens that she has found this particular schtick she can monetize.
You also get the impression that whatever you think about his conclusions Owen actually cares about what he writes, he is from a trade unionist background, whereas Laurie could be writing about anything it just so happens that she has found this particular schtick she can monetize.

I totally agree.
After a quick bit of googling I came across a article by Laurie showing joy at per emotive arrests on suspicion of future trouble of the EDL, one rule for one, criticism of the left when they have pre arrests eh Laurie, also unless there's Section 60 stops for crowd control ,which I've not heard in the news ,has been authorised, Jst because the Standard says there's going to be 'sweeping stop and search' doesn't make it true,

Your comment that Brixton erupted several Times during Thatchers time ,it was only twice,

regarding the Sky person who showed anger at her Parents not getting milk, so was outraged, someone ,you can relate too is it,

Lastly ' thatcher crushed the spirit of the working class taking on the unions in one bloody fist' , how d'you know what the working class think or thought at the time Laurie, did you read about it in the student bar at Oxford uni, or did you meet someone at the guardian online who tol.d you what happened after they'd popped down to one picket line on their way from their NW1 postcode home
You also get the impression that whatever you think about his conclusions Owen actually cares about what he writes, he is from a trade unionist background, whereas Laurie could be writing about anything it just so happens that she has found this particular schtick she can monetize.

does he represent his class though?
One thing I notice when I read her articles is that you don't even have to be thinking very hard or even know that much to find the mistakes. Wasn't "managed decline" a term used with specific reference to Liverpool in a government document? It wasn't about inner cities areas in general and certainly not about inner London ones.

It's all so clumsy.

Yep - it's lazy, insulting crap. And so easy for defenders of Thatcher to refute, giving the impression that the only way you can refute the idea that Thatcher was the saviour of Britain is to make shit up.

Any one of us on these boards could have produced better. Much better. Which brings us back to the point about posh school and Oxbridge social networks enabling mediocre writers to get into that kind of position. (Maybe a little bit unfair, there are a couple of topics on which she does write very well - but this definitely isn't one of them)
The whole thing is dodgy mate:

"This victory was always going to be a pyrrhic one and the people here were determined to warm their faces by the fire as it died."

Pyrrhic for what? For who? How? No one thought protesting Thatcher's media beatification would bring down the coalition.

This bit - what does it mean?

"David Cameron's cabinet has completed the largest project of redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich in centuries."
Cameron has done this more successfully than Blair, than Thatcher, than Asquith, than Lloyd George, than Ramsay MacDonald and Stanley Baldwin, than all the other imperialist era prime ministers.
"The funeral celebrations are gross and the headlines are gross and the death parties are gross"
Death parties are not gross when the dead is Thatcher, they are a normal thing - what happened when Franco died and when Nixon died. Bla bla
That's another inaccuracy - Thatcher was as successful as she was in taking on the unions precisely because she didn't take them on all at once.

I am guessing that comment is why she is blaming her pasting on right wing trolls because it does have a whiff of tory about it.

Wish there was a suitable emoticon for the above!
The line has been changed unless I am getting it all wrong

"Thatcher took on organised labour and won, crushing the unions and the spirit of the British working class in one manicured fist."

Yep - it's lazy, insulting crap. And so easy for defenders of Thatcher to refute, giving the impression that the only way you can refute the idea that Thatcher was the saviour of Britain is to make shit up.

As other posters prob know better than me, Thatcher helped set in train capitalist regeneration schemes for parts of certain inner cities like the Docklands and the famous LDDC.
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