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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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English is my second language, thus foreign verbosity or whatnot - and no one wins any bets about Oxford and P&P (whatever that is). Anyway - fair point with the thread not all being about the ressentiment-thing, it just seemed strange to me that no one had pointed out such an obvious streak to this whole conversation. I did have a lot of fun reading through this stuff (though I did not read all of it, or even most), and there are many interesting points that I do agree with. It just seems unfair to lay all of it on Laurie Pennys doorstep - what is she supposed to do with the middle-class-oxbridge-stuff? Constantly apologize? Shut up? Someone made the same point in this tread about Lena Dunham - why is she to bear the responsibility for something that only makes sense as a problem on a systemic level?

And it's not pop psychology - it's pop philosophy - so much more fun.
English is my second language, thus foreign verbosity or whatnot - and no one wins any bets about Oxford and P&P (whatever that is). Anyway - fair point with the thread not all being about the ressentiment-thing, it just seemed strange to me that no one had pointed out such an obvious streak to this whole conversation. I did have a lot of fun reading through this stuff (though I did not read all of it, or even most), and there are many interesting points that I do agree with. It just seems unfair to lay all of it on Laurie Pennys doorstep - what is she supposed to do with the middle-class-oxbridge-stuff? Constantly apologize? Shut up? Someone made the same point in this tread about Lena Dunham - why is she to bear the responsibility for something that only makes sense as a problem on a systemic level?

And it's not pop psychology - it's pop philosophy - so much more fun.

Is German your first language then? If you write English like that and you're not bilingual because of your family or upbringing congratulations.
And it's not pop psychology - it's pop philosophy - so much more fun.

Personally I think it's more fun when you recognise the crossover/similarities of the two. Especially when handing out such a generalised 'diagnosis' of what you believe to be a group of people's (many posters on this thread) psychological processes and existential nuerosis like you did with your first post.

To begin with you positioned yourself as the expert, with the ability to posit, ponder and answer all of the important questions we are clearly too 'jealous' to realise.
You lot are hilarious. Really. The number of hours you've wasted ranting, hyperventilating and making up rubbish about me and stalking my friends is no doubt an enormous loss to the British left.
Here we fucking go again, just as the thread was losing momentum as well.... :rolleyes::facepalm:
Didn't seem worth a thread of its own so I thought I'd stick it here. Old Holborn on twitter was posting all kinds of vile shit about Hillsborough victims and James Bulger on the 15th. The scousers have found out who he is and dropped his docs all over the internet :D

He's gone AWOL and left his wife to take the flack. The coward.
Who are the British left?
Does LP include herself in that description?
Surely if you are happy to and defend calling someone a cunt Laurie you surely respect another person's right to disagree with you/your approach?
Didn't seem worth a thread of its own so I thought I'd stick it here. Old Holborn on twitter was posting all kinds of vile shit about Hillsborough victims and James Bulger on the 15th. The scousers have found out who he is and dropped his docs all over the internet :D

He's gone AWOL and left his wife to take the flack. The coward.

On my Blocked list, has been for a while, life is too short.
Who are the British left?
Does LP include herself in that description?
Surely if you are happy to and defend calling someone a cunt Laurie you surely respect another person's right to disagree with you/your approach?
Also why the emphasis on British
On my Blocked list, has been for a while, life is too short.

I'd only ever heard the name mentioned on here and a couple of blogs before tonight but I'd seen enough to know he was a vile piece of shit. Obviously thought he'd be able to hide behind that mask for ever so it's quite amusing to see him getting his.
If the whole point of this nitpicking is using some random person as a prugelknabe for your own feelings of inadequacy, it seems somewhat unfair towards the random person. And ressentiment is obviously a more or less legitimate, and at any rate a powerfull, source of any rebellion, but if you leave it unchecked, it makes you stupid.
Cool Story!

Got any more?:rolleyes:
I'd only ever heard the name mentioned on here and a couple of blogs before tonight but I'd seen enough to know he was a vile piece of shit. Obviously thought he'd be able to hide behind that mask for ever so it's quite amusing to see him getting his.

Crikey. Everything on him available to see.
English is my second language, thus foreign verbosity or whatnot - and no one wins any bets about Oxford and P&P (whatever that is). Anyway - fair point with the thread not all being about the ressentiment-thing, it just seemed strange to me that no one had pointed out such an obvious streak to this whole conversation. I did have a lot of fun reading through this stuff (though I did not read all of it, or even most), and there are many interesting points that I do agree with. It just seems unfair to lay all of it on Laurie Pennys doorstep - what is she supposed to do with the middle-class-oxbridge-stuff? Constantly apologize? Shut up? Someone made the same point in this tread about Lena Dunham - why is she to bear the responsibility for something that only makes sense as a problem on a systemic level?

And it's not pop psychology - it's pop philosophy - so much more fun.
We're not laying it all at Laurie's doorstep by any means.
Didn't seem worth a thread of its own so I thought I'd stick it here. Old Holborn on twitter was posting all kinds of vile shit about Hillsborough victims and James Bulger on the 15th. The scousers have found out who he is and dropped his docs all over the internet :D

He's gone AWOL and left his wife to take the flack. The coward.
What a spineless excuse of a human being. I hope his divorce papers are forthcoming.
Didn't seem worth a thread of its own so I thought I'd stick it here. Old Holborn on twitter was posting all kinds of vile shit about Hillsborough victims and James Bulger on the 15th. The scousers have found out who he is and dropped his docs all over the internet :D

He's gone AWOL and left his wife to take the flack. The coward.

Link, am on a tablet and its a PIA jumping apps n shizzle
He looks like a fucking wrong 'un too

We're not laying it all at Laurie's doorstep by any means.
I suppose that's the trouble with taking exception to the distortions and fabrications of narcissists who are representative of a wider milieu of privileged tossbags speaking as 'the voice of...'. Whether it's journos misrepresenting their sources, artists telling people that if they don't monetise their looks they're just plain stupid or trustafarian hipster 'radicals' spending their waking hours divided between posting trite one-liners on twitter* and partying hard with the rest of the bohos; it's not about the colossal experiential divide between these people and those they appear to 'represent', instead it's all about them. Attack everything that's wrong about what they represent, and you attack them personally because they are what they represent -and no amount of rationale or linking to salient examples will convince them otherwise.

It's worse than tragic, it's fucking desperate. =/

*Caveat: Yes, there are also sound people on trite-er as well...
Well, that wedding photo's a great mental image for first date sex when you want to perform for a bit longer. I reckon that's another 15 minutes right there.
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