A cat politely sat on the flaming gardener.
She suspected the comment may be from someone on here and came to check?Wonder why she dropped in today... Was it after that comment was posted I wonder?
She suspected the comment may be from someone on here and came to check?Wonder why she dropped in today... Was it after that comment was posted I wonder?
After reading a great deal of this thread it seems quite clear to me what's going on here. I'm not going to ask you to check your privilege on this one, you had much rather check your ressentiment. I know it's a classical far-right argument, but it seems to be such a precise analysis of this discussion that it would be cheap to dismiss it outright.
After reading a great deal of this thread it seems quite clear to me what's going on here. I'm not going to ask you to check your privilege on this one, you had much rather check your ressentiment. I know it's a classical far-right argument, but it seems to be such a precise analysis of this discussion that it would be cheap to dismiss it outright.
If the whole point of this nitpicking is using some random person as a prugelknabe for your own feelings of inadequacy, it seems somewhat unfair towards the random person. And ressentiment is obviously a more or less legitimate, and at any rate a powerfull, source of any rebellion, but if you leave it unchecked, it makes you stupid.
Maybe it's what happens after you've monterised your hotness?What exactly is hate-wanking?
Enquring minds want to know.
It wasn't who I thought it was then (Norman)!
No way did they do the entire thread in a day. Takes about a week, probably longer now.I am more concerned that Odrade joined yesterday and has read this whole thread since then. It was such lovely weather today too.
After reading a great deal of this thread it seems quite clear to me what's going on here. I'm not going to ask you to check your privilege on this one, you had much rather check your ressentiment. I know it's a classical far-right argument, but it seems to be such a precise analysis of this discussion that it would be cheap to dismiss it outright.
Pop psychology and foreign verbosity! You did P&P at Oxford and I claim my five deutsche mark.
I looked up prugelknabe and it just means "whipping boy". So we have a direct translation for it in English and using the German is fucking stupid. There are foreign words that merit use in English but only if they don't have a worthy or succinct equivalent.
No way did they do the entire thread in a day. Takes about a week, probably longer now.
Bairn. Kirk.Yes, but using it marks you out as better than everyone who has to look it up. Different. A unique special terribly clever little flower
Oh. I'm so full of saudade! Whatever am I to do?